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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Is this Jandek argument actually about anything, or is it just people winding each other up over nothing? And can it maybe be moved to a separate "Let's argue about stupid shit" thread?
  2. Wait ... is that supposed to be an example of his "fantastic" lyrics? 'Cause those lyrics kind of suck.
  3. Next season is almost certain to be the last, so maybe she'll survive.
  4. This. (Slightly edited to fit my preferences.) I'm sure I'll think of more. edit: like Sufjan Stevens, for example.
  5. Califone recently completed the score for the upcoming PBS mini-series The Calling, which airs on December 20th and 21st. Link to story on PastrySharp site
  6. I'm just happy that the Yankees finally lost one of these bidding wars. It doesn't happen very often. On the other hand, Lee-Halladay-Oswalt-Hamels is a terrifying rotation. They could run the Phillie Phanatic out there as the fifth starter and still win a hundred games next year. The original poster can change the title, or a mod can.
  7. Yup. Sucks. Possibly the best new show on TV this fall, and it was never given a chance. I was hoping that its placement on FX would insulate it from concerns about ratings, but I guess even the basic cable channels expect people to watch their original series.
  8. Dexter and Debra file for divorce
  9. Interesting. I know a lot of people who can't stand Steely Dan, but I think this is the first time I've seen the vocals cited as a reason. (I love 'em, personally.)
  10. Nobody. I hate music. My tastes are wide-ranging, but it just so happens that a lot of bands already mentioned here are ones that I'm also not all that into. (And did you miss the "I love all those bands" comment in the middle of my post?)
  11. Yet another Brit pulling off an American accent with ease.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lumen back next season, but only for a brief appearance or two. Maybe right at the end of the series ... perhaps Dexter will find a way to let go of his "dark passenger" at last and no longer feel the compulsion to kill -- at which point maybe he and Lumen could be reunited. That would be cheesy, but I can see them going that way just to give the series something other than the Dexter-gets-caught-and-goes-to-jail-or-dies ending. I doubt the final season will end without Deb knowing ... maybe not everything, but something. The apparent truce between Quinn an
  13. This, plus the White Stripes. I probably like The Raconteurs best out of all of his bands, and that's mostly because I like Brendan Benson. I don't bear the Dead any grudges, but I also don't listen to them. Yup. Agreed. Count me in. I don't mind Pearl Jam but I wouldn't spend any money on them. I was part of a crew that interviewed Phish many years ago and got to hang out with them for a bit and watch their soundcheck, but I left before the show, because I had better things to do that evening. Same here. I love all those bands. I run hot and cold on those guys. The stu
  14. There are also those who would dismiss both the U.K. and New York scenes and claim that the L.A. hardcore scene was the real deal. Me, I like stuff from all of those scenes. As far as being a "pose," it all was, to a degree ... no matter which scene.
  15. Winamp with a "classic" skin. I'm old school.
  16. It's worth pointing out that there are fifteen separate subforums here, and only two of them (maybe three?) are limited to Wilco and Wilco-related subjects.
  17. I can see where you'd get that idea ... kind of like "game, set, and match." But of course, idioms don't always make a whole lot of sense when you begin to dissect them. If you look this one up, you'll probably find that it's a relic of an antiquated phrase.
  18. I've always found it useful when correcting someone to actually be correct.
  19. Back in high school I would have understood this.
  20. He was a Vol, and I hate the Vols. But aside from that...
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