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Why I hate todays Wilco fans

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Also, at the time, it felt like a lot of people were jokingly booing Jeff for insinuating that YHF was the first album they all bought. (Totally true in my case, by the way.)


No matter what, I can't figure out precisely what you're hating. Don't let me stop you, though!

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Keep on Hating it is the best feeling in the world. Even when no one else know what in the world you hate or why or even how you practice that hatred.







Also, at the time, it felt like a lot of people were jokingly booing Jeff for insinuating that YHF was the first album they all bought. (Totally true in my case, by the way.)


I bought AGIB first. Is there a thread where we tell everyone what our first Wilco related purchase was? Beause there should be.

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I became an Uncle Tupelo fan in 1992. Does that make me better than everyone else? And if so, do I get special prizes, rewards, and perks? I hope so! :thumbup

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I became an Uncle Tupelo fan in 1992. Does that make me better than everyone else? And if so, do I get special prizes, rewards, and perks? I hope so! :thumbup

Yes you are better than nearly anyone else on this board. In form of a prize you will receive a paycheck form your place of employment, provided you do the work they pay you for.

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Yes you are better than nearly anyone else on this board. In form of a prize you will receive a paycheck form your place of employment, provided you do the work they pay you for.


Yes! I knew all the miles I've traveled to shows and hours I've spent on VC would someday pay off!

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Me too and I like it better than YHF, but does anyone really care?


AGIB was also my 1st wilco purchase, i bought back in the high school days it strickly because i kept seeing magazine ads all over the place for it, and i was like, hey ive never heard of these guys ill give em a try, then a month or so later I told a guy i work with bout the cd and he gave me uncle tupelo and being there and told me to listen to them, and ive been hooked ever since, and new haven last night fucking rocked with the being there stuff

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I became an Uncle Tupelo fan in 1992. Does that make me better than everyone else? And if so, do I get special prizes, rewards, and perks? I hope so! :thumbup

As a matter of fact, your prize is THIS: a 13 month old Basset with an attitude problem, FedExed directly to you from the flatlands of Indiana!

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As a matter of fact, your prize is THIS: a 13 month old Basset with an attitude problem, FedExed directly to you from the flatlands of Indiana!


Wow! She'll go great with my 10-year-old Basset with an attitude problem! They can be canine representations of the old and new Wilco fans.

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Yeah, shame on these new fans. If the first album of Jeff's you got wasn't a bootleg of his first show with the Primitives, then you aren't a real fan. Hell, the real hard core fans were rocking out to Jeff's early renditions of "Hot Crossed Buns" on the recorder in 2nd grade music class. ;)


In all seriousness, I've been a fan since the Uncle Tupelo days, and I remember arguing with my college roommate about whether Wilco or Son Volt would be better and the exciting feeling that Wilco was this great secret knowledge we shared, but I don't see any reason to hate the new fans. I'm glad when anyone discovers Wilco. Also, with the numerous changes Wilco has undergone, I can understand someone who didn't like "Being There" becoming a fan after "YHF," since these albums differ so much. I think this is one of the reasons we saw so many fans bolting when "Sky Blue Sky" came out. Many of those fans who came on board with "YHF" weren't the kind of fans who would appreciate "Sky Blue Sky," but I imagine "Sky Blue Sky" introduced a whole new group of people to Wilco. I, for one, am glad to have them on board.


Also, I wonder if it's the new fans some of the old school fans hate or if it's the direction the band has taken that has them feeling left behind. If it's the later, one could always listen to Son Volt -- Jay is still making pretty much the same kind of music he was making back on "Anodyne" (which, in all fairness, is still some pretty good music).

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Wow! She'll go great with my 10-year-old Basset with an attitude problem! They can be canine representations of the old and new Wilco fans.

:lol Exactly! Lazy, self-absorbed, occasionally belligerent.


Oh wait. I think I was describing myself there.

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Yeah, shame on these new fans. If the first album of Jeff's you got wasn't a bootleg of his first show with the Primitives, then you aren't a real fan. Hell, the real hard core fans were rocking out to Jeff's early renditions of "Hot Crossed Buns" on the recorder in 2nd grade music class. ;)


I occasionally dig through his dad's trash. It's all a part of maintaining my Better Than Other Fans title.


Also, with the numerous changes Wilco has undergone, I can understand someone who didn't like "Being There" becoming a fan after "YHF," since these albums differ so much. I think this is one of the reasons we saw so many fans bolting when "Sky Blue Sky" came out. Many of those fans who came on board with "YHF" weren't the kind of fans who would appreciate "Sky Blue Sky," but I imagine "Sky Blue Sky" introduced a whole new group of people to Wilco. I, for one, am glad to have them on board.


Exactly. I'll admit that, having been a fan for so long, I sort of lost interest with ST and YHF. It just took the music awhile to grow on me because it's not in the same vein as the music I usually like. That's one of the great things about Wilco - their evolution has been more diverse than just about any band in music today. There's room for all sorts of music fans to find something by Wilco they love, and something that maybe doesn't appeal to them that can challenge them as listeners.


:lol Exactly! Lazy, self-absorbed, occasionally belligerent.


Oh wait. I think I was describing myself there.


You forgot stubborn. ;) Such are Bassets, their people, and Wilco fans.

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Wilco albums, ranked in order of purchase by me:









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I became an Uncle Tupelo fan in 1992. Does that make me better than everyone else? And if so, do I get special prizes, rewards, and perks? I hope so! :thumbup


Same with me... I bought "No Depression" around 92/93

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Yes, there were a lot of Johnny-come-latelies when YHF dropped, but those who stuck around obviously did so because they love the music just about as much as everybody who'd been listening to the band for ages.


Better late than never, no? I didn't know the band existed 'til BT came out, and that's when I became a fan (way back when FM radio was still a viable way of exposing oneself to decent new music - feels like a lifetime ago, huh?).

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could I be the only person who bought YHF very last? well not including SBS. I've liked wilco since before YHF's release but I got it a few months after AGIB came out. Also just to clarify I hadn't downloaded it or anything either. I dunno how it happened. I heard all this great stuff about it too I dunno how it happened that way.

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