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What are your top pet peeves?

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No. I'm just kidding. No I'm not. Yes, I am. Just kidding. Didn't really mean it cheapo. Yes, I did. Just kidding. No, I'm not. Just kidding. Just kidding.

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Guest Ordinary Beehive

When people capatilize certain words in a sentence to emphasize their importance. Underline, bold or italisize it, but don't write it in all caps. It just seems like you're yelling. To that effect, when people type in all caps.

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Guest Speed Racer

My college coach would type in all caps to emphasize the importance of something in an email. But to her, everything was important. So she would capitalize all but "Ladies -" at the beginning. And her emails were generally 10 or 12 paragraphs long.

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Guest Speed Racer

ETA: In fact, now that I think about it, the only parts that weren't capitalized were the important parts:


"Ladies -


Practice is at 3:30PM today. DO NOT BE LATE OR WE WILL NOT WAIT FOR YOU!!!!! We will be running out to Old Dutch Barn. WE ARE NOT RUNNING TO OLD DUTCH FARM! MANY OF YOU WENT TO THE FARM LAST TIME BUT WE ARE GOING TO THE BARN. DO NOT BE LATE!!!! We will be running in smaller, and larger, contentric 800m circles around the FARM! ALLIE DO *NOT* FORGET YOUR WATER BOTTLE!!! DO NOT GO TO THE BARN!!! We will NOT be running CONCENTRIC CIRCLES TODAY!"


It went on like that.

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People who squeeze through a closing door only to leave the person behind them having to re-open it. I realize there is an imaginary distance from when one enters the door and another follows to hold it for the next person (i'll say about 10-15 ft. or less) that most adults follow, but I 've been working all year with students about not doing this and it's pretty much failed. They have no threshold nor manners.

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Drivers who stay in the passing lane even though they're not passing anyone (and they have their cruise control set to the speed limit +5).


The traffic light by my house, which has been reconfigured due to construction and traffic detours - which stays green for 8 seconds (I counted).


Traffic lights that turn red even though there's no traffic stopped at the perpendicular light.


Ooh! I have two new ones from last night.


Two softball pet peeves: Teams who are too good to be playing in the shittiest level league, but do so anyway and destroy the opposition (we got 15-runned after 5 innings). Teams whose players take walks even though they're up by 11 runs. Swing the fucking bat, you ass!

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Guest Speed Racer

Traffic lights that turn red even though there's no traffic stopped at the perpendicular light.


In my experience, that's to enable the consistent flow of traffic ahead of and behind that particular light.


One of my pet peeves is lights that don't register bicycles. I obey all rules of the road on my bike, and get punished for it at certain intersections because I don't weigh 2,000 lbs, and therefore don't register on the lights. My worst offender (I'd have to wait 10 minutes some times) was finally switched to timed lights instead of weight-sensing after a local community organization lobbied to have it changed.

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The traffic light by my house, which has been reconfigured due to construction and traffic detours - which stays green for 8 seconds (I counted).



Let me guess...the 8 second green light stays red for 3+ minutes.


I get to experience a few of those myself.

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In my experience, that's to enable the consistent flow of traffic ahead of and behind that particular light.

The specific light that I'm pet peeved against is at a T intersection, at which I've NEVER seen traffic coming from the perpendicular route, and I'm always caught there, wondering why I'm waiting for a green light. It probably shouldn't even be a traffic-lighted intersection.

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Guest Speed Racer

Clients who execute surprise conference calls. "Hello? Hello? Hi, we've got about 10 people in the room here, and we'd like to quick discuss this really complex task that affects each of us differently, requires you to disclose sensitive information we can't know about each other, and we'd love to hear your thoughts even though you're not at all prepared."

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Let me guess...the 8 second green light stays red for 3+ minutes.


I get to experience a few of those myself.

It's enough to let maybe 5 cars through. There's usually at least 10 cars waiting.


And yes - the red is WAY longer than the green.


Now, if it were red then green with 8 seconds each - THAT would be entertaining.

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Now, if it were red then green with 8 seconds each - THAT would be entertaining.


They recently installed freeway on-ramp traffic lights near my house. One car per green light. The light turns red before most people can hit the gas pedal and get their car in motion.


It was frustrating, but still kind of humorous, to watch people react to the one second green light the first few days.

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Ooh! I have two new ones from last night.


Two softball pet peeves: Teams who are too good to be playing in the shittiest level league, but do so anyway and destroy the opposition (we got 15-runned after 5 innings). Teams whose players take walks even though they're up by 11 runs. Swing the fucking bat, you ass!


Those are both tough, though. The lowest level league is always going to see the biggest discrepancy between the good teams and bad teams. That team could go 2-6 in the next highest level.


Also, an 11-run lead in softball can be erased pretty quickly. No reason to swing at bad pitches.

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In my experience, that's to enable the consistent flow of traffic ahead of and behind that particular light.

In my town there is a recently expanded boulevard that has a light at a T intersection, but the road leading to the T is surrounded by an undeveloped subdivision. This light will change at two in the morning even if you're the only car approaching. I suppose it's set up this way to keep us from going about 80 down a very long, wide and straight stretch in a 45 zone.

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My new jackass project manager who is so worried about cost,cost,cost that he's going to cost us a contract. Although he may not be my boss for long because today I told him his "cost" was third on my priority list behind safety of my guys and quality of work. If I can bite my tongue for another year or so he'll likely get fired but he already knows I think he is a moron and its only been 2 1/2 weeks.

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My new jackass project manager who is so worried about cost,cost,cost that he's going to cost us a contract. Although he may not be my boss for long because today I told him his "cost" was third on my priority list behind safety of my guys and quality of work. If I can bite my tongue for another year or so he'll likely get fired but he already knows I think he is a moron and its only been 2 1/2 weeks.

no, really, how do you really feel about it? Don't keep sugarcoating it. :pirate

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