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To be honest, I didn't really like my second-grade teacher that much, either.

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can you imagine being charged by a gang of 9 year olds? I think I'd end up being run down simply on the premise that I didn't actually believe it was happening. that, or I'd finally live out my dream of kung fu fighting a whole class of 9 year olds, which given the odds would play out pretty sweet like Dragonball Z or something.

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can you imagine being charged by a gang of 9 year olds? I think I'd end up being run down simply on the premise that I didn't actually believe it was happening. that, or I'd finally live out my dream of kung fu fighting a whole class of 9 year olds, which given the odds would play out pretty sweet like Dragonball Z or something.


Too funny.


I wonder if they would have charged en masse, or, if like countless unnamed ninjas before them, would have allowed their teacher (sensei?) to pick them off one by one.


This would have made one sweet YouTube video

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i don't think they were all going to charge. i thought one of them was going to sneak up and hit her on the head with that pointy paperweight.


i think thats really scary these kids were thinking of stuff like that. at that age, i think they must be emulating something they've seen on TV because i just don't think they have the awareness to have thought of it on their own.

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To be honest, I didn't really like my second-grade teacher that much, either.


How many Five year olds could you take?



Hmmm...they say

You could take on 23 five year old kids in a fight.

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Great just when I'm about to go back to the classroom after 2 years of child-care leave. They certainly don't need any encouragement.


i think thats really scary these kids were thinking of stuff like that. at that age, i think they must be emulating something they've seen on TV because i just don't think they have the awareness to have thought of it on their own.


I know I've said this before, but right after 9/11 my class (then 3rd graders) and I were looking at Time Magazine for Kids which did a special issue on the tragedy. One of my students came up to me afterwards and asked with great glee, "Do you want me to bring in the real Time Magazine? It has pictures of people falling out of the buildings!"


Kids now are so used to violence in movies, and especially video games, that they have no real concept of what it means. Violence is merely spectacle, and everyone seems to get 3 lives in games anyway, so why not kill our teacher just once? Since kids pick up on the behaviors of their elders, it's kind of a sad commentary on our society as a whole.

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i don't think they were all going to charge. i thought one of them was going to sneak up and hit her on the head with that pointy paperweight.


i think thats really scary these kids were thinking of stuff like that. at that age, i think they must be emulating something they've seen on TV because i just don't think they have the awareness to have thought of it on their own.

I dunno. I went through periods where I really HATED being in school. I would claim to have brought a bomb to school in my Six Million Dollar Man lunch box.

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i guess my point/idea was that a bunch of kids would never come up with something like that on their own if they had never seen/heard anything like that before. heck, it could be exposure to anything- the news, parents talking about stuff, real life experience, or whatever- but not something they could imagine out of the blue. kids are creative but a can't believe any grouping of kids would be naturally violent.

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It could easily have been one kid's idea who got it from the news or a t.v. show or a Grimm's fairy tale or whatever and gotten a gullible group of followers/sheep to act with him/her. To my knowledge, no actual violence was planned, just a hair-brained concept to punish the teacher.


I'm not trying to excuse or validate the plot and it is a bit unnerving but I think it also shows that there are plenty more kids (another student blew the whistle on the cabal-in-waiting) who are able to distinguish between what's acceptable (right) and unacceptable (wrong).

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Man, I was so freaked out by my teachers until like....5th or 6th grade. I probably would have believed that teachers could take like.....8 baseball bat swings and a bunch of stab wounds and still keep coming at you. There's no way I would have tried this.

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I had the opposite experience in high school. There was a history teacher who was really into martial arts. He used to say things to our class like "if all of you attacked me right now you would eventually win, but the first dozen of you would be really badly hurt."

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These kids should be rewarded. Did you see that they had a PLAN? And that the PLAN included delegating responsibility? Working as a TEAM? Thats pretty impressive for 3rd graders!



Excellent point

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