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Should Wilco call it quits?

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Before you all impale me, hear me out:


1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.

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As far as their recorded history, I can't complain (I'm one of the Sky Blue Sky lovers). I'll admit that they probably peaked as far as orginality and defining themselves around Summerteeth/YHF, but I see no significant decline to the point of having to bow out. I think I know the concern you are verbalizing, but I think it would take a really awful record to tarnish the legacy. And I kind of don't care about legacy, Wilco's records will always mean alot to me, and I think they a have a few records that will always be held in high esteem by the critics no matter what happens.


Now my only fear is Wilco becoming a touring/marketing monster that is more focused on keeping the tour rolling than creating music. I guess it is the Dave Matthews fear, that even though he hasn't released a relevant piece of music since Crash, there is always a perpetual Summer Tour. Now that I think is my fear.

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I don't believe in legacy as being gauged by "your average album's worth". I believe in legacy as being gauged by the number of great songs and great albums you bring to the table.


For example, the Stones have a number of horrifically bad albums, but they still have 9-10 I'd call 4-5 star classics.



So, even SBS, which I disliked more than most people on this board, to me wasn't a "Legacy tarnisher". It may not have added much to their legacy, but at the very least it added 2-3 great songs to Wilco's repetoire, including "Impossible Germany" which is something of a fav of mine.


Even if they put out a completely terrible record, it wouldn't make anything they did between 1996-2004 any less brilliant. So to answer your question, "No."

(besides this record looks like it's going to be a lot better than SBS judging by the songs we've heard.)

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2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend..


I'd call that a two record downward trend since YHF was widely considered their peak.

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When Pat quits..oh wait. I don't like this talk of "peak". I don't know that there was a peak anywhere. You might like one more than another, but who knows what the peak will be? And frankly, who cares?

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Nah, not seeing it. I like all their albums. I have no qualms with SBS...


If everybody quit at their peak we wouldn't have Michael Jordan as a Wizard or Sting playing the sitar... wait.


I'm only jumping ship if I start seeing pyrotechnics and face paint... or duets with Babs.


Seems to me we are simply witnessing a maturing band leader in less turmoil, and he is taking us along for the ride.

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ive thought of this a lot. when sky blue sky came out, i was sure it was gonna be their last record. i dunno, i just had a feeling. then this new one came out. i heard some songs live, and i think theyre pretty cool. it seems like everyone is scared its gonna suck, and wilco will lose some pitchfork cred. if so, who cares.


every band has some eh records. look at dylan and the band. they had their comeback records in the 70s (blood on the tracks, northern lights southern cross) after some mediocre efforts (dylan, cahoots.)


just gotta stick with artists. if you like em enough, you can appreciate whatever they do. if not, then you get pissed off about their new release (ryan adams.)


theres my two cents.

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Are you people f*****g crazy?.........They are one of the best live bands going.......Jeff himself says they make their living on the road......Do you honestly think they go in the recording studio to make a shitty album?......Every album they have made has redeeming qualities even the ones I don't listen to that much.......This thread should have been started yesterday on April 1st in the joke section........I happen to like SBS and AM so for me they can't go wrong with this album if any part of your theory holds up.....Enjoy the music while you can.......Christ, I remember everyone was worried about what the Beatles would do next after Sgt. Pepper. The inevitable band break up will come some day, why wish for it now? They are just hitting their stride as a band. You haven't even heard it yet.....Well, there is always the new Jonas Brothers album I guess.

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Someone was high when they made this thread.


Clearly, whether you CAN make music and SHOULD are two different things. I, for instance, think U2 should have stopped making music nearly two decades ago as their albums have been a steady decline to the aural crap we hear now. Did they stop? Nope. Should they stop? Only if they want to. As mentioned before, this is all subjectivity.


Bottom line, it's not up to you anyways.

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Guest Speed Racer

With each subsequent record, Wilco is selling more records and playing larger venues. They're not reaching you any more, but they're sure as hell reaching a lot of other people. I don't go to Arby's because it's crap, and they haven't shut down. Don't go to Wilco.

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While SBS may be a "lesser" album, I think it's awfully premature to start talking about a decline -- at least until we hear the new album. Even if the new one is the worst thing the band has ever done, I can't see a reason to call it quits while they are still such a dynamic live band. I'll admit that "SBS" is perhaps my least favorite Wilco album (which doesn't mean I don't love it), but seeing them tour in support of it was amazing. All bands tend to have a peak period after which the quality of their albums become less consistent (see the Stones from Beggars Banquet through Exile), but a loss of consistency is no reason to call it quits. I'm willing to bet that Jeff still has a few good albums left in him. He just may not put them out all back-to-back. Maybe one day Wilco will make its own "Abbey Road," but until then, we can still enjoy one of the best live bands around.

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