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How about concerts you had tickets for but never saw?

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Wow..I can understand being tired but for the sake of completion I would have done what ever necessary to see the finally show even if it meant I would doze of for a few minutes....


I once saw 8 concerts in 6 days and it was tiring but I had a seat for most of thise night and pulled through it! This was with waking up for work at 7am every day....I also was 21 then...

my gf was in town over the weekend, i still had to work and i got sick at the very end.

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Oh yeah, me too! When I got the tickets I didn't realize it was Thanksgiving week.



i looked for some kind of review from you too in the after the show part down there but never saw anything. the person i was going with ended up out of town last second and we couldn't get a babysitter for my wife to take his place so i blew it off rather than go alone.


in the olden days, i would have gone alone and loved it. but now it's more like, oww my knees hurt. i better turn down this hearing aid before the show. where'd i leave my cane again?

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Oh, and just a month ago, my wife won tickets to see Marc Olsen and Gary Louris at an invite-only thing at a small club here in Chicago (Hideout). We couldn't get a sitter and couldn't go -- they only gave us ONE DAY notice that we had won.

Damnit. That one hurt.

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i looked for some kind of review from you too in the after the show part down there but never saw anything. the person i was going with ended up out of town last second and we couldn't get a babysitter for my wife to take his place so i blew it off rather than go alone.


in the olden days, i would have gone alone and loved it. but now it's more like, oww my knees hurt. i better turn down this hearing aid before the show. where'd i leave my cane again?




I think Drew (tongue-tied lightning) had tickets too and didn't go for the same reason! It wasn't so much that I had a lot to do, but when we realized the date we knew we were going to hit a TON of traffic in and out of the city.

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I had tickets for a Beastie Boys/Rage Against the Machine/At the Drive-In triple bill back in...must have been 2000? Got postponed because one of the Beasties fell off his bicycle or something, and then it got cancelled when Rage broke up.

ooh, i forgot i had tickets to that too... Green Day and Busta Rhymes were also on the bill for the Dallas show i had tickets to...

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Talking Heads (Psychedelic Furs opened) - Orpheum Theater, Boston, 1980 or 1981


Got a job at freaking K Mart and my first night on the job was the night of the show.

I never saw the Heads in concert.




Mine cannot even compare in terms of sadness. I bought my first electric guitar the day of an Assembly of Dust show (believe Toad's Place, this is only a few years ago) I brought the guitar home, and the amp that I had planned on buying from a local guitar shop had been sold. So instead of going to the show I went on a search for an amp.

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Quite a few GD shows I just never made it to.


Foo Fighters like ten years ago got snowed out.


Wilco a year and a half ago. Met Ms. Y and Oceanman the night before but ran into some trouble later on and had to bag the next night.


Lots of club-like concerts I've bagged on.


General rule: if I have a ticket and don't feel like going, I don't go.

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Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1996. I came down with food poisoning an hour before time to leave for the show. I gave the ticket to my neighbor. Can't say I was too disappointed.


Technically I had a ticket to see the Stones in 1997, but I'm pretty sure I would have had to put out in exchange for the ticket. Not worth it. :yucky In 1968, maybe.


Rufus Wainwright and Ben Folds in 2005. It was at a shitty outdoor venue in Kansas City. It rained, and the venue was two or three hours late opening the gates. Total chaos. We decided it would be more fun and less annoying to go play elsewhere.

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Alex Chilton - 2004 (I think. Could have been '05). Outdoor show + thunderstorm


Sleater-Kinney - 2005

I let someone convince me that a woman going to a concert alone was a) dangerous and b ) pretty sad. Stupid, I know, because I've done it before and never felt sad or pathetic. They broke up shortly after.

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Sleater-Kinney - 2005

I let someone convince me that a woman going to a concert alone was a) dangerous and b ) pretty sad. Stupid, I know, because I've done it before and never felt sad or pathetic. They broke up shortly after.


I can't think of many safer places for a woman to be than at a Sleater-Kinney concert. Maybe a K.D. Lang show. :lol

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i forgot this one and it should also fall into the biggest disappointment thread too.


The replacements - Rutgers Gym - 1990 or 1991 maybe?


we had a big tequila and chicken party on the roof of my friends apartment building that ran all afternoon into the night.


(a tequilla and chicken party is where you steal a case of tequila from the bar that one friend managed and you get another friend to steal a case of chickens from the hotel restaurant he worked at and you spend all day roasting and grilling like 20 chickens, doing shots and then eventually throwing cooked at uncooked chicken at passersby.)


so us 30 drunks walk to the gym and they oversold the show and added a 2nd show at like 10 or 11 pm. we all chose to wait till show #2. after a short time, my girlfriend at the time became more and more belligerent, eventually being unable to walk. one of our friends who was not going to the show drove us home. my friend kevin who had the party told me there were like 40 people at the 2nd show, most of which were from our party. i've seen the replacements several times so it's hard to say how great it was but damn, i wish i got to see for myself. i still hold a grudge against her.

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i forgot this one and it should also fall into the biggest disappointment thread too.


The replacements - Rutgers Gym - 1990 or 1991 maybe?


we had a big tequila and chicken party on the roof of my friends apartment building that ran all afternoon into the night.


(a tequilla and chicken party is where you steal a case of tequila from the bar that one friend managed and you get another friend to steal a case of chickens from the hotel restaurant he worked at and you spend all day roasting and grilling like 20 chickens, doing shots and then eventually throwing cooked at uncooked chicken at passersby.)


so us 30 drunks walk to the gym and they oversold the show and added a 2nd show at like 10 or 11 pm. we all chose to wait till show #2. after a short time, my girlfriend at the time became more and more belligerent, eventually being unable to walk. one of our friends who was not going to the show drove us home. my friend kevin who had the party told me there were like 40 people at the 2nd show, most of which were from our party. i've seen the replacements several times so it's hard to say how great it was but damn, i wish i got to see for myself. i still hold a grudge against her.


Wow, missing the Mats. That one would be personally painful to me, I never got to see them.

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