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Not sure who cares, or why I even felt the need to tell you guys, but today I officially graduated High School. With no further schooling plans, and a guitar in hand, I can honestly say I'm a bit nervous for the future. But excited. Any words of wisdom are appreciated!

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Advice number 1

Treat icehole with care and only share with trusty friends.


Advice number second

Use guitar for learning songs of the Abba of course. If someone has given you a horse, then look at it all over except for in the mouth, as we say in Sweden - no?



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Congrats, ripthisjoint!


I can't top Lotti's advice. However, something I've learned from a guy I work with: follow your artistic passion, but pay the bills too. The custodian where I work is first and foremost a professional artist...but he admits it's not enough to pay the bills to live a comfortable lifestyle. Although custodial work might not be glamorous, it pays fairly well and enables him to purchase art supplies and still have time and living comfort level to be an artist and make contacts to be able to sell his work. And he produces genuinely awesome paintings and photographs!

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Hmmm...what do you guys think an "icehole is"?

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well done, holmes.


may the road rise to meetcha, and as I told my boy, if you're ever stuck trying to make a difficult decision, rub the Buddha's belly, and think about what your dad would do.


then do the opposite.

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Listen to the Grateful Dead, every day. It's like nutrition for the soul.


And if you get into the adult film industry make sure you get tested regularly.


That's all I got off the top of my head.

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When I was a senior in high school, I told my elderly English teacher, Sr. Marguerite, that I wanted to be a writer. She knew I was a good writer, but her response was, "Well, you'd better learn to dig ditches, too."

Best advice I have ever had. Did manual labor jobs every summer during my college years, and learned how to get my hands dirty and build some muscle, along with some character.

Today, at 48, I have been a professional writer for almost 12 years. If you do the math, you'll understand why the "digging ditches" advice was so important!

Great advice from mountain bed, by the way.

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Thanks everyone. And Mr. Heartbreak, took your advice and after weeks of failed attempts at getting a "real" job, finally contacted and got hired by a lawn service company. Working everyday, no nights, no weekends, above min wage, under the table. Its perfect with my band and personal schedule..thanks for that!

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