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How Much Longer For Nels Cline?

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A fair question, considering Jeff Tweedy's fickle nature, the revolving-door history of the band, and the size of Mr. Tweedy's ego. The band is better than ever as a live outfit with the current line-up, mostly due to Nels Cline's phenomenal guitar leads, but how much longer can this last? I wouldn't be surprised if it's only one more album and tour. I've been to two of the baseball stadium shows and, at Wappingers Falls, anyway, the crowd was bigger on Nels' side of the stage. I'm not sure how much longer Mr. Tweedy will find this to be palatable.



[gogo edit]



He is getting older and with his spine problems as he explains in ashes of american flags, I could see him out of the band within 5 years. I think he is a very good player and the band won't kick him out but he will probably move on or retire so to speak. Wilco has a grueling schedule and so far only two men have lasted, whose to say whats next. Eventhough jeff says he is happy with the form of the band, something like a health problem would be one of the only reasons to break these 6 guys up. He just wants to defy gravity and float but his body doesnt like when he goes nuts on stage. Who would replace him? What do you think? Do they even need a replacement with tweedy and pat playing as well as they have?


Respond to whichever set of suppositions you like.

[/gogo edit]

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To answer this using brief internet lingo, you're a noob.

You will soon be ripped apart for even suggesting that Nels makes this Wilco the best yet.


Jeff seems pretty damn happy with this lineup of Wilco. I honestly don't see it changing for a while. This isn't the migrane afflicted Jeff you saw before, or in the documentary. He's calmed down, and seems legitimately happy playing with the guys in the band. Why would he change that?

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...good thread...


Seriously though, why would join a message board with the main intention of adding fuel to an unwarranted fire. Nels and Jeff get along great, if anything I'd be more concerned with Nel's age (Fifty what now? :P ) being a factor than his so-called intrusive stage presence.

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"Seriously though, why would join a message board with the main intention of adding fuel to an unwarranted fire."


I wasn't expecting such touchy responses (yours and the other guy). It is a perfectly reasonable query, based on the events of the past. For the record, I'm hardly an internet "noob," -- though I just joined this group, I been participating on music messageboards for nearly 15 years; just found this one recently, however. I'm a big Wilco fan -- been with them since the beginning (I even saw Uncle Tupelo play once!) and I was into Nels Cline (primarily via his work with Gregg Bendian) long before Jeff Tweedy ever thought about adding him to the group.

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It is a perfectly reasonable query, based on the events of the past.


What you know those guys, so you know how they will be? Or you are questioning us because we know how they will be? At what point is that reasonable, or intelligent? Is the answer to the question-thread you started supposed to be in numerical format?


Forget being a 'newb', posting on this board doesn't make anyone special. But- you might have more fun if you use this place as an opportunity to ask questions/make discussion on side projects, new releases, shows etc. Your question is about as conversation provoking as us sitting around speculating when you might break up with your significant other.

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Actually, Tweedy tweeded me the other night and said he can't stand it when Nels gets all the attention up there. In fact, at one of the recent ball park shows Jeff grabbed a ball that was autographed by Nels and ran off with it to a local pawn shop. He traded it in for this....



But to answer your question seriously or more serious than before: I don't think Jeff really cares or has time to notice if Nels' side has more people. Those people could really be Mikael Jorgensen fans or people double checking to see if 1970s Woody Allen time traveled in a hot tub time machine to play with Wilco from 2003 on.




PS I just can't picture Tweedy running off stage pissed at Nels or anyone for that matter. From reading interviews it seems like this is what Jeff always had in his head for what he wanted his band to sound like. Why ruin that? I can see changing the guard to change the sound if someone wants to leave on their own.

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Actually, Tweedy tweeded me the other night and said he can't stand it when Nels gets all the attention up there. In fact, at one of the recent ball park shows Jeff grabbed a ball that was autographed by Nels and ran off with it to a local pawn shop. He traded it in for this....



But to answer your question seriously or more serious than before: I don't think Jeff really cares or has time to notice if Nels' side has more people. Those people could really be Mikael Jorgensen fans or people double checking to see if 1970s Woody Allen time traveled in a hot tub time machine to play with Wilco from 2003 on.




PS I just can't picture Tweedy running off stage pissed at Nels or anyone for that matter. From reading interviews it seems like this is what Jeff always had in his head for what he wanted his band to sound like. Why ruin that? I can see changing the guard to change the sound if someone wants to leave on their own.

This is a good post.


Not because of the rational argument, or the Cline wine picture.


This is a good thread because you said Mikael is Woody Allen. Well done.

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This is a good post.


Not because of the rational argument, or the Cline wine picture.


This is a good thread because you said Mikael is Woody Allen. Well done.




My best friend pointed that out to me when we were far away the first time we saw them play with Mikael in 2003. From our vantage point that's who he reminded him of.

But Mikael is a very nice guy who I was fortunate enough to speak with after a Portland, Maine show......Your Honor :thumbup

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In all honesty, if anyone ends the Jeff/Nels partnership, it'll be Nels, just because of all his other work, and the fact that he's considerably older than the rest of the band.


And seriously, why did you make this your first thread?


Hahahah well said... a true baptism by fire.. the fierce flames of VCers

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Thanks for the intelligent responses, and no thanks for the overly-sensitive, vaginal ones. I would assume that a board about Wilco is a pertinent forum for all things Wilco-related, whether or not its about something we'd view as a positive or a negative.

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Which side do I fall on?




As for an answer to your first question, there's usually a compelling reason why someone might register and post and, after reading this board for a few weeks without any urge to post anything, I thought of this and wondered what the board consensus was on the matter. As much as I love the band, registering simply to say how awesome the latest show was isn't something I'd probably do (though it was pretty awesome).

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You would probably get better responses if you didn't rip on Tweedy in your opening post. Strange as it may seem, there are probably some people on the board who don't think he's a tempermental prima donna. With regards to your question, I think Nels will eventually tire of lots of touring and want to get back to focusing on all his other projects. If you watched their DVD, you saw that every night Nels gives it his all and it's pretty brutal on his body. I don't know if that will happen in 1, 5, or 10 years, but thats my guess. I really don't think Tweedy minds at all that people like Nel's soloing.

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To harp on the initial Jeff-bashing, I don't really think all the Wilco drama over the years has been a result of Jeff having a huge ego. I think it's just been a case of a strong minded, immensely creative individual trying to find the best possible combination of sounds/musicians to bring his musical visions to life.


Is it egotistical to want your work to be represented as well as possible?

Nope. It is not.

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usually only when describing warts. i don't think that was the case here though.


Yeah, I imagine the mods would've moved a vaginal wart thread to the Re-arrival Of My Health section.



*Admin Edit: Well of course we would have. :yes

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Guest Francis X. Hummel

I hope Nels remains in Wilco indefinitely. While I'm not the hugest fan of his, I will say that he's a fucking monster on stage and the best Wilco shows I've seen have been during his tenure.

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Perfectly good question.


I think Nels Cline is amazing guitarist, but his time with the band is running out. In 06-07 when the SBS songs were new his playing blew me away. But nowadays, after three years of the same Impossible Germany solo, how much more can you take? Other lineups were not 1/2 as technical proficient at their instruments but at least the shows had some variance between them, you know? Now it's like the band is playing Guitar Hero and trying to see how well they can hit each scripted note. While I realize playing all the songs like album tracks is probably Tweedy's call, I still think it will take a new lead guitarist to get the band out of the habit.

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He is getting older and with his spine problems as he explains in ashes of american flags, I could see him out of the band within 5 years. I think he is a very good player and the band won't kick him out but he will probably move on or retire so to speak. Wilco has a grueling schedule and so far only two men have lasted, whose to say whats next. Eventhough jeff says he is happy with the form of the band, something like a health problem would be one of the only reasons to break these 6 guys up. He just wants to defy gravity and float but his body doesnt like when he goes nuts on stage. Who would replace him? What do you think? Do they even need a replacement with tweedy and pat playing as well as they have?

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