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Everything posted by c53x12

  1. The Queen's Gambit by Walter Tevis. Good story, quick read. It probably helps if you know something about chess. I don't and still enjoyed it.
  2. Timothy Dalton had a badass quality that few of the other Bonds had. Especially not Roger Moore. I think Moore's appeal was in the charm/humor department -- unfortunately, he came off too foppish most of the time, while Sean Connery was able to be charming, humorous and cool all at the same time. Brosnan had charm and some cool (surprisingly so), but lacked humor. And don't forget David Niven in the original Casino Royale, perhaps the most foppish of all Bonds. The Bond franchise is in a weird place. They've been doing essentially the same movie for so long now that no matter what they
  3. I was here in Richmond when it happened. People I work with here were on the phone with family and friends up in D.C. and were talking about smoke coming from the Pentagon before that was even on the news -- that's when we knew it was really bad. I also grew up near NYC and still have friends there, all of whom were in or near the city when the towers came down. One guy from my high school class (and possibly more, a lot of people I went to H.S. with went to work in NYC) was inside one of the towers when it came down. 5 years later. Iraq is a festering breeding ground for Al Qaeda, Bin
  4. For some reason I had an itch to hear this song today. iTunes doesn't carry it. Anyone have an .mp3 they could loan me?
  5. Remember that Sidarth guy that Sen. George Allen got in trouble for making fun of? I read recently that he applied for some kind of special political seminar program at UVA, and for his entrance essay, wrote just three words: "I Am Macaca." He was accepted.
  6. Wow, that song doesn't suck nearly as much as I remembered.
  7. SweetTarts > Spree > Smarties > Bright Eyes
  8. The hands don't look so bad to me, but the head is gi-normous.
  9. Halftime Show Crackberry Past A Diving Vidro The Ocho S.P.F. 60
  10. Dang, this is right in the middle of a big project rollout at work.
  11. Dovetail Joint Suede Face Bobby Riggs' Revenge Greg Brady Bill Augustus Gloop Pink Floyd Landis
  12. Cartridge & stylus make all the difference in the world in terms of sound quality. Buy the best you can afford if you're serious about sound quality. Shure has always made good cartridges. I'm not sure who else is still in this business. Stanton, maybe. Crackling and popping is most often caused either by scratches, or dirt/dust. Since you don't see scratches, it's probably more the latter. If you use a wet record cleaning system, you may notice a difference.
  13. It sounds to me like the school administration had a lot of latitude in interpreting this law. Maybe this teacher was just an insubordinate jerk and they wanted him gone anyway, who knows.
  14. More news from the department of frivolous complaints
  15. Hmm...it seems I might have been misinformed...Bill Chase was Chase's trumpeter, and AMG says he was "inspired by Ferguson"...
  16. What a bunch of wussy administrators at that school. "We have no discretion when it comes to following the law." Even stupid-assed laws that serve no purpose? They should have backed that teacher.
  17. RIP Maynard. Maynard was partly responsible for introducing me to jazz. One summer while I was in high school, my sister brought home from college a stack of albums that her roommate hadn't had room for in his car and so dumped off on her. He was into fusion and pop jazz -- Maynard, Chick Corea, Bob James, lots of stuff like that. I spent the whole summer listening to his records and taped most of them. Over the years I recorded over most of the tapes, but kept the Maynard "MF Horn" stuff because I always liked it. A few years later, when I was in college, there was a girl I was frien
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