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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. I'm not sure what the sound is, but Glen played a mean power drill the other night.
  2. How are you doing Edie as the initial infector of us all?
  3. There sure are a lot of good looking folks in that picture. Myself not included of course, greg
  4. That sounds like more than they've ever charged before, but damn they are really good. Dr. Dog are a comparable sized band and their shows are in the $10-$15 range.
  5. All joking aside I would expect the following:1. Wilco touring heavily through the summer and into the fall. 2. Everyone to focus on their respective side bands and solo work including minor to major tours from Jeff, Nels, Glen and the Autumn Defense. 3. An outside shot at some sort of end of year Wilco release of another live album or a dvd of some sort. Something that I do think is inevitable at some point is a YHF boxset with all of the demos, outtakes and the commercially released version. New album, probably next summer.
  6. "What Light" didn't go over so well as the first single. I couldn't disagree more, definitely "Hate it Here" and "Impossible Germany."
  7. We haven't heard from the fog monster for awhile now, and I for one still have no theories on it.
  8. 0% chance for a new album this year.
  9. Is there any doubt that My Morning Jacket will totally rule the whole weekend.
  10. Makes one wonder how old Jeff will be when his first solo record is released. And no, I don't count Chelsea Walls.
  11. Are they only playing the top requested song for each city? If so it'll be California Stars every time. It's the only Wilco song members of my family know and love, thanks to my sister having it be a prominent part of her wedding.
  12. Yeah what's a matter with all of you wimps? I wasn't cold a single time. My toes never lost feeling or felt like they were going to fall off at all. Does anybody remember how insane it was seeing -1 on the temp reading outside of the Aragon Ballroom from the EL platform that night? It was truly frightening out there. I don't know how we're all not deathly ill.
  13. Actually I'm surprised that Can't Stand It got played, I always thought Jeff hated that song?
  14. Kiss used to do entire tours with the exact same setlist everynight with no deviation whatsoever, except for (name of city,) you rock.
  15. Seems like a fairly standard pre-Riv set to me. Where are all of those AM and BT tracks that they now know how to play? EDIT - The SummerTeeth love is nice though.
  16. White people overwhelmingly like Wilco based upon what I saw at the Riv all week.
  17. The league would be way too watered down with 35 teams. Think of how many awful players there already are. The only way this might work is if the bulk of the Euro portion is from Europe itself.
  18. They've definitely have started to max out the venue size they've played for many years. It's not as big of an issue in the summer with lots of outdoor performances.
  19. "All of the cool kids are peeing their pants." Anyone know what movie that comes from?
  20. At several points during the week, there were 11 members of Wilco on stage. The Band, 4 Total Pros + A. Bird. That's more than the E Street Band.
  21. Wow, I actually leave the boards for a few hours and this is unloaded on us. This should have happened years ago. Excellent news.
  22. What the hell is that shirtless dude in #21 on? Must be some of that sweet leaf that was in the air on at least two nights.
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