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Why I hate todays Wilco fans

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From Monday nights Residency show


Jeff: "We're going to play a few songs from our first album"


(Band puzzled)


Jeff: "Aren't we?"


Band: "No"


Jeff: "I mean we're going to play a song from the first album most of your bought"


Crowd: "Boo!"


(Band plays Jesus Etc)



Enough said.

That was funny as heck...no hate there.....



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I don't hate the fans, I hate the fact that I'm 5'3 and even though I was in the 3rd people row back at the Riv on Saturday I was still too short and had to keep dodging around to see around the tall peoples heads in front of me! I decided I need to make a portable stool to take with me or something I can attach to the temporary walls at places for me to sit up and be higher then the tall people. ;)

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Tall people suck....!!! :lol



lol I'd so agree with that if my dad weren't as tall as Nels probably is! Too bad I didn't get all that height...but at least I can bully my way through crowds most of the time. See Louie this is why you need to come to Des Moines..so you can get me up front and keep me in front of the tall people.

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When threads collide... this is in #41 from the "Stuff White People Like" blog here.


They are always on the look out for the latest hot band that no one has heard of so that one day, they can hit it just right and be into a band BEFORE they are featured in an Apple commercial. To a white person, being a fan of a band before they get popular is one of the most important things they can do with their life. They can hold it over their friends forever!


Sounded vaguely familiar...

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the illussion of selling out is a very rapid disease-wilco as people and a band were born in the U.S.A therefore had the option to become homeless or take part

in the game of capatlism which is not "evil" by princible but could be manipulated that way of course- wilco has never used there personal corrpartion that is wilcoworld

for evil as far as I know- fact the job "muscian" is on average lower paying than the job"actor" many muscians fail misrably when it comes to comercial succesess

wilco have been very lucky when it comes to this as their art has been the praise of the world abroad and the fandom has grown as have the venues at the same time

while wilcos records currently debut in the top ten most people do not know who they are!(true)

Wilco is the example of what position the modern great rock n roll band can obtain if it were the sixities

theyd probably be living in mansions considering the artistic success of there music.


Fact wilco has never sold out!and if they have by any of your perosnal standards then apply those standards to yourselves and relialse you are all sellouts feeding

on the corprate tite with your television and lawn mowers!


fact Wilco's success has given them the oppurtunity to make the records they want to make and if VW pays them to use their music it is wilco who wins not VW

unless VW paid for the SBS sessions directing the music as to where it would fit into their adds if thats the case I swear I will never support CEO Tweedy again

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I hate Wilco fans that require copy editors due to their lack of spelling knowledge.

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I hate Wilco fans that require copy editors due to their lack of spelling knowledge.


As a Wilco fan who is a chronic bad speller, I resemble that remark. (life long bad speller - possible symptom of dyslexia - haven't been tested yet to prove that theory - but I run everything through spell check five times, I'm so self conscious of it)

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shut up !!



Ah, an eloquent and persuasive reply, the rhetorical likes of which have rarely been seen since the ancient English common law case of Rubber v. Glue, in which the former demonstrated that the later's arguments bounced off him and, in turn, stuck to his opponent. Well played. I stand corrected -- though about what, I am not entirely sure.


Seriously, though, the Primitives comment was meant in jest if that was what what inspired the reply. Otherwise, I was just offering my opinion about the interplay between newer and older Wilco fans and expressing that I'm happy to have any of them on board with one of my favorite bands. Anyway, I believe the only appropriate counter-argument I can muster in response is, "'nuh-uh!" ;)

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Ah, an eloquent and persuasive reply, the rhetorical likes of which have rarely been seen since the ancient English common law case of Rubber v. Glue, in which the former demonstrated that the later's arguments bounced off him and, in turn, stuck to his opponent. Well played. I stand corrected -- though about what, I am not entirely sure.


Seriously, though, the Primitives comment was meant in jest if that was what what inspired the reply. Otherwise, I was just offering my opinion about the interplay between newer and older Wilco fans and expressing that I'm happy to have any of them on board with one of my favorite bands. Anyway, I believe the only appropriate counter-argument I can muster in response is, "'nuh-uh!" ;)


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i've always vowed never to become one of "those" people at concert... grumpy and pissed instead of enjoying the music... BUT:


although the show at the 9:30 club last night was probably the best wilco show i've been to, the crowd was kinda out of hand. Not only was there some woman up front supposedly telling jeff and co that they sucked and to "get off the stage," but i was stuck between the "drunk couple" (the couple at every concert that twirl each other around and really "groove" on the only songs they truly know [jesus etc, casino queen], while spilling their beer and cocktails on everyone around them) and the uptight woman who freaked out every time i brushed against her (lightly, non-intentionally, like often happens at concerts). Oh yeah, and there were the two guys who screamed for California Stars after EVERY FUCKING SONG.



i guess maybe i am just grumpy.

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i've always vowed never to become one of "those" people at concert... grumpy and pissed instead of enjoying the music... BUT:


although the show at the 9:30 club last night was probably the best wilco show i've been to, the crowd was kinda out of hand. Not only was there some woman up front supposedly telling jeff and co that they sucked and to "get off the stage," but i was stuck between the "drunk couple" (the couple at every concert that twirl each other around and really "groove" on the only songs they truly know [jesus etc, casino queen], while spilling their beer and cocktails on everyone around them) and the uptight woman who freaked out every time i brushed against her (lightly, non-intentionally, like often happens at concerts). Oh yeah, and there were the two guys who screamed for California Stars after EVERY FUCKING SONG.



i guess maybe i am just grumpy.


You aren't being grumpy it is annoying, I especially dislike the people who yell out "hate it here".

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You're not getting grumpier... just old.


Wilco is now the most popular band that I'll bother to go see live. The difference between now and say, over a decade ago is that I will purposely get the shittiest seats possible, to avoid the scenesters, yellers, spillers and the "hey, I'm wearing a Tupey shirt and know all the lyrics and capo settings, which I will make sure to yell so that you know that Iknow" -ers.

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You're not getting grumpier... just old.


Wilco is now the most popular band that I'll bother to go see live. The difference between now and say, over a decade ago is that I will purposely get the shittiest seats possible, to avoid the scenesters, yellers, spillers and the "hey, I'm wearing a Tupey shirt and know all the lyrics and capo settings, which I will make sure to yell so that you know that Iknow" -ers.


That, and cell phones and pda

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