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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. Simply ignoring you just isn't enough.
  2. That guitar he designed looks really cool. I'd love to hear it in action. Pictures: Weird-ass seven-string Did I say "weird"? I meant "cool."
  3. This should give you an idea of Yuengling's reach. It's definitely a regional brew. ...if it even makes it that far...
  4. You have chosen to ignore all posts from: JUDE.
  5. I'm about to start bombing his infrastructure in an effort to disarm him.
  6. ...which for some reason made me think: Stop hittin' yerself Stop hittin' yerself Stop hittin' yerself Don't ask.
  7. I would actually get someone started on Whiskeytown first, but that's just me.
  8. From Salon.com today: Mel Gibson, during a January 1992 interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais, on his thoughts on gay men: "They take it up the ass." [Then, bending over and pointing:] "This is only for taking a shit." (via Working for Change) Gibson on "Good Morning America" later that month, offering a non-apology regarding above remarks: "I don't think there's an apology necessary, and I'm certainly not giving one. [Those remarks were a response] to a direct question. If someone wants my opinion, I'll give it. What, am I supposed to lie to them?" (via Answers.com)
  9. I have no patience left for the fucking Israeli government. They're bloodthirsty fuckheads. Maybe they were becoming jealous of the tourism dollars that Lebanon was bringing in, and they decided they didn't want the competition. Why bomb Beirut? Why destroy infrastructure? When this shit is over, I hope someone sends Ehud Olmert one hell of a bill.
  10. Big Papi. Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. Heck of a finish for you Sawx fans.
  11. There isn't anywhere worthwhile in New York or Boston to find food, music, or art. New Hampshire, on the other hand...
  12. Careful, chief. I think she's 15. (Or a cop.)
  13. Great combination. Have some favorite recipes you'd be willing to share?
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