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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. you do know what B.M. stands for don't you?
  2. Happy Birfday Tracy!!!! you rock the most! :party :party
  3. I'm trying to buy school supplies but every time I go I can't quite figure out exactly what I should have.
  4. my office is like a refrigerator. I'm freezing! I have a zit on my chin. my birth control pill could be what has made me sick this entire year. there's some dude who hocks a loogie (sp?) right when he walks through the men's room door. it's so loud everyone on the floor can hear it. Summer is almost over
  5. that story made me throw up in my mouth a little.
  6. that isn't much of a choice there buddy.
  7. it's an absolute tragedy. prayers for the city of NO and their citizens. I'll never forget watching everything unfold, feeling utterly helpless to do anything and it's hard to believe this city is still in such terrible, declining shape. I love that city.
  8. this is not a funny subject, but I kind of loled at that comment.
  9. just about everyone "finds Jesus" when they are going to jail.
  10. there is actually a heading/link to it at the top of the page. http://www.itchmo.com/menu-foods-and-wal-m...on-shelves-2485
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