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Who is the worlds greatest band!

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There are some bands on that list that deserve some wider recognition in the USA. Bands like Echo and The Bunnymen, Stone Roses and Blur are classic. Oasis even had some fine moments but they aren't the best bands in the world. I just like seening musical perseptions from around the world. I always wonder what people thought of bands around the world. I guess this shows me :monkey

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There are some bands on that list that deserve some wider recognition in the USA. Bands like Echo and The Bunnymen, Stone Roses and Blur are classic. Oasis even had some fine moments but they aren't the best bands in the world. I just like seening musical perseptions from around the world. I always wonder what people thought of bands around the world. I guess this shows me :monkey


I friggin hate Oasis. Mainly due to this regular who plays the whole "Morning Glory" album every time he comes into the bar. This guy is my own personal Buddy Revell. ...plus he drinks Blue Moon, so there you go.

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Clearly the Libertines mop the floor with the Kinks' pathetic catalog.


Having just gotten back from England a few weeks ago, I will re-affirm that Oasis still has a weird hold on the music-listening populace there. I think they're the British equivalent of "80's Night" or something, although they have 80's Nights in England, too.


Actually, I might say Pearl Jam is the American Oasis. You don't really find a ton of people professing Eddie Vedder & Co. as their favorite band anymore, but they're always selling out shows and everyone under 40 can still sing along to "Black" and "Jeremy".

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Some odd choices, most definatley would not fly in the USA! Some bands aren't faring well! Also Oasis is ranked number 1 over the Beatles! :punch


It's hard for an American to understand just how great Oasis are. It's not just the songs but the whole attitude. Also, football anthems would be hard to understand on the other side of the pond

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It's hard for an American to understand just how great Oasis are. It's not just the songs but the whole attitude. Also, football anthems would be hard to understand on the other side of the pond


How so?


I wouldn't even hazard a guess as to who the greatest band in the world is, but, I'd be more than willing to guess who isn't - Oasis.

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This reinforces my belief that everyone in the world, besides me, is a total shit head.



My father used to say the world was full of Assholes, excpt for you an me, and I'm not too sure about you....

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How so?


I wouldn't even hazard a guess as to who the greatest band in the world is, but, I'd be more than willing to guess who isn't - Oasis.

I you asked Britons and Irish who was the greatest band of the 90's Oasis would win undoubtably. They just have a lot of great songs to sing when you're plastered or watching football which happens alot more here

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I you asked Britons and Irish who was the greatest band of the 90's Oasis would win undoubtably. They just have a lot of great songs to sing when you're plastered or watching football which happens alot more here


no. if you asked NME readers, then maybe. if you asked Smash Hits readers they'd say Take That. i'd actually probably imagine if you asked everyone in the country then Take That would come out on top, or Boyzone, or someone like that.

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An indie (God, I hate that word) gossip magazine like NME will always get a huge Oasis vote. The reason for this is because, way back in the glory days of Britpop, they were heralded as messiahs and crossed over to the type of people (knuckleheaded quarkbrains) who prefer their music with all the depth of a flat tyre, in other words singalong, by the numbers and basic. A lot of people in this country liked them, they were, and are, the UK equivalent of Kiss, only over here there's a strange belief, from punters and critics alike, that their music has artistic merit and deserves to be held in such high regard.


I think a lot of the people who voted would perhaps know no different, on account of them having 5 cds (Definitely Maybe, What's the Story, Be Here Now, one of the other ones and Stanley Road).


Oh, Smash Hits readers would be hard to find given the magazine doesn't exist anymore. I think readers have graduated from that, and now watch The Ozone with Jayne Middlemiss and Jamie Theakston on BBC2.

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An indie (God, I hate that word) gossip magazine like NME will always get a huge Oasis vote. The reason for this is because, way back in the glory days of Britpop, they were heralded as messiahs and crossed over to the type of people (knuckleheaded quarkbrains) who prefer their music with all the depth of a flat tyre, in other words singalong, by the numbers and basic. A lot of people in this country liked them, they were, and are, the UK equivalent of Kiss, only over here there's a strange belief, from punters and critics alike, that their music has artistic merit and deserves to be held in such high regard.


I think a lot of the people who voted would perhaps know no different, on account of them having 5 cds (Definitely Maybe, What's the Story, Be Here Now, one of the other ones and Stanley Road).


Oh, Smash Hits readers would be hard to find given the magazine doesn't exist anymore. I think readers have graduated from that, and now watch The Ozone with Jayne Middlemiss and Jamie Theakston on BBC2.



The NME ceased to be relevant and an example of good music journalism in 1990 when they created the "Madchester" scene and in the process diluted the appeal of excellent bands like Inspiral Carpets and the Stone Roses.


Since then they have adopted a tabloid approach with their "journalism". As a previous poster said, it's all about creating a band of the moment, forgetting them and creating another. It's the cheapest way to sell the rag to teenage music fans who no longer have someone like John Peel to guide them through the murky depths of indie.


The fact that The Band isn't mentioned in the poll and Oasis is number one shouldn't worry anyone here. The staff on NME are just kids thesedays who know no better. Unfortunately, they still have a ridiculous amount of influence and are slowly killing the British music scene.


I'd be surprised if they'd even heard of The Band.

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