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This year's Oscars

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I'm basing this off of an article I read, but there should be a separate group of comedy actors/writers etc and they should give out an Oscar for best comedic feature film. For example, for what it was, Tropic Thunder was a tremendous comedy, and it should be rewarded with an Oscar dammit!

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Penn and Rourke were great in their respective roles, but I was really hoping for Rourke to pull off an upset. (Didn't really think it would happen though as Penn had already won the SAG.)

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I'm basing this off of an article I read, but there should be a separate group of comedy actors/writers etc and they should give out an Oscar for best comedic feature film. For example, for what it was, Tropic Thunder was a tremendous comedy, and it should be rewarded with an Oscar dammit!




I really like that idea. Good comedic movies are NOT easy to make. And it would be cool to award whoever makes the best.


Great comedies hardly ever (never?) get nominated for Best Movie. It would be similar to the Best Animated Movie award, which also hardly ever (just once) gets nominated. Tropic Thunder would surely have been one of 5 nominees. And Burn After Reading would have had a chance.



I'm OK with Slumdong winning Best Song....I preferred Gabriel's tune, but I'm not an expert or fan of some "world music". The Slumdog songs aren't bad, but they just don't do anything for me.



I wanted Wall-E to win the Best Music oscar. During the telecast, they played the music from Wall-E and Eve flying through space....for me, it was one of the highlights of the movie....mostly because the music was so beautiful and perfect. Such a fabulous scene.


But once again, Slumdog got it. It bothers me that in many years, one film seems to win every freaking oscar. It's like the voters decide which movie they think is the best, then just check that movie's name on every other category.

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I'm basing this off of an article I read, but there should be a separate group of comedy actors/writers etc and they should give out an Oscar for best comedic feature film. For example, for what it was, Tropic Thunder was a tremendous comedy, and it should be rewarded with an Oscar dammit!

They have a "Best Musical or Comedy" award in the Golden Globes, and Tropic Thunder didn't even get nominated.

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But once again, Slumdog got it. It bothers me that in many years, one film seems to win every freaking oscar. It's like the voters decide which movie they think is the best, then just check that movie's name on every other category.



i agree completely!

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Guest Wilco Rules Me

Tropic Thunder was only funny with R.D. jr.


He should have won for carrying that movie.


He played a white Australian dude, acting as a black dude - and he killed it.

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Tropic Thunder was only funny with R.D. jr.


He should have won for carrying that movie.


He played a white Australian dude, acting as a black dude - and he killed it.




I totally agree. Jack Black was so-so. Stiller's act is getting a little old....Tropic Thunder is proof.

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I finally did see Slumdog on Saturday night. Best Picture? Aw hell naw.

I saw it last week. I liked it, but didn't think it was all that. Must have been a really weak year for flicks... I can't even remember the last time I went to a theater and was wowed. I think the current title holder is still Pan's Labyrinth or Persepolis.

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I don't have a problem with Penn's statements. It's his business. But do you think actors realize that probably at least 90 percent of the viewing audience could give a rat's ass about what actors think about political issues?!


Where does this figure come from? :cheekkiss


I liked Slumdog and it really was the only one of the best picture nominees I saw. Was it the best picture? Not to me. For me Doubt was the best. It was such an intriguing story and being raised Catholic made it that much more intriguing.


Other pictures I enjoyed

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Sorry JN I hated Wal-e. The robot scenes for the first half hour or so were decent, but when they added the fat pampered human element to it they lost me. It was too predictable and very boring after that. Half a movie it was.



No problem. Subjectivity rules when judging movies.



I "get" people not digging the 2nd half of Wall-E (though I STRONGLY disagree for many reasons....one being that the fat humans were designed that way, as humans lose bone density, and Stanton wanted to convey that humans had gotten away from living and thinking and engineering....they'd become lazy and dependent...like babies, which is why they had stubby arms and sipped on sippy-cup like drinks), but I don't "get" calling the first hour of Wall-E "decent".



The subtlety and beauty in the first 45+ minutes are breathtaking. Wall-E's gestures and motions conveyed so much. His nervousness and bumbling around Eve was touching and hilarious. I'm not an expert on love stories in movies, but I have't seen love between a couple conveyed better....and they're freaking robots. To me, the first half was artistically and emotionally stunning.

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File me under "just didn't think Tropic Thunder was remotely funny," as well. Stiller fighting the panda got a belly laugh from me, but the rest of it was profoundly stupid. Recognizing Downey for playing a one-dimensional, one-joke character seems absurd to me, but then again, I've been a fan of his films for years, not just since 2008. Go figure!


And for all that Rourke deserves the accolades he's gotten for The Wrestler, I'm glad Penn won at the end of the day. Milk was the performance of his career, and it's a film that's been grotesquely overlooked this year. Other than Doubt and The Dark Knight, nothing else came close to affecting me like it did.


Slumdog was enjoyable, but I think there's something about the movie's fandom that is fundamentally not clicking with me. Danny Boyle has made far better films (Millions, Trainspotting).


And Wall-E was brilliant, of course. Another success for Pixar, and a fine animated film in the tradition of contemplative fare like Bambi. So many family films these days are nothing more than a fully fledged attack on the senses, so I was really happy to realize following the success of this movie that kids today retain the ability to enjoy thoughtful, quality storytelling with their parents. As an artist who tells stories, that's very important to me.

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Tropic Thunder was only funny with R.D. jr.


He should have won for carrying that movie.


He played a white Australian dude, acting as a black dude - and he killed it.



I find it hard to believe that Ben Stiller is still getting paid to make movies.


RDjr is a genius...hard core. One of the few actors to go to jail for his excesses. His performance in CHAPLIN is sublime.

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File me under "just didn't think Tropic Thunder was remotely funny," as well. Stiller fighting the panda got a belly laugh from me, but the rest of it was profoundly stupid. Recognizing Downey for playing a one-dimensional, one-joke character seems absurd to me, but then again, I've been a fan of his films for years, not just since 2008. Go figure!


And for all that Rourke deserves the accolades he's gotten for The Wrestler, I'm glad Penn won at the end of the day. Milk was the performance of his career, and it's a film that's been grotesquely overlooked this year. Other than Doubt and The Dark Knight, nothing else came close to affecting me like it did.


Slumdog was enjoyable, but I think there's something about the movie's fandom that is fundamentally not clicking with me. Danny Boyle has made far better films (Millions, Trainspotting).


And Wall-E was brilliant, of course. Another success for Pixar, and a fine animated film in the tradition of contemplative fare like Bambi. So many family films these days are nothing more than a fully fledged attack on the senses, so I was really happy to realize following the success of this movie that kids today retain the ability to enjoy thoughtful, quality storytelling with their parents. As an artist who tells stories, that's very important to me.


Tropic Thunder will not be a resume highlight for Mr. Downy...nomination be damned.


At the end of the day, with all being said and done, I couldn't get past the fact that Penn was acting. A HELL OF an acting job, but his star power overshown the role a bit for me. Rourke's performance had such a genuine poignancy that I was moved more than I have been by any performance in years.


Wall-E caused major angst at the Crow household. I LOVE it...but Downtonw walked out about an hour in. Go figue.

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I find it hard to believe that Ben Stiller is still getting paid to make movies.


There's a bunch that could go on that list:


Ben Stiller

Adam Sandler

Eddie Murphy

Cameron Diaz

Bill Paxton

Wil Farrell

Mike Meyers

Dana Carvey



Lots of former SNL actors making lots of bad movies these days.

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There's a bunch that could go on that list:


Ben Stiller

Adam Sandler

Eddie Murphy

Cameron Diaz

Bill Paxton

Wil Farrell

Mike Meyers

Dana Carvey



Lots of former SNL actors making lots of bad movies these days.

No argument from me on any of those names.


You forgot Rob Schneider (assuming he still gets work).


I still hold out hope that Myers will stumble across something new and funny someday, but I thought the Austin Powers films were atrocious.


His best post-SNL moments were the first Wayne's World film and So I Married An Axe Murderer. Everything else has pretty much sucked, imo (they should've stopped after the first Shrek film).


I don't have high expectations for the Keith Moon thing he's reportedly doing.

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There's a bunch that could go on that list:


Ben Stiller

Adam Sandler

Eddie Murphy

Cameron Diaz

Bill Paxton

Wil Farrell

Mike Meyers

Dana Carvey



Lots of former SNL actors making lots of bad movies these days.

I would take Stiller and Ferrell off that and for the life of me I can't figure out why Bill Paxton is listed.

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