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Election Year!!!

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Did the government increase it's size and spending during the Bush admininstration? The RNC keeps saying that is what the dems do.


"In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy." - George Orwell - 1984

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Speaking of, how has social security been doing these days? Is it working? Anyone received one of those updates from the IRS regarding your "benefits" when you reach that magical age? Impressed? What party started that pie in the sky? :hmm I know, I know it wasn't the Bush admin.


Just askin'.

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ah, another distraction from the most crucial issues of the day. aren't we getting enough of those distractions from the genius speakers at the RNC tonight?

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ah, another distraction from the most crucial issues of the day. aren't we getting enough of those distractions from the genius speakers at the RNC tonight?


Ahhhh...man. You said it! Did you see Brooke sitting with baby brother in arms smiling for the camera? I'm confused, just what is the message here?

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Did the government increase it's size and spending during the Bush admininstration? The RNC keeps saying that is what the dems do.

ohhhh yessssss. $10 billion a day in iraq and counting, for starters. funny they're not talking about that at the convention.

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ohhhh yessssss. $10 billion a day in iraq and counting, for starters. funny they're not talking about that at the convention.


no offense, cause i could be very wrong, but were is this 10billion a day coming from. Ive heard over the course of today......1 trillion per week, 80 billion per month and 10 billion today, just curious of were these numbers come from

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I thought Romney and Huckabee gave decent speeches, but Guiliani is coming off as nothing but a superficial, mean bastard--and the crowd keeps egging him on, as if being a mean bastard is the epitome of Republicanism.

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It was a trip listening to Bush trumpet his only success in office. The troop surge was a "huge" success. Never mind the billions of tax payer dollars being spent to pay off the tribal leaders to keep the violence down. These tribal leaders probably won't go out and get armed to the teeth though. I feel sorry for whoever takes office after this joke.


Bush sounded desperate to have his name on a building other than some sewage plant in California last evening.


Hmmm..I'm thinking about the best building to shine his name on. Perhaps the home to the makers of this fine product from China....


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Ahhhh...man. You said it! Did you see Brooke sitting with baby brother in arms smiling for the camera? I'm confused, just what is the message here?

Did you really mean to talk about Bristol Palin in a post complaining about those who distract from real issues?

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My Dad has an "Obama for President" sign in his front yard.

We were going to get one of those. Until the Palin. Now Grandfather thinks the sun rises and sets (or stays risen) on the bimbo. I am going to program out Fox News from his cable tv. Tell him that it must be down for maintenance and he should watch MSNBC instead.

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no offense, cause i could be very wrong, but were is this 10billion a day coming from. Ive heard over the course of today......1 trillion per week, 80 billion per month and 10 billion today, just curious of were these numbers come from

whoa, i meant monthly monthly monthly :D

that's what i get for trying to listen to giuliani and think at the same time.

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My father is going to pull the lever for McCain, but only while holding his nose--McCain is way, way too "liberal" for my dad. Stacy and I are, quite literally, the only progressives in the entire family. It's not unusual, at family gatherings, to hear my family go on about how Obama is a "Manchurian candidate" and all that other nonsense. It's a gas.

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whoa, i meant monthly monthly monthly :D

that's what i get for trying to listen to giuliani and think at the same time.


don't hurt yourself doing that :blink ! I'm buckled down so I don't flip out during Palin's BS tonight about family this, country that, me woman hear me roar..

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I thought Romney and Huckabee gave decent speeches, but Guiliani is coming off as nothing but a superficial, mean bastard--and the crowd keeps egging him on, as if being a mean bastard is the epitome of Republicanism.

to me he's turned it into a fairly ugly scene. i would not like to think what we're seeing is the epitome of republicanism; other years haven't led me to that conclusion. hopefully these are just the death throes of the neocon aspect of the party.

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does this old rat bastard have anything to talk about what the Republicans ideas are or is he just going to bad mouth Obama?

giuliani loves attacks. way more than i realized.

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My father is going to pull the lever for McCain, but only while holding his nose--McCain is way, way too "liberal" for my dad. Stacy and I are, quite literally, the only progressives in the entire family. It's not unusual, at family gatherings, to hear my family go on about how Obama is a "Manchurian candidate" and all that other nonsense. It's a gas.


Tom Jones and Frank Sinatra in the same post - not bad.

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