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Now Playing: April 2010

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Just acquired and np (in honor of 4/20):


Roky Erickson - True Love Cast Out All Evil


This is so much better than I anticipated.


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How is this? I've been dragging ass on getting it or at the very least downloading it.


I think that it may be their best album yet. It's definitely one of their best.

It's more straight-ahead rock than any of their other albums... the least amount of odd East Indian goings-on; the sitars and whatnot are more for decoration and less the focus of the songs. But the songs themselves are some of the strongest, hookiest that the band has ever recorded.


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yeah? i like it a lot, but def not enjoying it as much as '59 Sound or Sink or Swim yet. it not quite as rockin' and a bit more generic lyrically


it's not BAD by any means, it's just i love this band and it's not kicking my ass yet. hoping/guessing it grows on me though.

the off-key vocals on the last track make me have to skip right past it almost every time sadly.


i think i'm too infatuated with the new Black Keys to give it my full attention right now anyway.


as for Gayngs, i can't really be impartial regarding that record considering my relationship, that and that it basically consists of a good chunk of the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin's best musicians., but i still find it to be a blast. it's not for everyone or for every mood, but it never fails to put a smile on my face. can't wait to see the video for 'Cry' tomorrow


and i can't frickin' WAIT for the live shows (aka: The Last Prom on Earth) next month


The Gaslight Anthem always have a familiar tone to me, like I've heard this band/song before and can't seem to place them. I hope that makes sense. They're not the greatest band ever, nor do I think they'll ever be close to that title, they're just a solid rock band.


As for Gayngs, dude, I gave it another listen today and I'm sad to report that it's still terrible. :yucky Maybe you gotta be in on it but I guess I'm not that hip.




Don't care if it's a crap rip, I'm loving this.

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The Gaslight Anthem always have a familiar tone to me, like I've heard this band/song before and can't seem to place them.  I hope that makes sense.   They're not the greatest band ever, nor do I think they'll ever be close to that title, they're just a solid rock band.  


As for Gayngs, dude, I gave it another listen today and I'm sad to report that it's still terrible.   blockquote><p>oh i dunno about that... l


as for the Gaslight album... it's growing on me today, but still don't like it as much as their first 2 yet.

the Hold Steady is gonna have to grow on me quite a bit too, but i like it more than Stay Positive at least, so that's a plus.
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I think that it may be their best album yet. It's definitely one of their best.

It's more straight-ahead rock than any of their other albums... the least amount of odd East Indian goings-on; the sitars and whatnot are more for decoration and less the focus of the songs. But the songs themselves are some of the strongest, hookiest that the band has ever recorded.



Sounds great, thanks for the review, I'll check it out tonight. Their last two records are fun and pretty consistent, sounds like this one won't disappoint.

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i'm not "in" on Gayngs at all, but i love it. It's a fun album. If you don't like that style of music, then you probably wouldn't like it. It's kind of tongue in cheek.


some of it may be tongue in cheek, but i think for the most part the reason it works so much for me is that they're all embracing the influences on the record 100% and you can tell how much fun they had recording it.

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I've been listening to the new leaks by The National, Hold Steady, and Gaslight Anthem, none of which have disappointed.


"High Violet" by the National has kind of a rocky first half, that seems to have a hard time finding it's footing, but really picks up at Bloodbuzz Ohio. Runaway and Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks are both incredible."Heaven is Whenever" is a really complete sounding album, with no real weak tracks and a very nice flow. I particularly like the last 4 tracks at this point. "American Slang" is a very nice album, but I need some more time to listen to lyrics and get to know the songs to make a real judgement. The last track is kind of gross, and it makes me miss some of their great ballads like Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts, but The Spirit of Jazz seems like an instant classic.

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I've been listening to the new leaks by The National, Hold Steady, and Gaslight Anthem, none of which have disappointed.


"High Violet" by the National has kind of a rocky first half, that seems to have a hard time finding it's footing, but really picks up at Bloodbuzz Ohio. Runaway and Vanderlyle Crybaby Geeks are both incredible."Heaven is Whenever" is a really complete sounding album, with no real weak tracks and a very nice flow. I particularly like the last 4 tracks at this point. "American Slang" is a very nice album, but I need some more time to listen to lyrics and get to know the songs to make a real judgement. The last track is kind of gross, and it makes me miss some of their great ballads like Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts, but The Spirit of Jazz seems like an instant classic.


yeah the last track on American Slang is just weird. totally kills the momentum. I think it should end with Spirit of Jazz.

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Too much new music these last few days. Yikes. Today I knocked out Band of Horses, Josh Ritter, and Black Keys. The latter two are great. The first one might take some time. Hold Steady has not yet grabbed me. I want to like it, but I'm just not sure I can care anymore.

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Too much new music these last few days. Yikes. Today I knocked out Band of Horses, Josh Ritter, and Black Keys. The latter two are great. The first one might take some time. Hold Steady has not yet grabbed me. I want to like it, but I'm just not sure I can care anymore.


There are too many good things coming out in May. I'm gonna have to check that Black Keys album out. I haven't listened to one of thier albums since Rubber Factory.


I am still trying to get into the BOH's album. Their first two albums have been soundtracks to my life for the past several years. I want this album to be great though...

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There are too many good things coming out in May. I'm gonna have to check that Black Keys album out. I haven't listened to one of thier albums since Rubber Factory.


:blink Attack & Release is absolutely great. I'm liking the new one a whole lot as well. Although some similarities to Attack & Release and Keep it Hid, they are definitely moving in a different direction. Works for me.

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:blink Attack & Release is absolutely great. I'm liking the new one a whole lot as well. Although some similarities to Attack & Release and Keep it Hid, they are definitely moving in a different direction. Works for me.

yeah... Attack & Release quickly became my fave Keys record... esp. after the somewhat disappointing Magic Potion (if i had to pick a "least" favorite Keys album that would certainly be it, felt like a rehash and was kinda mellow). prior to A&R tho it was def Rubber Factory.


that said... after 5-6 listens now i think this is far and away the most impressive album they've made to date. it may not end up my favorite, but i think it's a huge step forward for them.

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Saw them at the Blue Note in Columbia, MO back around 1990 or so. So fucking good... and TIGHT!


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Saw them at the Blue Note in Columbia, MO back around 1990 or so. So fucking good... and TIGHT!



I saw them open for King Missile in Atlanta. Must've been '91, I guess. I wish I had seen them they play more than an opening slot, but it was a fantastic short set.

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