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Should Wilco call it quits?

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Before you all impale me, hear me out:


1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.






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The real problem is that the guys are hitting the 15-year mark. My little pet theory dictates that most bands say all they'll ever have to say within a 15-, maybe 20- year span, and then they start cranking out treacle. You know how the Stones were flawless, and then they blew a gigantic raspberry with It's Only Rock and Roll and have continued to blow it for 35 years? R.E.M.'s Murmer came out in, what, '83? Their last good record was Up, released 15 years later. Yeah, they're both still live powerhouses, but their records are basically disappointing junk now, sometimes served with a side of embarrassingly self-conscious nostalgia.


On a long enough timeline, you can safely stop paying attention to certain releases by once-great artists. I won't be giving Neil's new one a listen, for instance, and I certainly regret giving Springsteen's unforgiveable, wince-inducing shit-show a chance when it came out earlier this year. It makes sense, in a way. You can't bottle lightning and expect it to last forever. Few artists grow old gracefully, but it beats the alternative embraced by yer Jimis and Janises and Kurts. Some artists, like Dylan or Westerberg, will kick into high gear later on down the line and experience a bona fide late career renaissance, but for most artists this simply never happens.


The live tunes I've heard from the new Wilco record are almost all boring shit, and while I'm disappointed by this turn of events, I'm really not surprised by the downward trend correctly identified by the original poster. But hey, the guys are still an awesome live act, and we'll always be around to scream out the names of their good songs, even when they're touring the boring new ones.


(Whew. A popular poster couldn't have gotten away with that!)

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The question seems a bit ridiculous to me, and the fact that this thread is... several pages long is baffling.


I'm always pumped for a new Wilco record. I'm curious to hear what they'll produce, especially when they appear to be back using the studio as another instrument per se.


I've said a zillion times but these guys are one of the only bands I know today that make albums in an mp3 age. Everything else aside, why would anyone want an artist or group that does that in today's music climate to cash in their chips?

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The question seems a bit ridiculous to me, and the fact that this thread is... several pages long is baffling.

Oh, this thread would be much shorter if I stopped commenting on how retarded it is. Which I probably won't.

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'Spill with the seeds'

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Yes they should call it quits right now!

They are speading the word of SATAN!

If you listen to rock and roll, you are going to hell!


Grab your bibles and guns and await the second coming !






Even Amy Grant loves satan!




She is going to hell!


This post is the biggest chunk of shit ever, and I'm reminded why I stopped coming to this site in the first place.

If you feel the same way about Wilco, you should do the same. Go away, and don't come back.


Satan Lover

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Yes they should call it quits right now!

They are speading the word of SATAN!

If you listen to rock and roll, you are going to hell!


Grab your bibles and guns and await the second coming !






Even Amy Grant loves satan!




She is going to hell!


This post is the biggest chunk of shit ever, and I'm reminded why I stopped coming to this site in the first place.

If you feel the same way about Wilco, you should do the same. Go away, and don't come back.


Satan Lover


Dude, lay off the bratwurst, it's messin' witch yo mind.

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Dude, lay off the bratwurst, it's messin' witch yo mind.



Now you did it...



You're going to hell too!

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Is this hell lined with grease-splattering Johnsonvilles?



And it sits on the shores of Lake Michigan.




just like Wilco!



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