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Why I hate todays Wilco fans

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yeah, but didn't you get a guitar that one time you were in the front row? :thumbup

Wow... you have a good memory. Especially considering

I don't post very much (more of a lurker).

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Of all the pointless threads on this site (and they are legion) this might be in the top 10.


Can I please be directed towards the threads that are not pointless? I have yet to find one with an actual point, or one that starts with a point only to be hijacked by lists of Wilco albums.






(I stole the other albums from my family in the middle)

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I hate the fans with better seats than mine. The rest of you guys are OK.

Now that's just good old Hoosier common sense. :thumbup

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There really is nothing to defend. As a fan of all things Jeff Tweedy and Jay Farrar related, I try not to pick favorites. I love them both like they are my children. Or shall I say my 6 year old basset hound,( which I found eerily ironic that some of you would mention basset's in my post). Kinda creepy, I gotta say, but cool nonetheless.


Anyway Iam by no means the oldest fan here. I am 31 years old and got turned on to these guys in 1998. My first Wilco show was a surprise gig that they played at Antones in Austin in the summer of 1999. It absolutely blew me away. For the next few years, the only albums that I listened to were those put out by Tweedy and Farrar. As a native California kid now leaving in Austin Texas, those last two years of "the end of the century" were some of the best days of my life. That night at Antones was one of the most memorable nights of my life and to this day the greatest show I ever attended. The energy that night was explosive.


I probably attended nearly half a dozen more Wilco shows prior to the release of YHF and the IATTBYH documentry. I remember going to a show at Stubbs in Sept after the documentry came out and I couldnt believe how much had changed. Sure the band was reformed. Gone was Bennett, Coomer and Bach. But that wasnt the problem. The problem seemed to lie within the audinece. People talking incessantly during quite tunes like Via Chicago and How to FIght Lonliness. I expected this from the audince at the House of BLues in Vegas, where I saw them perform months earlier. On that night, Jeff told one guy to shut the fuck up, for continuosly yelling out "Casino Queen." The band left the stage early into their set, and I wish that they hadnt come back to perform their "scripted" encore, just to prove a point to the obnoxious crowd. But on this night in Austin, I felt the same chill in the air. Drunken frat boys (whom you would expect in a college town like Austin, but rarely had I seen at prior Wilco shows) yelling out for Heavly Metal Drummer.


One of the reasons I feel in love with Wilco was the strong bond that thier fans shared. I chalked it up to the band's success and dealt with it as best I could. I had no problems with the way the went about their business. The more fans, the merrier I thought. But eventually Wilco would give in to the new breed of fans. Letting fans sing along to Kingpin and Jesus ETC. It was like Tweedy said to himself, "Well if I cant get them to shut the fuck up, I might as well let them join in." Biggest mistake ever. I truely beleive that he just added fuel to the already burning fire.


My point is this. I dont hate all Wilco fans, I just hate a good poriton of them. Wilco has made some mistakes, and I belive that we as fans should not hold back our displeasure when we see something we dont like. The strong fan reaction in favor of the cancellation of the Charleston show is a great example. To cancel at the last minute for an appearance on SNL is a joke. Wilco is better (and more popular) than seventy percent of the bands that play that show anyway. They certainly could have told SNL when THEY wanted to play. I get tired of the posters that are afraid to show negative discourse on their own bands forum. It's no different than the Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds fans who continue to deny what their heroes have done. Hell, I take the same shit on jayfarrar.net for criticizing Farrar for not changing up his setlist or singing in a falsetto and then when I sing the praises of Wilco, I get told to get lost.


I didnt intend to speak for all Wilco fans. For that I apologze. Next time I will just name names. lol.


don't let these burberry cologne huffing hipster trustfund kids derail you. you are right on in your assesment. i blame tweedy and his new creative muse: the almighty $, for the transformation of these gigs from real rock shows to butt-patting coffee clutches. jeff would rather hang out clemens, bonds and horatio sanz at the SNL afterparty, injecting each others buttocks w/ syringes full of starbucks lattes, vw ad money and the blood, sweat and tears of the REAL fans they've left behind on the road to a gap commercial.


if i want to hear a bunch of scenesters and frat boys and hipsters decked out in their v-neck sweater/pointy collared best have a hootnanny, i would just head over to my local starbucks and watch them mouth the words to the latest joni mitchell best of while they snort frappucinos off of each others proactiv-enhanced asses. leave the singing to the band or start your own.


as far as trying to get any of this bunch to take their mouth away from the wilcoword corporate teat to question CEO tweedy's authority, don't bother. that basset hound don't hunt. in fact, the only hunting dogs in this scenario are the ones that jeff and the gang let loose on their monthly fox hunts held on the thousands upon thousands of tweedy owned acres bought with all the money made from mousepads and calendars.

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don't let these burberry cologne huffing hipster trustfund kids derail you. you are right on in your assesment. i blame tweedy and his new creative muse: the almighty $, for the transformation of these gigs from real rock shows to butt-patting coffee clutches. jeff would rather hang out clemens, bonds and horatio sanz at the SNL afterparty, injecting each others buttocks w/ syringes full of starbucks lattes, vw ad money and the blood, sweat and tears of the REAL fans they've left behind on the road to a gap commercial.


if i want to hear a bunch of scenesters and frat boys and hipsters decked out in their v-neck sweater/pointy collared best have a hootnanny, i would just head over to my local starbucks and watch them mouth the words to the latest joni mitchell best of while they snort frappucinos off of each others proactiv-enhanced asses. leave the singing to the band or start your own.


as far as trying to get any of this bunch to take their mouth away from the wilcoword corporate teat to question CEO tweedy's authority, don't bother. that basset hound don't hunt. in fact, the only hunting dogs in this scenario are the ones that jeff and the gang let loose on their monthly fox hunts held on the thousands upon thousands of tweedy owned acres bought with all the money made from mousepads and calendars.



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Masked hater II, that was hilarious. Even more so if serious, less so but still hilarious, if sarcastic.

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I've decided that I hate Wilco fans that hate everything new the band does and label every bit of success the band has as selling out.


JUST KIDDING -- everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I certainly understand those who are upset about the rescheduling of a show for which they had tickets, but I don't begrudge Wilco a little success and long-term financial security. Also, while Wilco certainly has had a great deal of artistic integrity, let's not forget that from its inception, Wilco was a band that was interested in selling records. Wilco was on a major label before they were even officially known as Wilco, and A.M. was remixed to be more commerical. Wilco shot videos while on Reprise and has always played late night talk shows. This has never been a band that was determined to avoid the corporate side of music at all costs. They were willing to work with Reprise to a point and even produced "Can't Stand It" at the label's insistance. Of course, we are all extremely familiar with the circumstances surrounding Wilco's departure from Reprise/Warner, and this seems to be where Wilco picked up this anti-corporate reputation. If the label had been willing to release "YHF" without changing it though, there's no question Wilco would have gone along and promoted the album for them. In the end, Wilco moved from one Warner imprint to another Warner imprint. Like many great artists, Wilco wants as many people as possible to have the opportunity to enjoy their music and are willing to endure some of the problems of the business side of things to make that happen -- I don't think that makes them sell-outs. Also, let's not forget that this is also the way these guys make their livings. They have wives, kids, house and car payments, possibly student loans, and all that other stuff we all have to deal with. I'm sure Jeff wants to be able to give his kids everything they could ever need, send them to a nice college, etc. As long as he's not consciously altering the music itself for commercial reasons, I can't fault him for trying to make a little money and sell a few more records.

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Yeah, shame on these new fans. If the first album of Jeff's you got wasn't a bootleg of his first show with the Primitives, then you aren't a real fan. Hell, the real hard core fans were rocking out to Jeff's early renditions of "Hot Crossed Buns" on the recorder in 2nd grade music class. ;)


In all seriousness, I've been a fan since the Uncle Tupelo days, and I remember arguing with my college roommate about whether Wilco or Son Volt would be better and the exciting feeling that Wilco was this great secret knowledge we shared, but I don't see any reason to hate the new fans. I'm glad when anyone discovers Wilco. Also, with the numerous changes Wilco has undergone, I can understand someone who didn't like "Being There" becoming a fan after "YHF," since these albums differ so much. I think this is one of the reasons we saw so many fans bolting when "Sky Blue Sky" came out. Many of those fans who came on board with "YHF" weren't the kind of fans who would appreciate "Sky Blue Sky," but I imagine "Sky Blue Sky" introduced a whole new group of people to Wilco. I, for one, am glad to have them on board.


Also, I wonder if it's the new fans some of the old school fans hate or if it's the direction the band has taken that has them feeling left behind. If it's the later, one could always listen to Son Volt -- Jay is still making pretty much the same kind of music he was making back on "Anodyne" (which, in all fairness, is still some pretty good music).



shut up !!

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I bought YHF first.





Being There

Mermaid Avenue I

A Ghost Is Borned


Kicking Television

Sky Blue Sky

Mermaid Avenue II


I am a bad man.


Only because A.M. came out when you were, what, five years old? I think we can let that slide.

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Im kidding I am just a fan that loved UT when I first heard d. boon and it was Jeff ..did not know who to follow ( :blink ) Jay or Jeff both great singer/ songwriters regardless WILCO is the best for my ear now .. ha ha did not know who to follow funny is'nt it sounds like a cult ..... :yes :yes

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Today's Wilco fans are pretty decent, I think... the fans I really, REALLY hate are next Friday's Wilco fans.





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