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I was listening to Jay Bennett's "Kicking at the Perfumed Air" the other day and was getting into "Hotel Song," and the solo in particular. It is all over the place,almost a random collection of notes which doesn't seem to make sense, but somehow works without being just a noise freakout.


This got me thinking about other examples of this type of guitar work, of which two occurred to me: parts of "Spiders(Kidsmoke)" and Lou Reed's "Waves of Fear."


Can anyone add to this list?

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"Love Comes in Spurts" - Richard Hell & The Voidoids

(R.I.P. Robert Quine)

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yeah, that Lou Reed Solo is Robert Quine too.

My favorite guitar player of all time. Something about the way that he plays the chaos – it's perfect.


Oh, and another great, chaotic guitar solo:

"Chickamauga" - Uncle Tupelo



And I will link you to a song that I did that has a chaotic solo. Because it does:

"Bound to Fail"

Honestly, I am not very happy with the overall way that this one turned out. Not very happy at all. But I do like the very stupid, chaotic guitar solo.

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I always thought the solo in Robert Palmer's Simply Irresistable was kind of chaotic.

Was that Andy Taylor (Duran Duran)? He was actually pretty good at those kinds of things.

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No idea. That's interesting if true.

Just checked and, according to Allmusic.com, Taylor didn't play on that album, but he did play on the album before. But, seriously, listen to the Power Station records and some of the guitar solos on there fit this theme very nicely. Chaotic, nutty, flurry of notes that don't make a whole lot of sense, but fit the song perfectly.

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Just checked and, according to Allmusic.com, Taylor didn't play on that album, but he did play on the album before. But, seriously, listen to the Power Station records and some of the guitar solos on there fit this theme very nicely. Chaotic, nutty, flurry of notes that don't make a whole lot of sense, but fit the song perfectly.


Will do. I know I have one of their records.

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Will do. I know I have one of their records.



Here, check this one out. The solo comes in around 2:30 or so.

He's no Bob Quine, but there is some element of that in there.


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