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Woke up feeling like 12 sacks of shit today; my wife was sick all weekend. Yay flu! :party :santa


I made Patti a nice big ol' pot of chicken soup over the weekend, but there is no more and I ain't got the strength to do it at the moment... anybody have any ideas for homespun remedies? Any medications work better than others? I took TheraFlu this morning and am drinking tea w/honey & lemon @ the moment

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I got to spend the entire long weekend (which I was so excited for!) with the flu. Freezing cold, aching, entire body in pain, fever, felt like burning barb wire in my throat...........and now the coughing has started. I had alot of Neo-Citron, not sure if it helped at all. I just slept alot. As little movement as possible.

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My kiddo was out for a week with it recently! Running 103.3 temp at one point. She's never been so mellow, which was actually kind of nice for a change. How awful am I?! Getting lots of rest (though I doubt you feel like getting out and running a marathon anyway) and keeping hydrated are super important tips.

Sleep, sleep, sleep. Drink, drink, drink.

((((Get well vibes!)))))

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My whole family had it.. Wife, two kids.. They had it bad.. But for some reason I dodged the bullet..


Be careful though.. When I was taking my oldest son to the doctor, there was a guy that had the flu so bad, he had to be admitted to the hospital.. He was so dehydrated that he couldn't walk.. So yes, fluids are important.

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won ton soup might help

smart! you could have it delivered.


mart, hope you are feeling better soon! sounds like you got hit pretty hard.


to echo pookie: fluids!!

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I don't get the flu often - the last time was probably 3 years ago, and before that it was all the way back in 1983 or '84 . For the most recent bout, I tried to drink a lot of water, but mostly I just wimpered like a small, lost child and occassionally cried out for someone to shoot me in the head.

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I had fever for 4 days! Keeping hydrated is key but it's hard as hell to sleep with a fever. My solution? DOPE UP. Let me say before anyone else does (the usual people) that I'm one of those "lucky" people who have insurance. I went to the doc after 3 days of 102 and 103 degree fever and a dry cough. The kind of cough you work like hell to produce something and it never happens? Well, I told him I could not sleep and he gave me a cough suppressant with codeine and a steroid in it. :whew The very next day I felt better. Not a hundred percent but I was able to go in public. :thumbup Anyway, my point is to get fluids constantly but do what ever you can to get rest. It's not easy.


I hope you get better!

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3 of us had it, my daughter first--104 degree fever, then me during the super bowl and a few days after, then my husband with a fever for a week, and generally sick for another. I have known him for over 20 years and have never seen him this sick. I knew he was really feeling bad when he missed 4 days of work, he never misses work. Tons of people I know here in the Hartford area have it.


Lots of fluids, eat some protein if you can. A spoonful of honey can help a cough. My friend swears by oscillium (sp?--you get it at the health food store). My husband only just got his sense of smell and taste back, he had a glass of wine friday and it totally wiped him out.


We've never had the flu before, and maybe it wouldn't have helped this year, but, we won't miss shots after this!


I'm just glad it went through us before the New Haven show!


Good vibes to you and yours!

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heard on the radio today that there is a flu strain making the rounds in illinois, that the current flu vaccine does not prevent.


we are cancelling the twins birthday party this due to logan picking something up and i'm starting to feel like i'm catching something too.



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i blame what i think i'm coming down w/ on you and tully for engaing me in friendly conversation after the show on friday. i hope you two are happy w/ yourselves.

Please, I'm begging you all going to the residency, please don't give it to the band. I'm living for Sunday night in New Haven!

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I had it. Just got over it, it was terrible for a little bit but meds helped. I actually went to the clinic and apparently the flu spread to one of my ears so I had to get some antibiotics for that.


Aside fro the antibiotics I drank at least 10 liters of water a day during the sickness. 'course, I had to go to the bathroom a lot, but it made coping with the flu a lot easier.


Also strange was an unrelated eye infection that came up about 4-5 days into the flu. Had the flu for about 2 weeks, I think.

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ugh. the last time i had the flu it was when wilco was doing their stint at the vic. what the heck! and that flu was so bad it lasted 2 weeks and then some for the brochitis I developed. I was able to reschedule my promotion interview at work to next week, thank goodness, in case I'm incapacitated the next few days. :(

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Just woke up from a few hours' sleep after watching Liverpool/Inter Milan Champions' League... glad to report that I don't feel like an ICBM detonated in my head, just quite lethargic. Thanks for the remedies, heading into the kitchen now to guzzle a bit of honey to kill this cough.


Alison, PLEASE feel better soon. I remember that last time you got rocked, and it seems like it took you weeks to recover. Get that husband of yours to make you some chicken soup (or at least bring you some home after the show).

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