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Headphone Albums

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I know we've talked before about the pure pleasures of losing oneself in an album heard through headphones...the music becomes so immediate and all-encompassing and intimate, with every nuance accentuated, every lyric right there in your head. :) I was thinking the other day of so many albums that didn't quite "click", didn't drag me deep into them with full appeciation, until I heard them through headphones, roaring or whispering through my head without so many exterior distractions. It really makes me realize how much music deserves some time to be the full focus of our thoughts, not a background diversion. Just lying back with a headful of music is one of life's sweetest pleasures.


These two Elliott BROOD albums are terrific examples! Though I hadn't realized before how dark and full of death "Ambassador" is...not the cheeriest of albums! But deliciously intense.


Tell me some albums that you think can't be fully appreciated without headphones.




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  On 9/11/2012 at 9:14 AM, kidsmoke said:

It doesn't have to be an "obvious" choice, though...just any album that you fell for, hard, once you heard it via headphones.


Ah, well then, this meant the world to me when I first heard it on headphones, listening to it in my room at night.



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Doug Paisley - Constant Companion




saw him recently in a small bar and got talking to his bassist (the amazing Bazil Donovan). Bazil said it was an absolute pleasure to work with Doug, because he'd never heard anyone with such a light and graceful touch.


I went back and listened to the latest album again and the producer just nails it in terms of highlighting that lightness. What seems laid back and lazy is anything of the sort.


you sort of get the idea here, but in the intervening 6 years, Doug has literally progressed ten fold


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Growing up, I did not have a proper stereo system and listened to pretty much everything on headphones. My early musical tastes ran to Zep, so I always kinda associate those records as great headphone albums. Especially the third album (even though prolly not traditionally thought of as a 'headphone album', per se).



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