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I'd say get everything up until BITUSA, which still has some great songs on it, it's really just a victim of the times in terms of production. If you can get past the disgusting synths it's a solid record.

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Wow, I missed that this person didn't listen to Born to Run. One of the great albums of all time from anyone. Don't miss that. Repeating myself and everyone...Nebraska....also one of the great albums ever.



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I was always a big fan of his Tunnel of Love record, production (as with a lot of his stuff for me) was a bit sub-par, but I thought the songwriting was great. The Wild, The Innocent... and Nebraska are my favorites, followed by Tunnel of Love.


Since Tunnel of Love, I think Tom Joad and Devil and Dust are the only ones I own. I enjoy Tom Joad more than Devil record.

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I never got into Springsteen until this past year, even though I was born and raised in NJ where he is like a religion. I listened to Magic first, and I really liked it, but I thought, "imagine how good the old stuff must be.." So I went back to the beginning with Greetings from Asbury Park all the way up to Darkness at the Edge of Town, and was astounded at the energy, the poetic and intense lyrics, the musicianship and arrangements, etc. I listened to NYC Serenade driving back from work today, and I was lost for those 9 minutes and utterly amazed.


What do you guys recommend after the Darkness record? I am excited about The Promise, but maybe that's for the hardcore fan and I should explore other stuff first...plus, it's a pretty hefty price to pay.


So...You've joined the cult. Congratulations and welcome!


Assuming you have gone Chronologically (Greetings, TWTIATESS, BTR and Darkness) after discovering Bruce through Magic, I would recommend three to try next:


Nebraska --- This one is a stark, alternately brutal and beautiful, raging acoustic tour de force.

Tunnel of Love --- This is Bruce's first in depth examination of the politics of PERSONAL relationships. Knownig he recorded Brilliant Disguise in his garage studio while his wife was in the house is just chilling. There's trouble in paradise and Bruce is striving to comprehend the incomprehensible

Lucky Town --- I am probably one of the few Bruce fans who really loves this record. Lucky Town is a companion piece to Tunnel of Love (in my opinion). The doubt and fear of ToL is contrasted by the hope and joy of LT. In my opinion, this one holds up really well for a record that was really a barnstorming effort after he had made Human Touch.


After these three, move on to these:

Born in the USA is one that you've probably heard simply by being alive in the last 30 years. It has become more mythic and is difficult to appreciate as a work without the context of 7 top 10 singles and the 20 million copies sold. This was Bruce's push at mega-super-stardom and at points feels a tad contrived (with hindsight being what it is). This one made him immortal, but I prefer the records that led up to the supernova and his records in response to it.

The River --- this one is a bit of a sprawling mess, but what a glorious mess it is. The mix of partying, frivilous songs with dark, brooding songs is jarring at times, but it pulls together the need and desire for community with the dark night of despair. Look at this one ad Bruces' White Album, it probably could have been released as one disc, but it would not present the picture Bruce intended.


The Rising is the only coherently presented and consciously intended artistic response to 9/11. The songs stand on their own nicely, but it is evident that Bruce is channeling a desire to understand and deal with the incomprehensible nature of what happened. The artistic world's ignoring of this national tragedy has always been puzzling to me, Neil Youn was the only other artist to attempt such a comprehensive resopnse, but Are You Passionate is really a mess.

The Ghost of Tom Joad, Human Touch and Working on a Dream are probably for the completists.

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I like Lucky Town, but I like Tunnel of Love more, but really they are both reasonably good, if not classics.


I think The Rising was good in the wake of 9/11, but there is little on it I would listen to now.


Meanwhile I degrooved (literally) my copies of Bruce's first four albums.



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Maybe because I was 10 in 1984 I am more of an apologist for BITUSA than those who were older and a Bruce fan going back ten years before, but to me it has worked on different levels as I've aged. As a ten-year old I just thought those were some catchy ass pop songs, not as good as another mega-record from that year ("Purple Rain") but damn if I didn't love the hell out of it. Years later as an adult songs like "Dancing In the Dark," "I'm Going Down' and "Downbound Train" took on a whole new life. Lyrically and thematically most of the record is as dark and full of despair as "Nebraska." No surprise as those albums/songs were all written rougly at the same time. My favs go like this: 1. BTR, 2. WIESS, 3. Nebraska, 4. Darkness, 5. BITUSA,

6. Greetings, 7. Magic, 8. The River, 9. The Rising, 10. Tunnel. I anticipate "The Promise," will be in the middle of this pack, could be higher if "The Iceman" and "Don't Look Back" were on it and not "Tracks."

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thanks guys, really helpful comments...


i've definitely listened to Born to Run (many times in fact) and it is probably my favorite so far.


looking forward to exploring more. the biggest disappointment is that i may never seem him live. hope there's another tour within the next couple of years.

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thanks guys, really helpful comments...


i've definitely listened to Born to Run (many times in fact) and it is probably my favorite so far.


looking forward to exploring more. the biggest disappointment is that i may never seem him live. hope there's another tour within the next couple of years.


You'll get your wish, it just happens that he has cranked out albums and tours in recent years and this is a downtime. All talk indicates that the E Street Band have one more go in them at some point. I'd be surprised if his next album isn't a full band record.

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But be prepared for non-Wilco prices, probably around $100 face value. It will be worth it.I've seen him tons of times and he never gives less than his all. One of the crazier things I ever did was pay some ticket broker service $500 for one floor ticket to the big E Street reunion tour in DC--i think around 2002. I just HAD to be there. (This was back in the days when I thought I had some money. Ha!)

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You'll get your wish, it just happens that he has cranked out albums and tours in recent years and this is a downtime. All talk indicates that the E Street Band have one more go in them at some point. I'd be surprised if his next album isn't a full band record.



wait outside and get a cheap ticket ($20). i've seen bruce 3 times doing this.


as for the next album, i've seen hints at more seeger session stuff then maybe an e street album. i bet we'll get another solo album too at some point. can't see the Big Man touring much anymore though.

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It seems pretty obvious that they will tour again, Bruce and Max have both said recently that they will be by 2012 at the latest, I wouldn't be surprised to see something come up around next fall or possibly even earlier than that. I think we could probably expect a new Bruce album of some sort (solo, sessions or ESB) by next year as well.


On another note I just got my boxset in the mail today and it is phenomenal, really really well done packaging and just a great overall look into Darkness.

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It seems pretty obvious that they will tour again, Bruce and Max have both said recently that they will be by 2012 at the latest, I wouldn't be surprised to see something come up around next fall or possibly even earlier than that. I think we could probably expect a new Bruce album of some sort (solo, sessions or ESB) by next year as well.


On another note I just got my boxset in the mail today and it is phenomenal, really really well done packaging and just a great overall look into Darkness.


Max has just had major open heart surgery, Clarence is getting old and is suffering from dicey health, Bruce and Patty have been rumored to have some problems (probably crap...it kind of died down after a week or so of internet gossip mongering), so I would really be surprised if another major tour was in the offing.


I hope Bruce puts together a stripped down band and actually tries something new. The Seeger Sessions Band stuff was really mold breaking, but I would like to see him hit the road with some young lions (as it looked like he was intending in 92)and raise hell. The 12-member version of the E

Street band is really musically proficient, but I would like to see him take chances. The solo acoustic tours were really reinventing...but Two guitars, bass and drum should be the next adventure. No keyboards. No Horns. No Violins.

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Max is touring with his own band now.


I know...it's amazing that you aren't allowed to drive for six months after you have openheart surgery and he is on tour.


And if Bruce were to do a stripped down tour, I would want him to have totally new collaborators/sidemen.

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And if Bruce were to do a stripped down tour, I would want him to have totally new collaborators/sidemen.



If you get the box...take a look/listen at the Paramount 2009 DVD. Just the original E St. Band playing Darkness. Charlie in for Danny, obviously. Lean, and mean. Intense and fabulous. I would love if he would tour with that stripped down band.

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If you get the box...take a look/listen at the Paramount 2009 DVD. Just the original E St. Band playing Darkness. Charlie in for Danny, obviously. Lean, and mean. Intense and fabulous. I would love if he would tour with that stripped down band.


Yeah the 2009 DVD has turned out to be my favorite part of the Darkness boxset so far, I'd love to see a tour with just the 7 piece ESB.


And Max said that he apparently recovered from the surgery much quicker than most people, and that's pretty evident as he's been on the road for two months-ish now.

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If you get the box...take a look/listen at the Paramount 2009 DVD. Just the original E St. Band playing Darkness. Charlie in for Danny, obviously. Lean, and mean. Intense and fabulous. I would love if he would tour with that stripped down band.


I want Bruce to challenge himself. The guy is an ace guitar player...let him be the lone guitar player in a band


I'd like to see Bruce hook up with a good rhythm section and either a second guitar player or a keyboard player.


I am one of the few tramps who really liked what he initially did with the 'other band'. But playing E Street Band songs with another band defeats the purpose of working with other artists.


As it is constituted now (three electric guitar players, bass, drums, sax, violin and backing vox, two keyboard players, acoustic guitar and backing vox and two background singers) the E Street band is proficient but too fucking big. I prefer Bruce the musician who has showman moments to Bruce the showman who plays a little guitar.

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bruce seems pretty set on another E street tour. how long that will last, i'm not sure. i bet the touring is as easy as possible for the main members of the band. at the same time, traveling is rough. that being said, neil, bruce, dylan, etc. these dudes are gonna die on the road.


i would love to see bruce do a solo record and then go out on the road with a small band. bass, drums, piano and bruce on acoustic and electric. he could do some of his acoustic stuff and really give some of the lucky town stuff a fair shake. that was a great album. he could probably do the small band acoustic thing for another 15 years. hell, willie nelson is approaching 80 and is probably in worse health than any of the e streeters:)

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To the matter at hand:


The Promise/remastered Darkness on the Edge of Town is masterful. The packaging in wonderful and the DVD features are better than top-notch.


Good times are here.

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To the matter at hand:


The Promise/remastered Darkness on the Edge of Town is masterful. The packaging in wonderful and the DVD features are better than top-notch.


Good times are here.


True dat.


I've been just purging on this for the past 5 days. The Promise as an album regardless of what people are saying about the 78 vs. 2010 vocals yadda yadda I think there are some really really great songs on there. The '78 version of Racing In The Street is just fantastic, Someday (We'll Be Together) almost sounds like modern Bruce with a very 60's/Beach Boys type feel, and Ain't Good Enough For You is just a great pop song. It's really just great to hear some new (or in this case most of it unheard until now) Bruce material.


Also, the actual remastered Darkness sounds fantastic, they did a really good job with it, and I think you can actually hear an improvement, where I didn't feel you heard much of one with the BTR remaster.

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