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Solid Sound Fan Appreciation

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So a weekend that was so looked forward to is now in the rear view mirror.

First off a Big THANK YOU to Wilco and Mass Moca for Hosting such an accessible event.

A few Random Thoughts..


This was something that was affordable inspiring and Fun! My Wife and 2 of my Children we able to make it ALL enjoyed it!

My WIfe and I enjoyed meeting Lots of VCrs Mostly at our Breakfast table in the 17 room Hotel (10 rms w/ Wilco Fans!)30 mins north in Wilmington VT Hey You Fun Loving Canadians Hope to see you further up the road.


The Music was Great! We were able to catch some of Friday night and stayed through Sunday.

Man hard to top the Beauty of the Setting Combined with these tunes and the Bands that graced the Stage.

The art was something we allowed to grow on us having been to mostly traditional Art Museums in Different cities this was a learning to love it thing for us and we did, especially Petah Coyne exhibit.


We caught some of the Dunk Tank and the the Drum walking tour //lecture very cool by Glenn.

The Food lines moved faster than most venues. The volunteers were helpful (full disclosure my daughter was one of em ; ) and the Beer and Soft Drinks were priced reasonable, liked that Wacko by Magic Hat.


Did not run into one unhappy person the whole weekend..


Lets do this again!


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I too want to extend my thanks to W1LCO, the entire staff @ Mass MoCA , Rebecca(a.k.a. cracked and hooked) for my ticket, and everyone else who were responsible for making Solid Sound happen. Thank you all for an amazing experience!! I would love for this to be an annual event.

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I too want to extend my thanks to W1LCO, the entire staff @ Mass MoCA , Rebecca(a.k.a. cracked and hooked) for my ticket, and everyone else who were responsible for making Solid Sound happen. Thank you all for an amazing experience!! I would love for this to be an annual event.


Glad it worked out! By the way, I have a couple pics of you getting your license plates signed by a soaking wet Tweedy! I will send them to you soon.


Like so many others, we were awed and wowed by the entirety of this weekend and the generosity of spirit of this band. I'll try and get my thoughts together as I sort through 400 photos/videos and will share both soon.


I just...I can't believe that just happened.

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I'm still in my usual post-Wilco haze of bliss. Pure Wilco magic!.


Thank you Wilco, and Mass MOCA, and all the artists, and the town of North Adams, and the volunteers. Bravo! :worship

One funny thing, on the way out of the event on the "D" bus, every single person thanked the driver as they exited the school bus. She was chuckling about it. I imagine Wilco and their fans left a very positive impression on the locals.


Imagine if all those buildings were full of art -- it would take as much time to absorb as the Met! I missed Pat's Polaroid exhibit -- hope he displays it online sometime! The Leonard Nimoy photography was a treat -- I was expecting/hoping it was his zaftig women pics, but this was very compelling. Loved the peacock tree, and the black, uh, 'pods'. I will plan my time better NEXT YEAR so I can see everything!

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i missed Pat's exhibit, and the poster room too. Yeah, there was a lot of room to explore for sure...maybe next year a bit more detail in the map might be good (here's hoping there is a next year!). I know that there was at least one 'bandit' performance as well; Rick Bishop asked me if i knew anything about some room he was supposed to show up and play in at 3:30 but i didn't. not sure if there were other undercover things going on.

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WOW! There was so much I had to process mentally after such an experience like this, that it has taken me almost 24 hours to type my thoughts into something that is somewhat coherent. This was my first music festival of any kind for an old fart like me. I've been to plenty of concerts in my day but this was something else. The crowd was peaceful, friendly and really into it. When can you recall a public Jeff Tweedy acoustic show where no one is screaming out song titles every two seconds. You could almost hear a pin drop during his performance on Sunday. I don't mean that in a bad way. The crowd was very attentive and respectful to say the least. The relaxed atmosphere is a credit to Wilco in my opinion. They all milled around the festival and were very receptive to having folks come up to them to request photographs, autographs, hand shakes or a brief word or two. The towns-folk were friendly as well. It was nice to meet a few of you from here. I hope Matt and his fiance Mary and Heather and her husband Russ had safe flights home. (I hope I got your real names right). Thanks to Tim, Lauren and Tom, from the "Berkshires" for the photos and video. My wife and I had a great time and my son and nephew loved the beer. Again, thanks to all the Wilco folks for a weekend that all of us who attended will never forget.

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What do you say when so many things have already been said? Solid Sound was very well thought out. The local people, businesses and the event staff were very nice and helpful. North Adams, The Berkshires and Mass Moca was the perfect atmosphere and the weather was great. It was amazing running into and meeting so many friends and the music was the icing on the cake!


Thank you to Wilco and all the bands for taking the time to “hang out” and have a good time with your fans.


Hope to see you all next year!

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This was, without a doubt the coolest festival ever! All the music was great, the people were awesome, the band was amazing, the way they just all hung out all weekend just talking to the fans, I'm still blown away, I could never have imagined anything so cool.

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WOW!!! this was so much fun. i had never been to a music festival before and was worried that it would be hard to maneuver. it was so well planned and executed! the comedians, the art and wilco. just fabulous! loved being able to go indoors and spend some time perusing the art when it was hot. joe's field was comfortable, the perfect size, never felt too crowded. everything was easy. thanks you wilco and massmoca for a wonderful event. i'll be back!

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Here is a Cool review Boston Herald and a Wonderful Happy Crowd Singing Jesus Ect @ Mass Moca (scroll to bottom of review to see)




knotgreen .... right back atcha :cheers


Funny, that's my video - please don't put on headphones and hear me singing along in my off pitch monotone!

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When we arrived in North Adams on Friday night and wandered into town looking for dinner we were given a map and some input of where to eat from a guy on the street. I knew right then that this was going to be a good weekend! The crowd, the art, the bands, and the setting made this a very special weekend. 10 minutes after arriving I literally ran into Mike Mills in the lobby. I loved how the musicians were able to walk among the crowd without being bothered by the fans.I completely disagree that the music was weak, we experienced most of the bands and loved the diversity of the music. We had never seen Autumn Defence and loved their set ( I think my wife is developing a crush on Pat,who by the way makes playing music look to easy!


Well Done Wilco and thank you for, by far my best weekend of summer 2010

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Perfect weekend, great sharing w/ some old friends and several new ones. I have one regret - I kind of wanted to go see the Big Pink house in Saugerties, NY en route to driving back to the airport in Albany - but that would have required getting up early check-out day, which would have required me to avoid all drunken escapades Sunday night (which happened to be the best night for drunken escapades...)


It was a pleasure sharing this with everyone. I heard numerous times from North Adams folks that Wilco fans are the nicest people. Indeed, even the local cops were stunned - there were only two arrests Friday night, and they were both locals. We should feel pretty good about ourselves. :cheers

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like jeff says, you most likely would not see any fist fights at a wilco show.


picture perfect town

good friends

perfect weather

fellow rabid wilco fans

nice staff

good music

good ice cream!

free water!

cool art

cool venue

wilco and wilco sides

jeff solo :love


was i in heaven? i think i was.


i already dropped some change in the piggy bank for next year! :yes


thank you wilco for being so good to your fans and thank you mass moca for having wilco there.

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picture perfect town

good friends

perfect weather

fellow rabid wilco fans

nice staff

good music

good ice cream!

free water!

cool art

cool venue

wilco and wilco sides

jeff solo :love




thank you wilco for being so good to your fans and thank you mass moca for having wilco there.


Hazel has crystallized my thought perfectly. Such an incredible weekend. Sorry for the double post, but in case anyone wants to see my slowly expanding photo gallery,




Here's a quick sample:






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