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Isn't it time for a new election thread?!

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Did you use Mussolini just to avoid using Hitler? I hate to have to point this out, but Sarah Palin isn't quite as bad as Mussolini. Yeah, she's a little dumb and probably shouldn't be Vice President, but she is no fascist. And again, it's not like Obama is sweeping his family under the rug. I would not condone a crowd booing him and his family either.


Sometimes for the sake of argument I find it helpful to exaggerate. Kind of find some parameters..... so far she's not as bad as Mussolini. Maybe more Margaret Thatcher after a head injury.

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Guest Da Dogg

The tolerance for Palin and other ideals is amazing. I guess if you are not blue than you are a racist homo-scaredee cat.


oh and Jesus would not vote for either a Republican or a Democrat. They are both way to controlling of personal lives of others.

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I am angered by a Fox News talking head saying that Barak Obama needs to apologize to John McCain for the statements that John Lewis made. that is total shit.

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Her kids didn't ask for her to be a total moron, either.
Actually laughed out loud to this in real life..... :lol



I am angered by a Fox News talking head saying that Barak Obama needs to apologize to John McCain for the statements that John Lewis made. that is total shit.
Actually he sort of did apologize for this. Check the news comrade. Barack is a very savvy polititican. John Lewis was essentially correct, there is a heavy racist undertone to some of the statements being promligated by the McCain campaign, but even though he is right, Obama took the high road even in the face of criticizing one of his supporters.


This sucker is over...stick a fucking fork in it......



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I am angered by a Fox News talking head saying that Barak Obama needs to apologize to John McCain for the statements that John Lewis made. that is total shit.


Fox News, once you overcome the anger and sadness it sort of forces you to feel inside, is almost, if not more entertaining than The Daily Show. The key, for me at least, is to view it as a satire of an all news cable news channel and/or a fascinating look into the mind of Roger Ailes - because when you watch Fox you can almost feel it, what a bleak and merciless world he lives in.

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Actually he sort of did apologize for this. Check the news comrade. Barack is a very savvy polititican. John Lewis was essentially correct, there is a heavy racist undertone to some of the statements being promligated by the McCain campaign, but even though he is right, Obama took the high road even in the face of criticizing one of his supporters.



that's just the kind of guy he is :)

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Guest Da Dogg
Fox News, once you overcome the anger and sadness it sort of forces you to feel inside, is almost, if not more entertaining than The Daily Show. The key, for me at least, is to view it as a satire of an all news cable news channel and/or a fascinating look into the mind of Roger Ailes - because when you watch Fox you can almost feel it, what a bleak and merciless world he lives in.


...I get my information from watching MSNBC , they tell the truth.

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I think if you looked inside Sarah Palin's head, you would find she's much closer to semi-wacko libertarianism than fascism, though the political spectrum tends to fold together at the end. IF Sarah Palin was to become president, I am afraid of two things happening: 1. - If she really believes the version of Christianity she is said to believe in, specifically the belief that Armageddon is to happen in our time, that belief may impair her judgment if a nuclear situation arises. (Admittedly, a long shot, but a nuclear war would really, really suck.) and 2., she'll appoint some total states'-rights wacko to the Supreme Court, and everything from Roe v. Wade to Brown v. Board of Ed. will be overturned, leading to a wide disparity in personal liberty and civil rights from state to state.

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Dear trol, er, I mean, Da Dogg -


I actually take my news from multiple sources, few of which would be considered mainstream - and rarely, if ever, watch MSNBC. I tune into Fox occasionally because I really do find it fascinating and hysterical - and when I, or, more accurately, my wife and I watch it, we laugh and talk back at the screen all Mystery Science Theater-like - you asshat.

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Guest Da Dogg
I think if you looked inside Sarah Palin's head, you would find she's much closer to semi-wacko libertarianism than fascism, though the political spectrum tends to fold together at the end. IF Sarah Palin was to become president, I am afraid of two things happening: 1. - If she really believes the version of Christianity she is said to believe in, specifically the belief that Armageddon is to happen in our time, that belief may impair her judgment if a nuclear situation arises. (Admittedly, a long shot, but a nuclear war would really, really suck.) and 2., she'll appoint some total states'-rights wacko to the Supreme Court, and everything from Roe v. Wade to Brown v. Board of Ed. will be overturned, leading to a wide disparity in personal liberty and civil rights from state to state.


Good God man, what issue of The National Enquirer was that story?


You know that paper is not all true right?

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Guest Da Dogg
Dear trol, er, I mean, Da Dogg -


I actually take my news from multiple sources, few of which would be considered mainstream - and rarely, if ever, watch MSNBC. I tune into Fox occasionally because I really do find it fascinating and hysterical - and when I, or, more accurately, my wife and I watch it, we laugh and talk back at the screen all Mystery Science Theater-like - you asshat.


Why do you think I am a troll?


Because I am new, or I think you are bias to anything not Obama.

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Dear trol, er, I mean, Da Dogg -


I actually take my news from multiple sources, few of which would be considered mainstream - and rarely, if ever, watch MSNBC. I tune into Fox occasionally because I really do find it fascinating and hysterical - and when I, or, more accurately, my wife and I watch it, we laugh and talk back at the screen all Mystery Science Theater-like - you asshat.



My oldest son and I did that this morning. Even he realizes how skewed Fox News is and he's only 10. It really is funny to watch sometimes and sometimes it's just down right frightening.

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Why do you think I am a troll?


Because I am new, or I think you are bias to anything not Obama.


A quick (ok, really long) review of my post history would cure you of that gross misperception. I have been every bit as critical of Obama and the democrats more generally.


As to why I called you a troll, well, all five of your posts, to date, reflect a lack of any sort of real spirit of participation. I

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QUOTE (Good Old Neon @ Oct 12 2008, 06:47 PM) *

Fox News, once you overcome the anger and sadness it sort of forces you to feel inside, is almost, if not more entertaining than The Daily Show. The key, for me at least, is to view it as a satire of an all news cable news channel and/or a fascinating look into the mind of Roger Ailes - because when you watch Fox you can almost feel it, what a bleak and merciless world he lives in.


[and dadogg adds sarcastically: ..."I get my information from watching MSNBC , they tell the truth."]




fox, with its claim on "fair and balanced" reporting, has pretty much become a caricature of itself. i try to take it seriously, because i seriously want to compare its kind of coverage with that of other stations, but really, it is like watching satire.


MSNBC doesn't hide whatever biases some of its commentators have behind some flunky slogan. it's "the place for politics." it doesn't pretend to present everything as "balanced," i'd guess because for some reason the station's corp finds it at least tolerable to regularly broadcast some commentators trying to compensate for the huge biases, never mind outright lies, of the bush administration, its aspiring heirs, and the radio and tv stations that pretend to have a corner on the truth.

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Guest Da Dogg
A quick (ok, really long) review of my post history would cure you of that gross misperception. I have been every bit as critical of Obama and the democrats more generally.


As to why I called you a troll, well, all five of your posts, to date, reflect a lack of any sort of real spirit of participation. I

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Guest Da Dogg
Dude, in all honestly, it's not as much fun when it's skewed toward the guy you're rooting for.


Thats the point.


50% watch one FOX the other 50% watch the other stations.


These stations go laughing all the way to the bank and it is a shame.

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Is this board not tolerant of free speech?


I would rather listen to Heavy Metal Drummer two times in a row then go through all your droll, I do not believe you when you write that you have been just as critical if not more of Obama.


Do you want me to make fun of Palin in a way that shows the epitome of liberalism? Which is to fight for freedom of speech, woman's rights, tolerance of others and all that other jazz until it gets in the way of the liberals ideals.


Oh get off the cross, I haven

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Is this board not tolerant of free speech?

give me a break. is speech free only when someone else doesn't disagree?





These stations go laughing all the way to the bank and it is a shame.

of course they do, as do most companies out there to make money. however, they are but two of thousands of (better) sources of information.

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