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Worst Cover Ever: MCR & Desolation Row

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What happens when a douche band covers one of my favorite Dylan tunes? For the movie soundtrack to my favorite graphic novel?


Answer: My Chemical Romance "Desolation Row"





I was fired up to see the Watchmen trailer. Looks very promising. Like the dude gets it. Even the retro Pumpkins song worked perfectly. But this? Gotta re-think the whole thing...

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did anyone else watch the whole video? I couldn't look away.


when he screamed "AND THEN THE KEROSENE!!!" I threw up in my mouth.



HAHAHAHA. LOL freaking funny.


seriously, I pray I never have to hear it.

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There is no way to talk about this without being hyperbolic and I dont want to say anything that will offend anyone. But just know that if my thought dreams could be seen they'd probably put my head in a guillotine.

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I just got a chance to watch & listen and you know, I'm not offended by this. The main reason is that the song is pretty unrecognizable. But my kids like it so I'm not really gonna knock what they like and it definately is a different take on the old classic. A take I never ever woul dhave imagined could have been done.

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I'm not really offended either although it certainly does not work for me, I didn't make it through the whole video. Hell, maybe it will turn on some people to his music or at least his lyrics that would never have listened to him before.

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