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A Shot in the Arm-Post your vaccination pic

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You're having a good week, Mike, between getting the shot and Sunni's citizenship! :party Congratulations!


The first shot shouldn't give you much reaction but plan to take it easy for a couple days when you get your 2nd.

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On 3/23/2021 at 8:45 PM, kidsmoke said:

You're having a good week, Mike, between getting the shot and Sunni's citizenship! :party Congratulations!


The first shot shouldn't give you much reaction but plan to take it easy for a couple days when you get your 2nd.

Thanks, Donna! 🤗

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  • 3 weeks later...

Washington just opened up vaccine eligibility to all over age 16 yesterday. Of course getting an appointment is absolute mayhem. I'm glad I was able to get started a month ago. I'm getting my second shot of Moderne on Saturday. I anticipate that it is going to put me out of commission for a few days. I got really sick for 3 days after the first one. Pretty sure the reason is I have to take a lot of exotic drugs (chemo, etc) & they don't mix well with vaccines. I usually don't feel well after the yearly mega-flu shot & was pretty ill after getting the shingles vaccine. Vaccine has to be done though. Fortunately (in this instance anyway) I don't have to worry about work as I had to retire on disability 2 years ago. I'll put up with being sick for a few days if it means I can leave my apartment & interact with people some after over a year of isolation.

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15 hours ago, Analogman said:

I get the 2nd one Monday. I've read a lot of people don't feel so good after that.


My sister got her second (pzifer) yesterday.  Said her arm is still crazy sore and she was awake all night with body aches.  I'm getting mine this afternoon, so planning a weekend of Tylenol and sleep!

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17 hours ago, Analogman said:

I get the 2nd one Monday. I've read a lot of people don't feel so good after that.


For what it worth, out of the 24 or so people I know who had their 2nd shot - 2 had issues - nothing major, just felt like crap. Out of those two, one had Pfizer and the other Moderna.  


My 2nd shot is on this Tuesday -- which happens to be 4-20 --- afterwards I am going to have a smoke and relax. Will wait for the end of the month to finally have beer at my local pub.

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17 hours ago, Analogman said:

I get the 2nd one Monday. I've read a lot of people don't feel so good after that.


I logged four miles on a treadmill and cycled for 30 minutes last night after my second Pfizer shot. I feel fine. My arm isn't even sore like it was after my first shot. 

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On 4/16/2021 at 11:48 AM, Analogman said:

Interesting how it varies - age/gender/physical condition do not seem to matter




True! It's like a tornado hitting random houses on a block. Fortunately it passes quickly. Better vaccinated than the coughing, stranging alternative. I hope people will listen to their own good common sense and not some "I'm a prophet" evangelical yahoo.

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The governor in my state found out the other day that the girl's basketball team he coaches had turned down the vaccine. He was not too happy about that. As he spends time everyday trying to get people to not buy into rumors or other such nonsense.

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I was surprised that where I work does not make it mandatory. I guess it comes down to some sort of legal thing. But - they did say there would be penalties for those who did not wear a mask at work.


Had the 2nd one at 8:30 this morning 


Not feeling very well as the day went on 

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I'm having a lot of trouble with second shot after effects. I had some after the first shot but its worse this time. Rather like chemo. Seems to amplify my RA issues & I'm not getting around well at all. Going to try food today as that didn't go well yesterday. Don't let my woes dissuade you from getting vaccinated though. I don't do well with vaccines, even the yearly flu shot. I think its due to mixing vaccine with the exotic drugs I have to take to function.

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2 hours ago, chuckrh said:

I'm having a lot of trouble with second shot after effects. I had some after the first shot but its worse this time. Rather like chemo. Seems to amplify my RA issues & I'm not getting around well at all. Going to try food today as that didn't go well yesterday. Don't let my woes dissuade you from getting vaccinated though. I don't do well with vaccines, even the yearly flu shot. I think its due to mixing vaccine with the exotic drugs I have to take to function.


Sorry to hear that, Chuck.  Hope you are feeling better soon.

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Shot two, down. Bit of a sore arm -- though it doesn't feel as bad as it typically does after a softball game...


Really looking forward to the getting back to weekly meals with my p's (who are also vaccinated) at our house, which will start back up next month.


Hopefully you feeling better, chuchrh.   

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot one acquired last night! I was hoping for flu-like symptoms so I could take a guilt free day off work but no such luck. Arm is sore as heck though. I'm surprised you folks were able to get pictures of your shots, they were very strict about no photos in the shot area, probably since a medical area and there's privacy issues. It's ok though, I'm just happy to have my shot. My whole family has at least their first shot now except my wife but she gets hers on Wednesday.

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I'm glad the Canadian vaccine logjam seems to finally be breaking up and you guys are able to get your shots! What type did you get, Kevin? With Pfizer or Moderna you'll probably going to have a reaction to the 2nd shot that will deserve a day off work! 🙂

Sorry your arm is so sore. I've been told you need to keep it moving as much as you can to shorten the duration of the pain. Ow.

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