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Everything posted by Jesusetc84

  1. Random fact; in 2002, my friends grandmother was dating Les Paul. I've lost touch with him since college, but he had pics and a signed Les Paul to prove it.
  2. Astral Weeks, Moondance, His Band and the Street Choir, Tupelo Honey, St. Dominic's Preview, It's too Late to Stop Now, and Veedon Fleece...7 reasons to love Van. Add in the select other singles, and his work with The Them, and you've got an artist with a great argument for top 5 ever.
  3. Not anymore so than a lot of bands today. I've got to add M.I.A.- Arular to the list...I never understood why people treated this like the new sliced bread.
  4. This is based on the order I bought the records: The Beatles- Entire Catalogue: Do I have to go into this? Nirvana- Nevermind- Still one of my favorite albums of all time. The album that inspired me to pick up a guitar and play. Most of grunge didn't resonate for me; as much as I tried I always found Pearl Jam stayed and tuneless, Soundgarden inconsistent, and Alice in Chains just plain bad. Nirvana had the tunes to back up their screaming, and despite the incomprehensible lyrics on half the songs, this album still rocks my world. Bob Dylan- Blonde on Blonde: What a picture perfect alb
  5. Great records...every single one is on my iPod. Not every single one changed my life. But about half of them did.If you subbed Being There for Summer Teeth... I'd be more in agreeance.R.Kelly? wtf5 that changed my life:Nirvana- NevermindThe Beatles- The White AlbumWilco- Yankee Hotel FoxtrotThe Clash- London CallingBob Dylan- Blonde on Blonde
  6. Pink Floyd could shit out a record like this? I'm sorry but Pink Floyd is mad overrated. Also, The Flaming Lips have like...one legit masterpiece. Compared to Radiohead's 3 or 4, and Wilco's 2 or 3....yeah.
  7. "Strawberry Fields Forever"; also my favorite song period.
  8. Funny, I didn't know a song was only the lyrics. I thought the song was the whole thing.
  9. I really do like TT...well parts of it. "Carrot Rope" makes me happier than just about any song ever written. It reminds me of the night before I turned 21...which was a fun night. It's my least favorite Pavement album...but that's like being my least favorite brand of whiskey...and I love all whiskey.
  10. I was just busting on Pavement...I love them...but their first two albums were definitely their best. I wasn't joking about SBS though...it's an awful P.O.S. Yes, In Rainbows is a terrible name.
  11. Maybe it's because a lot of us try to forget Pavement in the late 90s... *Hums Range Life* Oh yeah...In Rainbows is the best record I've heard since YHF. It's laughable that the best Wilco could come up with is SBS, when Radiohead came up with this gorgeous record.
  12. It's called music not poetry. Who cares if the Fool on the Hill lyric sucks. The melody+ production is ace. My least favorite goes to "The Night Before"; what an annoying marble mouthed bore. I really hate that song.
  13. I lived in New Orleans for 5 years. Beautiful city. Incredibly segregated though.
  14. Agreed. The Beatles in 1965 outwrote the average pitchfork friendly band's entire careers. Hell, Revolver has like 9 or 10 classic songs that still get covered, played on radio and raved about by critics.
  15. Record output per decade went from: 60s: 10-15 70s: 8-10 80s: 5-8 90s: 4-5 00s: 3 or less. The Beach Boys put out more records in 2 years than Lucinda Williams has in 20. Yeah it was a different atmosphere then, but still...I wish we got a record a year from major artists. In the 80s, if you were an R.E.M. fan, you got a record a year. That lasted for 6 records, plus they got a rarities disc and a greatest hits (with some of the 7" mixes) to boot. Comparing R.E.M.'s 6 records in a 5 year period to Radiohead's Album, EP, and a solo album in the last year makes my cry.
  16. Your headache has taken interstate wings and invaded my head... Oowwwwww....
  17. Wilco to Elliott Smith... Jeff Tweedy (Wilco)-> Jim O'Rourke -> Thurtson Moore-> Dave Grohl-> Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) -> Slim Moon (founder of Kill Rock Stars. Kurt Cobain's neighbor/ close friend in the late 80s) -> Elliott Smith (former Kill-Rockstars label artist.)
  18. Wilco: Kicking Television | Nels Cline | Moore/ Cline /Randalo/ Giffoni: Four Guitars Live | Thurston Moore | The Backbeat Band: Please Mister Postman | David Grohl | Nirvana: MTV Unplugged in New York I really want to check out that Four Guitars Live album...sounds bad ass. I own the other 3 in the lineup.
  19. *nods* Anyway Jeff Tweedy is in Wilco who was produced by Jim O'Rourke who was a member of Sonic Youth who toured with Nirvana who's lead singer was working on a project with Michael Stipe who's the lead singer of R.E.M. who toured with Radiohead who played at Coachella 2004 with The Pixies. Yeah...I guess I answered my own question...do I have to marry myself now?
  20. Well...I meant Rock as in general categories. Wilco is a rock band. Maybe not a hard rock band, maybe a pretty weird rock band, but regardless a rock band. Being There is great fun, but the lyrics always bugged me (BT was my 3rd Wilco album, so I was already used to the poetic masterpieces on YHF and ST) and also there are too many songs on BT that I find kind of "meh." BT is probably my #4, behind YHF, ST, and AGIB in that order.
  21. There's nothing I've read that indicates Kurt ever listened to UT...but perhaps.
  22. Smells Like Teen Spirit was written in late 1990, and debuted live before Still Feel Gone came out. The intro chords were meant to parody "More Than a Feeling". So nope. Sorry, doesn't work. Another Wilco to Nirvana one. Jim O'Rourke produced Wilco. Jim O'Rourke mixed Joanna Newsom's Ys Steve Albini recoreded Joanna Newsom's Ys Steve Albini recored Nirvana's In Utero. Uncle Tupelo was recorded by Peter Buck. Who inherited Kurt Cobain's signature Jag-Stang guitar after he died. Uncle Tupelo was recorded by Peter Buck. Who's a member of R.E.M. with Michael Stipe. Who was planning a co
  23. If the only good songs they'd ever written were "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "A Day in The Life", they'd still be a top 5 band ever. My top 2 favorite songs ever. The fact that they also churned out "Hey Jude", "Let it Be", "Yesterday", "I Am The Walrus", "Tomorrow Never Knows", "Sexy Sadie", "I'm Only Sleeping", "Helter Skelter" and tons of other classics, is why they're the greatest band ever. As a friend of mine said they just have "the best batting average ever." Their average song is a perfect, 5 star song. Their "shitty songs" (all 13 of them) would be most great groups average so
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