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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. It's not the monotone ... it's the Shatnerian faux intensity. You get the feeling he could pop a blood vessel talking about his favorite flavor of Tootsie Pop. Mine is cherry, incidentally.
  2. I've never been a regular viewer of any of the L&O offerings, but I'll tune in L&O Classic and L&O SVU when I need something to veg in front of. I can't take Criminal Intent, though. D'Onofrio is William Shatner bad.
  3. I'm wearing pants and eating a nectarine at the same time. I'm talented.
  4. ...and ALL GORGEOUS. Kyle, my Eleanor loves to sleep on soft-sided luggage too. It's like a kitty hammock.
  5. If I were that bird, I'd be really pissed off that my cover was blown.
  6. Every live version I've ever heard of that song has been great -- and ten times better than the album version.
  7. Finishing up this (again)... ...before moving on to:
  8. Is there any way to make that retroactive?
  9. Did somebody say BIRTHDAY?!!??!? Have a great one, Jen!
  10. Awesome, thanks for weighing in.
  11. Yes, but does it roundhouse-kick him out of bed?
  12. I was teh ill last night and went to bed super-early ... so apparently I missed all the fireworks around here. Can't you kids behave when I'm not around? I say that not because I want everyone here to get along, but because it's a pain in the ass to have to read through a gazillion pages the next morning trying to catch up.
  13. If I were an admin, the RTT would get pinned a lot faster. Speaking of which -- is this the new RTT?
  14. Sweet. I hope it's readily available here in the states. I'll definitely need a copy of that. Thanks for the heads-up!
  15. Have you seen the guy? I mean, what's not to love?
  16. War is just the backdrop. It's really not a "war movie" in the traditional sense. There will be a few war-ry scenes, but the rest of it is just fucked up and cool.
  17. Glad to see you're upholding the Grinnell freak-flag tradition.
  18. To get me on film, you basically have to trap me somewhere. It happens occasionally.
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