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as good as this record is, the lyrics make it hard to relate to.


bon iver is one of the artists i don't care about lyrics. hell, i still have no clue what he's saying on most of the first album but i still enjoy it.

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bon iver is one of the artists i don't care about lyrics. hell, i still have no clue what he's saying on most of the first album but i still enjoy it.

I was about to write those exact words.

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as good as this record is, the lyrics make it hard to relate to.


honestly, i love Justin, but his lyrics have never been his strong suit...

they've always been really abstract and sometimes to the point of mindless


there were some really WTF lyrics on For Emma too.

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honestly, i love Justin, but his lyrics have never been his strong suit...

they've always been really abstract and sometimes to the point of mindless


there were some really WTF lyrics on For Emma too.


i dunno. i think he can turn a good phrase or two when he really puts his mind to it. I thought For Emma, while some of the lyrics are a bit WTF, made sense in its own context. I literally have NO idea what any of these songs are about.


ps- DYE had some solid lyrics on Silent Signs, too.

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I think he spent quite some time with Kanye, and then he also had that other project Volcano(ic?) Choir.


One of the rap magazines had a very interesting article on those sessions and some cool pics where Kanye put all these rules up on the wall like "no acoustic guitar playing in the studio," "no social media, twitter, etc." stuff like that. Then Nicki Minaj said something about Kanye watching adult movies in the control room.


The start of Calgary makes me think of Enya, the indie rock version almost. ha.


Bon Iver kinda fell in with Fleet Foxes for me, not because of a similar sound, but similar career trajectory where both came out of the box around the same time with massive debuts.


FF turned me around with their follow-up, so maybe Bon Iver will with their's.


I know he self-released his album, it caught wind, and then he was signed and officially re-released it. I have hoped to find a detailed article on how he started and the whole process of that album (other than the cabin part which is mentioned in pretty much every BI article), but more the self-release and a timeline of what happened after. What it really just from music blogs, to music sites, to the ears of Jagjaguwar, or is there some scenario where someone semi-famous stepped in or another artist? Wikipedia touches on this, but it's not that detailed.

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Bon Iver kinda fell in with Fleet Foxes for me, not because of a similar sound, but similar career trajectory where both came out of the box around the same time with massive debuts.


FF turned me around with their follow-up, so maybe Bon Iver will with their's.


I know he self-released his album, it caught wind, and then he was signed and officially re-released it. I have hoped to find a detailed article on how he started and the whole process of that album (other than the cabin part which is mentioned in pretty much every BI article), but more the self-release and a timeline of what happened after. What it really just from music blogs, to music sites, to the ears of Jagjaguwar, or is there some scenario where someone semi-famous stepped in or another artist? Wikipedia touches on this, but it's not that detailed.


fwiw, Justin released 3 solo albums before For Emma. 'Hazeltons' from 2006 is quite good, and i love a handful of songs off 2005's 'Self Record'. the one from '01, 'Feels Like Home' isn't all that great however.

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I have grown particularly fond of Hinnom, TX.


What is the first single? They play on Jimmy Fallon tonight I think.




but according to Justin on Twitter they aren't even playing one of his songs tonight... Phil Cook of Megafaun is playing w/ him tho

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would seem he's playing his cover of Bonnie Raitt's 'i Can't Make You Love Me' & 'Nick of Time'


I liked it. seeing him in Nashville at the end of July so I can wait on the new stuff.

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So I've listened to this a few times now, and while I'll definitely say that the tunes are still there I can't say I'm crazy about a lot of the sounds on the record.


It's a super hi-fi record and ultimately that just comes with having success and being able to go and record in a nice studio, but a lot of the guitar sounds I find to be, for lack of a better word, pretty gross (Towers for example) and the synth/guitar sounds on Beth/Rest are the worst of super 80's chorusy cheese, again for lack of better adjectives.


Maybe this'll grow on me but I must say I'm turned off by it a little. I dig the fact that he's really stretching his sound a lot and there's a lot more stuff going on (BTW the pedal steel on this record is ace and super tastefully used) and that he didn't make a For Emma Pt. 2, but maybe I just really enjoy it yet.

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i feel it's worth noting that this wasn't exactly a case of having money/success and going into a "nice studio", he recorded everything at his own studio in Fall Creek that he's built up over the last 3 years. so if you have issues with the sound/production/tones, etc. used, it's moreso due to Justin's own personal tastes. it's clear he definitely has an affinity for the 80's/early 90's from recent projects. anyone who heard the Gayngs album should not be surprised by Beth/Rest (he explained it was as "There's not enough (Bruce) Hornsby in my scene" last night on Fallon laugh.gif)


it's a nice studio, don't get me wrong, but it's not like it's some $10 million dollar LA glossy studio...


and yes, Greg Leisz on pedal steel is a master


personally i love the album, but i've lived with it for a little while, so hoping it grows on folks that aren't digging it.

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So far the album is okay but nowhere near as good as For Emma. I think album sounds exactly the way I thought it would sound: different. That's neither a good or a bad thing: my expectations is that it would be different. So far, it's just not hitting me the way For Emma hit me. Yet, it took a few months for his first record to hit me...For better or worse, everybody will compare this to For Emma.

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Trying not to compare it to For Emma. I think even as a standalone record it's a good record, but it's just lacking something...I don't know exactly what. I really honestly think that it's that the lyrics are unintelligible and pretty unrelatable as a whole. I'm sure I'll be spinning it off and on, but I don't know that it'll get the kind of rotation that For Emma got back in 2008.


I think the lack of "negative" space in the music is also hurting it a bit. Everything is *so* layered and busy sounding on every track. Nothing seems to breathe much.

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i guess for me, as "busy" as it is, i feel like the layers never feel like there's TOO much going on most of the time.


take the 2nd track, which is my favorite. there's the driving banjo line, then organ, horns, fuzz bass/guitar, etc., but it all fits perfectly to my ears :/


as for lyrics, like i mentioned above, i never related to the lyrics on For Emma much at all minus 1-2 songs. there were a ton of lines that once i read what the lyrics actually were i almost laughed. as i said, i don't think lyrics will ever be his strong suit, at least not at this point, therefore I don't pay too much attention to them unless they're awful.


there are a bunch of one liners i do like a lot on the record.

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i guess for me, as "busy" as it is, i feel like the layers never feel like there's TOO much going on most of the time.


take the 2nd track, which is my favorite. there's the driving banjo line, then organ, horns, fuzz bass/guitar, etc., but it all fits perfectly to my ears :/


as for lyrics, like i mentioned above, i never related to the lyrics on For Emma much at all minus 1-2 songs. there were a ton of lines that once i read what the lyrics actually were i almost laughed. as i said, i don't think lyrics will ever be his strong suit, at least not at this point, therefore I don't pay too much attention to them unless they're awful.


there are a bunch of one liners i do like a lot on the record.


Dead on for me. I love this album and don't care about the lyrics, which is weird for me because that's the usually the first thing I look for.

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I think his last record was so deeply personal and so much emotion was put in to it, by the artist and the listener, that it's gonna be hard for him to shake its' ghost. It had a great back story...and from my personal experience, so many of the records I love have a great story behind, not just the music. Take In the Aeroplane over the Sea for example: great story and there's no way Mangum will ever top it.

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I think his last record was so deeply personal and so much emotion was put in to it, by the artist and the listener, that it's gonna be hard for him to shake its' ghost. It had a great back story...and from my personal experience, so many of the records I love have a great story behind, not just the music. Take In the Aeroplane over the Sea for example: great story and there's no way Mangum will ever top it.


very good point.


that's what i've tried to stress, is that For Emma just had these insane circumstances surrounding it that kind of elevated it above just being a great album for many.

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Justin is one of those artists who's lyrics aren't supposed to really mean anything.. He puts words and phrases together that sound good, using his voice as an instrument..


It's a very intriguing album and I'm loving it... Some of the guitar/keyboard tones sound very 80's rock (almost Van Halen-ish) and he makes it work very well.

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Only funny because it's so true!

Its a great tune though.


I've listened to the new record a few times and it is far less immediate than its predesessor. That's not to say it's inferior. When I first heard the album it was more a case of 'I am going to love this record' that 'I love this album'. I can sense its beauty even though it hasn't revealed itself to me yet.


That may sound a bit bollocksy but its an attempt to described how I feel about the album!!

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