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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Excellent news all around. Where the ^%^%**& are all of those tour dates? Have a great show Houstonians and MS Y!
  2. Very cool. I can make myself out in the C.
  3. I just talked to a guy who claims that all of the Wilco movie was staged and scripted in an attempt to hype the band and try and push them into wider audiences. When I asked if he thought the puking scene was real, he claimed that it wasn't. I tried to talk logic, but he swore to me that this was all common knowledge and that it was widely known to be staged. I have never heard of such nonsense. Anyone else here ever here of this?
  4. Based on that 15 seconds it would officially have been my 3rd favorite track were it on SBS, 4th if you include Thanks I Get, and 5th if you add in LNGCA.
  5. Max, I met you once at Fat Cats after one of the residency shows. By vague hints, I hope your referring to the next album. I believe you told me you did the original playing on "Pieholden Suite" on Summerteeth right? One way or another you guys have really stretched the bands horizon and opened up endless setlist possibilities. Hopefully I'll see you somewhere down the road, Greg
  6. A couple from the YHF outtakes: "I won't ever let (you) pants down." "There's nothing up my (sleeves) pants."
  7. i'm here but just barely. fading fast. sweet tunes and sweet dreams. heart, greg
  8. She lifted off her pants at the battle of the bands. i know its a stretch and doesn't quite make sense, but it just came to me in a moment of inspiration.
  9. did you do the early chapter collections as well? guessing so if you were listening to the superb "Tyrone" cover. are there versions on the new at dawn demos that are not on those early collections? are they essential? have a great time in houston. that sounds like a dream weekend, all except for having to be in that city when not at the shows. Yuck!
  10. Once again a case of we should've been chilling years ago and not just a couple of weeks back. I just found out me and Sir Stewert were at the same premiere iof the Wilco film in 2002 in San Diego of all places. Oh well Kevin it was great to me you at any point in time, Greg
  11. These links have been posted before, but they never get old. Wilco is my favorite band and has been for many years, but there is a sense of urgency and unpredicatbility in those UT videos that perhaps only 20 year olds have. I dig it.
  12. Azerrod wrote the pretty good Nirvana biography, Come As You Are and the near brilliant book on 80's punk, Our Band Could Be your Life, so he definitely has the credentials to pull this off.
  13. Sounds like the work and craftsmanship that went into making the residency so special has carried over into the restof the tour. These setlists are unbelievably good, and you can tell the band has hit an all time high. Glad you got a great show Nashville.
  14. hey friends can i come over to play with you all on wedsnesday?
  15. I love during the closing credits after Ellen shook Jeff's hand he just disappeared to the back of the mob. Ten seconds later the closest thing to a Wilco member up front was Max of DAAAAAAA Total Proz looking very much at ease with himself. Was Hate it Here cut short or did I just imagine that? I don't know, the whole thing was just okay for me, echoing Leo's earlier sentiments. It's definitely a weird vibe in general. On with the tour. Looking forward to hanging out with you'll in cyber land from NoLa in a few days.
  16. I like all of Bruce's veins, except for the one he had in 1992.
  17. That may be too much tomorrow night between my crush on John and his death defying leap off of that amp and Ellen Page. Overload!
  18. Seeing Dr. Dog in a smallish venue is a total treat. They are totally amazing in that environment. you will have a blast for certain, greg
  19. Wow, that's a pretty crazy coincidence. We should have been chilling six years ago, instead of just a week ago. We'll have to make up for lost time someday soon. I was visiting a good friend who lived in a house boat off of Coronado Island that week and I saw it in the local arts rag and just had to go. I went by myself and would've loved to have met you'll. Damn that's weird beyond weird. Hope to see you both this summer somewhere, greg
  20. There's a great story about Tweedy taking a dubbed cassette copy of "Born to Run," to school in like 5th grade, and telling his classmates that he wrote it. Laurie, you can't go wrong with any Springsteen between '73-'82. It's a remarkable run of albums, with very few down moments. His comeback albums over the past few years, "the Rising," "devils & dust," and the latest "Magic," are all very good albums with heady subject matter. PM me your home address so when I get back to Virginia, i can get you'll some Wilco rarities goodies. take care, Greg
  21. I saw it opening night, first showing at an art house theatre in San Diego in I believe September 2002. I saw it the second time at an indy theatre in Louisville. The third and last time was a month or two later and around the end of the year in 2002 at a suburban megaplex in Richmond. The first time was of course the best, there was a local band that played and did an UT song or two if memory serves me correct. They were waiting on the film to show up for a 5 showing and it arrived late and a couple of dozen of us stuck around the theatre waiting for it to show up. It did in time for the 7 sh
  22. Holy fuck "Let's Not Get Cariied Away!" Damn, I can see why that was left off of the album, because it surely wouldn't have fit at all, but what a great rocker. I speak on behalf of at least a dozen of us who attended all five residency shows, when I say we want it high on the shortlist of songs that we're overlooked this year, that we'd love to see next time. So go ahead and make a note of it now please. Yours respectfully, People who hang out in 8 degree weather for the fun of it.
  23. Maybe I'm too big of a Clash fan, because I've already seen most all of this footage. There must be some truly rare, never before stuff out there somewhere. All of that being said, I'll probably buy it anyway.
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