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Election Year!!!

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Yesterday felt different, better. Tonight, the speakers have focused on a litany of trivial zingers--many funny, I admit--but those should be window dressing, not the whole message. Overall, it just doesn't seem like much serious thought is being presented to voters. Say what you will about Obama's pretensions, at least he appeared statesmanlike. Perhaps McCain will aim for a similar seriousness of purpose tomorrow.

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I just signed up to canvas door-to-door in NH in October.


One of my best friends is a volunteer for the Obama campaign in Atlanta. Oh yeah, and she had voted Republican in every election since she was 18.

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She says Obama doesn't want to create energy.

Energy can't be created you fuckhead. I hate this woman.


Awesome Brother Theodore!


Wait, your a damn flip-flopper..your one of them!

Sir Stewart to-Brother Theodore27th August 2008 - 11:56 AM

Harry Dean Stantonto-Sir Stewart19th May 2008 - 04:51 PM

Orson Wellesto-Harry Dean Stanton7th April 2008 - 11:11 AM

Sir Stewart to-Orson Welles12th December 2007 - 11:48 AM

Paul McCartney to-Sir Stewart6th June 2007 - 03:26 PM

Sir Stewart to-Paul McCartney7th March 2007 - 05:47 PM

Mister Stevens to-Sir Stewart1st November 2006 - 12:13 PM

Sir Stewart to-Mister Stevens19th September 2006 - 09:31 AM

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Overall, it just doesn't seem like much serious thought is being presented to voters.

Arrogance, actually. More congenial than Bush, maybe, but the "how dare they?" tone got pretty irksome after a while. My initial thought was that she was pretty good--the longer she talks, the more she sounds like a tv anchorwoman. There's something to be said for a shot of sassiness to liven up the campaign, but the quips and one liners kept ringing increasingly hollow.


At the same time, its the right speech for a shallow reporting corps. Sound-bites and stage presence...what more do you need?

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palin is mccain's idea of his own obama, only she makes up a whole lot more stuff when she talks (or reads the speech, whichever).

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Arrogance, actually. More congenial than Bush, maybe, but the "how dare they?" tone got pretty irksome after a while. My initial thought was that she was pretty good--the longer she talks, the more she sounds like a tv anchorwoman. There's something to be said for a shot of sassiness to liven up the campaign, but the quips and one liners kept ringing increasingly hollow.


At the same time, its the right speech for a shallow reporting corps. Sound-bites and stage presence...what more do you need?



I found her sassiness bordering way too much on bitterness and snarkiness. Makes me miss Hillary even more.

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palin is mccain's idea of his own obama, only she makes up a whole lot more stuff when she talks (or reads the speech, whichever).



It's not polite to talk about a mother that way, now stop. She didn't lie, she still has hormone leftovers from being pregnant.What's that condition called anyway?

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More congenial than Bush, maybe, but the "how dare they?" tone got pretty irksome after a while.

That kind of thing plays wonderfully for the converted--the folks over at National Review think it was a home run--but I wonder how it plays for the average undecided voter... especially when most of the country already feels plenty of that "how dare they" anger about her party's actions over the last eight years. I guess we'll see.

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i'm sorry to see so many pod people there.

Seconded. That speech was almost entirely bitter and ugly, not to mention FULL of lies. Weren't they hoping to get some independents and cross-over votes from Dems if possible? I can't see much of that happening after such a hateful speech. :thumbdown


Way to take the high road, Obama.

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