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Huge Earthquake in Japan

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Sparky, I'm sorry you are inferring other meanings than how others are interpreting these posts...seems pretty clear to me, but maybe not i guess.


anyway, just speaking for myself, i find that while the situation is obviously less than ideal, i feel pretty powerless to do anything about it, or change my habits in reaction to it. i live on the east coast, so i would think (perhaps naively) that air-borne radiation is of little to no risk. i think i recall that you live here as well, but maybe not... but what would you personally do if you lived in Japan, or California? how would you change what you on a day to day basis in the face of this situation?

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but what would you personally do if you lived in Japan, or California? how would you change what you on a day to day basis in the face of this situation?


That's kind of my issue. It seems alarmist for no real good reason. I guess I could wear a lead apron around and start popping the Iodine pills but other than that what can I do?


I have found your posts interesting Sparky so sorry to hear you are so frustrated.

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Cal Berkeley has been reporting its monitoring data pretty much nonstop since the incident. Again, it's something to keep track of, but some of Sparky's links contain this conspiracy-minded or apocalyptic tone that only serves to discredit the source.


The government's lying to us. This is not a drill -- protect your loved ones. The world as we know it is over.


There was one headline that said the levels of milk in Hawaii were 2,000X the acceptable limit of drinking water!!! Well, there are different standards for milk and water based on consumption levels over various periods of time. Once you understand that, the statement isn't quite so dire.


According to the EPA's monitoring data, which is constantly being updated, along with Cal Berkeley's, the levels of radiation are low and keep on dropping.

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This might be worth your time if anyone is interested. This addresses many of your concerns and some precautions you might need to take in the near future. They do mention the lack of monitoring on the part of the government. You won't get this in the mainstream media...


U.S. Radiation: Where Is All That Fukushima Radiation Going, and Why Does it Matter?



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In case anyone still cares...


So they finally admit what has been suspected for the past two months. Now, what? Nothing has improved and covering meltdowns with a tarp will do a lot of good...


Japan Confirms Complete Core Nuclear Meltdown In 3 Fukushima Reactors

Over two months after the earthquake and tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Japan finally admits that a complete core nuclear meltdown has occurred in three of the Fukushima nuclear reactors.


The news was followed with a complete press release from TEPCO revealing that the nuclear reactor was damaged from the earthquake before the Tsunami hit, and the nuclear meltdown started with 4 hours of earthquake. The complete timeline of the water levels and temperatures following the quake reveal the a complete nuclear meltdown occurred at the plan within 18 hours of the earthquake.


There was also an admission from TEPCO that holes were discovered in the nuclear reactor vessels in reactor 1 and 3 caused by molten nuclear lava burning holes through the reactor. Ironically, Japan still denied that a meltdown occurred at reactor 3 simply because TEPCO had not confirmed it.


Now we finally have an admission from Japan that complete core nuclear meltdown has occurred at reactor 2 and reactor 3.




What does our government do?


US halts 24-hour Fukushima monitoring


The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission says it has halted 24-hour monitoring of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant as conditions are slowly stabilizing there.


The commission announced on Monday that it was adjusting its response as Japan continues to implement its shutdown plan. But it said the US team of experts in Japan will remain in place and it will continue to support them and coordinate response efforts with federal and industry partners.


My link


Three meltdowns sure sounds like things are stabilizing.

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The Worst Yet to Come? Why Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking Time-Bomb


Experts say acknowledging the threat would call into question the safety of dozens of identically designed nuclear power plants in the U.S.



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