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Saw Weezer on Letterman tonight...

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While I don't have any great attachment to Weezer from the psst, I must say I am wondering what the hell is going on with them.

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They are freakin' awful. It got to the point with Make Believe where it wasn't just bad, it was an atrocious excuse for music. Up until a couple years ago I still had some sort of attachment to the Blue Album and Pinkerton because I grew up with those, but one listen through Make Believe when that came out made me lose that attachment.


I think it was the Pitchfork review that pondered whether Weezer was ever actually good or is their new stuff so bad it just drags the rest of the Weezer catalog down with it.


I still try every time they put out a "single" to see if something is left in the tank and it just reaffirms that they have fallen either equal to or below popular country music. Put Toby Keith up against Weezer and I'd struggle to tell you just who sucks the most.

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I thought there were a couple of decent songs on the Red Album. But, Make Believe was so terrible that I don't think they will ever be anything more than a curiosity at this point. However, their current state doesn't diminish those first two albums for me.

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I gotta say - take away all you know about Weezer, if that was some band I'd never really heard of, I'd be awestruck. That performance was pretty cool. That song has a nice Brill Building feel going on.


I kind of thought the same thing. I was never a big Weezer fan so I think I was somewhat objective watching it and I thought it was kind of cool. Maybe I was expecting a train wreck after reading the other posts.

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I gotta say - take away all you know about Weezer, if that was some band I'd never really heard of, I'd be awestruck. That performance was pretty cool. That song has a nice Brill Building feel going on.


You know...I can buy into that. D-man was playing the youtube video of the earlier Letterman appearance, and I was really getting into it.Catchy, tuneful song.


The problem may be that Rivers should have retired the Weezer name after Pinkerton. It's just not the same band, no matter who the personnel are.


As Istarted the thread, I will proclaim myself guilty of not giving WEEZER the same opportunity for growth that I readily and eagerly give WILCO.


(And yes SS, I edited this. I can't help it. The brain keeps rolling on along after I initially post) :cheers

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Put Toby Keith up against Weezer and I'd struggle to tell you just who sucks the most.

Ouch, man.


(And yes SS, I edited this. I can't help it. The brain keeps rolling on along after I initially post) :cheers

I do that all the time. Can't help it.

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Raditude isn't a bad album. It's not exactly the most intelligent pop-rock, but it's good, catchy stuff. Except Can't Stop Partying. That song should have never been released.


Is it the Blue Album? Not at all. But if you're realistic, and realize that Weezer isn't the same band anymore, there's enough to appreciate on this album.


But I've ben known to defend Weezer at all times. The truth is, they didn't stop releasing good music after Pinkerton. The good music just wasn't as good, and the bad music became embarrassingly bad.

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i thought Friday's performance with the Snuggies was horrible.


Red Album and the two Rivers' solo compilations pointed it towards getting back to good, but that performace has got me worried for Raditude (also the album title and cover).


it was odd to see another person playing drums for Weezer.

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I'm just going to go out and say it, that might be the best Weezer single since Island in the Sun. Too bad the rest of the album is so bad.


I agree, although Keep Fishin' might beat both of those songs

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You know...I can buy into that. D-man was playing the youtube video of the earlier Letterman appearance, and I was really getting into it.Catchy, tuneful song.


The problem may be that Rivers should have retired the Weezer name after Pinkerton. It's just not the same band, no matter who the personnel are.


As I started the thread, I will proclaim myself guilty of not giving WEEZER the same opportunity for growth that I readily and eagerly give WILCO.


(And yes SS, I edited this. I can't help it. The brain keeps rolling on along after I initially post) :cheers

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is that real - a Weezer/Snuggie partnership?


Weezer has a sense of humor.


I am beginning to think that some of their fans don't.

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Weezer has a lot of shitty fans, honestly. It's been how many years since the album they claim as the last good one, yet they still follow the band? I've enjoyed Weezer's post-Pinkerton output, but it's ridiculous to keep expecting what they're obviously not going to release.


Rivers has always had a fascination with pop music. But the pop music he's inspired by these days isn't the same as it was around Blue. Kiss and Nirvana have been replaced by Lil' Wayne and Katy Perry. Oh well. I can skip the songs he makes WITH these people, but enjoy the ones he makes inspired by them, or whoever else inspires Rivers these days.


I'll continue enjoying the high points of Green, Maladroit, Make Believe, Red and Raditude for what they are. Rivers can sure write a melody.

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Hate on the new album all you want, but those two Letterman performances were fantastic. I was skeptical about Cuomo ditching the guitar, but it really opens up the stage. Plus the horns sounded great. Too bad there are only a few really good tunes on the album.


People separate the first two albums from the rest, but that always struck me as a false dichotomy. There are a bunch of fluffy popcorn songs on the first album, and there are a number of more serious "emo" songs on the later albums, so...

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Hate on the new album all you want, but those two Letterman performances were fantastic. I was skeptical about Cuomo ditching the guitar, but it really opens up the stage. Plus the horns sounded great. Too bad there are only a few really good tunes on the album.


People separate the first two albums from the rest, but that always struck me as a false dichotomy. There are a bunch of fluffy popcorn songs on the first album, and there are a number of more serious "emo" songs on the later albums, so...

Yea, that's what confuses me. Weezer songs haven't changed that much. They were better written on Blue/Pinkerton, but the new pop/emo songs aren't as far off as the old pop/emo songs. Another reason to question the "they stopped being good years ago" crowd.

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