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Everything posted by Jesusetc84

  1. The name of Wilco's 5th studio album is CLEARLY French Toast is Born.
  2. My Spoon is too big. In all seriousness...AGIB took about a year for me to fall in love with. I hope SBS eventually catches me off guard.
  3. First Wilco song I heard was "She's a Jar'; I ran out that night to best buy and bought Summer Teeth.
  4. A.M. Being There (starring Peter Sellers) Sum are teeth Sum aren't Yankee Hotel Foxtrot French Toast is Born Sky Blue Sky
  5. Jeff might consider this someday...you know his kids would just eat it up. "My dad's in guitar hero!!!"
  6. Tago Mago >SBS 65days, what's that Unwound album like? I've been meaning to check it out.
  7. too much crack whoring kills your taste buds anyway.
  8. Seriously...like I may think a record is boring...and someone else might love it...and it's fun to argue...but does it really matter at the end of the day? I hope when I die I won't be looking back on my life and saying "Damn, I kicked ass in that argument about Sky Blue Sky!!! "
  9. See... SBS gave me a swirly halfway through Shake it Off...couldn't ever get into it after that. the great thing about Wilco is no two albums sound alike...yay.
  10. 01. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (A+) 02. Summer Teeth (A+) 03. A Ghost is Born (A) 04. Mermaid Avenue (A) 05. Being There (A-) 06. Kicking Television (A-) 07. Mermaid Avenue Vol 2 (B+) 08. More Like The Moon EP (B-) 09. Wilco Book CD (C+) 10. Sky Blue Sky (C+) 11. A.M. (C+) I may disagree with your opinions, but I will defend to the death your right to speak them; after all, what good is an internet chatboard without pointless musical arguments.
  11. I didn't like SBS. I'm ready for a new Wilco record.
  12. As far as I'm concerned...Weezer has recorded 2 records. I might like a single or two from green...but other than that, post-Pinkerton Weezer is like...wow crap.
  13. I figure why the hell not? We do top of the 00s, favorite songs, top albums released on the year our 2nd cousin was born...why not just flat out your favorites. Top 10 of all time: 01. The Beatles- The White Album 02. Bob Dylan- Blonde on Blonde 03. The Beach Boys- Pet Sounds 04. The Beatles- Revolver 05. The Rolling Stones- Exile on Main Street 06. The Velvet Underground- VU & Nico 07. The Clash- London Calling 08. The Beatles- Abbey Road 09. Television- Marquee Moon 10. Nirvana- Nevermind Runners-up: 11. Bob Dylan- Highway 61, Revisited 12. Van Morrison- Astral Weeks 13. Ra
  14. One time I was getting pizza at the Boot (a bar in New Orleans, LA) around mid-day and they were playing "Can't Stand It"; they followed it up with the Shins "So Says I". Other than the drunken "Jesus, Etc;" sing-alongs I incite whenever I can find it on a jukebox, I really don't ever hear Wilco much outside of my own record player.
  15. I'm a pretty big Pavement fan, but I've yet to pickup any of SM's post Pavement records...any recommendations?>
  16. Good. I can't think of a band with a more undeserved reputation than Phish. Keep him locked up.
  17. "I'm Not There" by Bob Dylan & The Band Things are crashing down she's on too tight in my neighborhood she cried both day and night it's a milestone but she's down on her luck the days make her so lonely and it's so hard to buck now and then I believe that she'd stop him If she found the time to care I believe that she may look upon deciding who's to care and I go by the road and yeah she's on my way but I don't belong there Yeah I don't belong to her I don't belong to anybody she's my prize forsaken angel but she don't hear me cry she's a lone hearted mystic and she can't carry
  18. I don't feel like looking up a link "Strawberry Fields Forever" by The Beatles is my favorite song.
  19. Down on cyprus avenue With a childlike vision leaping into view Clicking, clacking of the high heeled shoe Ford & fitzroy, madame george Marching with the soldier boy behind Hes much older with hat on drinking wine And that smell of sweet perfume comes drifting through The cool night air like shalimar And outside theyre making all the stops The kids out in the street collecting bottle-tops Gone for cigarettes and matches in the shops Happy taken madame george Thats when you fall Whoa, thats when you fall Yeah, thats when you fall When you fall into a trance A sitting on a sofa playing game
  20. What they should do is a Reprise era set w/ MA1 stuff for two nights, a Nonesuch era set w/ MA2 stuff for two nights, and then just a typical SBS era show for the last night. That'd give them a lot of material for the DVD; have Jeff wear the same shirt for continuity's sake, and then mix and match the best takes of each. Kind of like making an album...hmmm. Have DVD 1 be the Reprise era show composite. Have DVD 2 be the Nonsuch era show composite.
  21. for me Murmur Automatic Reckoning Life's Rich Pageant Document Yes I realized I said that Automatic was my #1, but I changed my mind. It's tough. Automatic to me is more of a big statement album, where as Murmur is more of an every song kicks ass album. Both are among my top 20 of all time.
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