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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. It came out at the end of my junior year of college, and by then I was so out of touch with popular culture that I may not have even known about it. I don't think I saw it until years later on VHS. Consequently ... not a film I identify with. I was more of a Breakfast Club/Ferris Bueller kind of guy (both of which came out in my later high school years).
  2. Thank you. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only person who thinks she can't act for shit.
  3. Do you have a wireless network now? If so, you can buy a device that plugs into your stereo receiver and streams music over the wireless connection. I looked briefly at these before realizing that they don't support .OGG, which is what most of my digital files are. I haven't investigated any further, though next I might look at these bad boys, but that would be a more expensive option, I think.
  4. Detroit just got done with one of those, complicated by the fact that a few years ago the state legislature apparently made it illegal for teachers to strike, which of course was brought up again and again by the administration throughout the strike. Hopefully there's no such law where you are.
  5. Someone hook that woman up to an E-meter, stat!
  6. I guarantee I never posted pictures of Kirstie Alley.
  7. Yup. This is from our parking lot, as they were testing a couple of balloons a month or two back.
  8. No, really. Cameron Balloons is right next to my office. See their site. Their address is 7399; ours is 7322.
  9. I work next door to where they're made. They most assuredly exist.
  10. The kid across the street from me had it. He used to bitch about it all the time.
  11. I'm not quite as repelled by it as stardog (I actually like Braff, at least on "Scrubs"), but I thought Garden State was all style, no substance (and praised far beyond its merits), and this film looks to be Braff trying to play the same role all over again. Yawn.
  12. Bill Evans Trio - Sunday at the Village Vanguard
  13. I'm going to get my wishful thinking started early and say that I believe Michigan has a chance against Notre Dame in South Bend this weekend.
  14. I also would take a Blow over a Tootsie Roll Pop.
  15. I've liked D'Onofrio in almost everything else I've seen him in. Just can't take his character on Criminal Intent. That may have more to do with the scriptwriting than his acting. Hard to say.
  16. Unfortunately, I'm not sure you can. They're kind of primitive technology. Grape and raspberry will have to run write-in campaigns.
  17. Purple/grape should be among the options. And raspberry. There's a new green one? Hmmmm...
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