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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Now you're talking, followed by Student Loan Stereo complete with guitars being smashed.
  2. Hey Laurie hope ya'll are having a rocking show up in Mass. That moment was indeed a true highlight. john was nearly brought to tears by the crowd's ovation.
  3. It's a shame that IG is too long for SNL because to me its the best SBS track by miles. A true classic.
  4. Tamela, tell Rob he can't be sick there's a world of people out there for him to take care of. hearts to both of you.
  5. Not to highjack a live Wilco thread, but Sooie I just heard Lucero on the radio about an hour ago and thought of you and Memphis, greg
  6. so we'll all meet up at the fat cat in about an hour and a half then right?
  7. John's harmonies are beautiful on this one, though I don't hear many handclaps DC.
  8. you don't have to wish for shot in the arm, it's the most played live Wilco song ever.
  9. Sorry, I'll put on my cyber dunce cap now and stop being bad......................until the live broadcast starts anyway.
  10. WE just want to thank you / Thank you for doing what you do.
  11. Wow, "Round & Round!" I was partial to any of the Motley Crue videos off of "Shout at The Devil," in that era. They had cool third world village warriors and crazily made up women and flying pentagrams.
  12. Don't Let This Thread Get Carried Away or Wishful Thinking? Either way it's just my fantasy run amok, but if any of you wanna go ahead and book flights now, I'm sure it'll all come true anyway. Hey MS Y, funny all that time we spent together and yet we know so little of eachother. Hopefully we'll both be somewhere really cool about then, perhaps a Wilco Richmond show, or perhaps a four-hour MMJ epic, maybe even together. Cheers, greg
  13. (moderator edit by gogo: the below is Greg's fantasy summer schedule; I've adjusted the thread title/subtitle so no one gets too excited) AUG-07 CHARLESTON, SC NORTH CHARLESTON PAC Now that this all officially over withlet me go ahead and fill in a few blanks. August 8th - Asheville, NC August 10th - Raleigh, NC August 11th - Charlottesville, VA August 12th - (uh hum my 34th birthday) Richmond, VA August 13th & 14th - yet another two-night stand at DC's 9:30 Club It'll be just like the residency week, except better, becase it'll be my birthday week and it'll all be within a few
  14. GN'R were more than a tad obssesed with Hanoi Rocks weren't they? Vince Neil should be the one wiring them money, that vehicular manslaughterer that he is.
  15. "You should definitely get there early to check John and his band out. Heck, Nels plays a song with them and Jeff said none of the Wilco guys would be where they are if not for John Doe. That's a pretty dang good endorsement." That part about Jeff saying that Wilco wouldn't be where they were if not for John Doe warms my heart. I hear many similarities between early UT and mid 80's X, hell come to think of it that's only a few years apart. I really wish I could see him on this tour, but the residency just about bankrupt me.
  16. I bought three used Hanoi Rocks cds the other day and didn't feel guilty about it at all.
  17. glad to see that the writers are only going to take a few more years to resolve all of this, I was beginning to worrry that it might be awhile.
  18. Leo, you mean to tell me we hung out for a week straight and didn't even talk basketball? What a pity, greg
  19. I've been out of the loop for a week or two and haven't followed the scores so closely. Last night I watched SC and holy shit I had no idea the Lakers were so good, 10-1 since they got Gasol and Bynum is still out. My question is are they the team to beat in the west now, or will their overall lack of experience catch up with them in the playoffs?
  20. "looking for a way out," is about as good as it gets for me. he's played "chickamauga," every time i've seen him.
  21. that movie is simply devastating. as close to pefect a love story as i've ever seen.
  22. that's a great looking show. it's weird that i'm stuck in kentucky and missing my first wilco 9:30 show in many years. what time did you guys line up? hope its a little better than 8 degrees with 20mph winds?
  23. These are too good to fade into board obscurity just yet. so bump, bump, bump your ass off.
  24. uh, where's that smokin' set list paul, enquiring, bored in the suburbs at parent's house minds want to know.
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