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Isn't it time for a new election thread?!

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Don't you typically have to show ID at the polling place?

Not in New York.

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If somehow the fact that we can elect a really smart, thoughtful, and concerned person of color as president of the US of A . . .

you always cite these as his main qualifications. i agree that he's smart, thoughtful, concerned, and of color. i also happen to disagree with his policies, regardless of what my favorite musician thinks.

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I've really begun to wonder.... if Tweedy knows we've been swayed by his musical stylings, do you suppose he

thinks he can use some kind of mind control to get us to vote the way he wants, and eventually do his evil bidding?

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But what about the people who don't have ID or cant find it the day of the election?


What if someone wanting to buy alcohol doesn't have an ID or can't find it on the day of imbibing? Besides, maybe said voter is a community organizer voting under the identity of a dead person.

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But what about the people who don't have ID or cant find it the day of the election?

Most states if not all will give ID cards with no charge.


Shouldn't there be a certain "responsibility" involved with voting? Lilke getting your shit together before you vote?

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I've really begun to wonder.... if Tweedy knows we've been swayed by his musical stylings, do you suppose he

thinks he can use some kind of mind control to get us to vote the way he wants, and eventually do his evil bidding?

Doesn't making us listen to 'What Light?' count?

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"Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors . . ."




Wasn't there a lawsuit a while back about the ID thing - in that, it was equaled to some of the requirements in the Jim Crow years:


These included poll taxes that poor blacks (and whites) could not pay and literacy tests.


Seems like I recall reading something about that somewhere. Anyone recall the lawsuit?


Maybe this is what I am thinking of:


Judge: Voter ID lawsuit can continue


Attorney general wants checks completed before Nov. 4 election


By Todd Richmond

Associated Press writer



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you want to disenfranchise the irresponsible?!


ok, adolf.

Republican. You don't technically have to have any ID - that's why some people are pissed over the proposal to have a national ID card. (New York charges non-drivers a small fee to get a non-driver's ID.) In New York, you have to sign your name in a book next to the signature you put on your registration card. That's it.

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Republican. You don't technically have to have any ID - that's why some people are pissed over the proposal to have a national ID card. (New York charges non-drivers a small fee to get a non-driver's ID.) In New York, you have to sign your name in a book next to the signature you put on your registration card. That's it.


You can't do shit without one, though - bank account, phone service, etc.

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