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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. hello!!!??? anyone notice that there was a threat on Obama's life? not that this is unexpected...
  2. never mind that shit here comes MONGO!!! :party :party :party
  3. omg where the hell is it? also, I'm posting it on facebook. hope that's ok...
  4. sorry but... THE PRESIDENT IS NEAR!!!
  5. I've been to plenty of great parties. just don't have any pictures.
  6. I was 6, and also deeply concerned.
  7. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...paper-declares/
  8. they found that poor child's body. http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/10/27/illino...dson/index.html
  9. ambergris means whale vomit. you know that, right?
  10. I don't think it's a question of how hard someone has chosen to work. there are plenty of very hard working people who don't get paid enough and have ridiculous amounts of tax taken out of their check, when someone more wealthy gets a tax break. what kind of logic is that?
  11. I saw this about an hour ago. very shocking! many vibes.
  12. I never saw ikol call Obama a commie. I haven't seen him show any love for McCain/Palin either.
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