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Flight of the Conchords spring tour

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Didn't see these posted here yet. Not surprised at the venues based on how quickly stuff sold out last year in much smaller venues, but damn, they've gotten big fast. Guess that's what a show on HBO will do for you. (I'm happy for them that they're doing so well, though.)


On a New York note, I'm sure they'll add another night at Radio City when the first one sells out.



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Thanks, Paul. Too bad Kristen Schaal isn't opening in Vancouver.


I know, she is totally awesome. Her standup, which I've gotten to see a couple times in various different incarnations, is really zany and hilarious. (Not to brag too much about a fellow Northwestern alum. :thumbup)

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Inner city.


Inner city pressure.


Inner city pressure


I finally gave in and watched the first season two weeks ago. I didn't want to like them but dammit, I laughed my ass off. I'm surprised at how excited I am to see they're going to be in St. Louis.

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The show is pretty good I have to say, but nothing gets ruined faster then all your classmates catching on to the joke 4 years after, and only because of youtube clips which they don't even know is from a show.


They really deserve the fame though. But it's kind of like their ambiguity was part of their mystique, you know? But then I just became one of the crowd members crying sellout, aren't I? Ohh the ways of following

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*shrug* :unsure


i have 2 friends who have a "hip hop" side project who do songs similar to that and i don't find them very funny either though, so maybe that's part of it.


As my brother said, when I told him I don't get M Ward ;) , "Well, that is too bad for you."

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i'm just glad they're striking while the iron is hot :)


One could say the same about Matt Ward... ;)


They're playing the oddest venue here - the Arie Crown. I probably won't go. But I do love the show, and thought they were hilarious at Sasquatch last year. I'd never have guessed two dudes with acoustic guitars could have captivated a huge festival audience like that.

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