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Everything posted by LouisvilleGreg

  1. Let's see where to begin. I believe that we counted that there were 18 new songs played last night, but a few Bob Dylan and a couple of MA's are non-Wilco specific album songs, so there's around 15 or so album cute left. "Say You Miss Me" was a fav from last night, with the beautiful ohs from John and Pat. Hell it's all a favorite. I fully don't ever expect to hear "My Darling" or "Blue Eyed Soul" ever again. The front two rows were on fire pogoing and dancing during "I Got You." Nels went batshit during "Shot In the Arm," jumping, flailing, urging Mike and Glen on. John had some of his 24" v
  2. Pat played a really great lead during Boxful of Letters last night. Nels is obviously brilliant, but as another VCer said to me last night, there's something really, really good about Pat stepping up and playing a simple blues lick with conviction. It's something I'd like to see more often. beyond all of the Spinal Tapesque posing and posturing he plays some really sweet rock guitar and I for one love it.
  3. Alright Greg Kot, I know you're looking at this. Give us everything you've got on "My Darling."
  4. Here's the link: http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/lif...0,2635552.story
  5. Tonight's a different time than the the weekend shows. Doors should be 6, on stage at 7:30. The shows, with the break in the middle have been close to 3 hours total time.
  6. This whole week is like the party that never ends. Last night marked the third consecutive night that I've hung out with VCers. Two nights at the Fat Cat, closing it down both nights. The second night we had some hard core singalongs going on and took over a whole wall of the bar. I think the rest of the typical patrons were both amused and frightened by us. Rob is the life of the party! Last night was filled with great conversation, new friends, sickeningly huge burgers and my first futile attempt at Guitar Hero. Thanks for the ride back downtown Leo. You'll are very, very nice people. Here's
  7. "Student Loan Stereo" would be absolutely ridiculous, but is probably a serious long shot. Someone should do Vegas odds on what's left. Also "Won't Let You Down," the big crunchy guitar demo version of "Kamera" or the big rock version of "Not for the Season." That would be a show stopper. I'm sure we'll get "I'm Always In Love" soon, it would be a great opener. See all of you crazies out there later, greg
  8. good job Louie I think that happened last night due to your leg work. Thanks for all of your generosity, it has been a real pleasure to hang out with you., see you soon, Greg
  9. I'm 570 miles closer to Chicago than I was this morning. I'll be driving up the rest of the way on Friday morning. I'll be there for all 5 and will be alone at the Allerton Hotel on Michigan Ave. I'll see you'll in line and I'm up for whatever on Sunday. Cheers, Greg
  10. Off the top of my head I'd say there are roughly 100 songs that are on the full lengths and Wilco-related MA's. That breaks down to 20 songs a night, if they play all of those. Being that there are no opening bands, it seems like they'd play around 25 songs per night, which would allow for 25 extras or rarities. Perhaps that's just "Wishful Thinking," but what would we be without that? If I had a surefire lock for a non-Wilco album, hell non-Wilco in general track, I'd say that they will probably play, "New Madrid." It's hard to be picky or upset about any of this though.
  11. Alright, so what should I expect out of you'll? Two hours pre-showtime? First thing in the morning, camping out front all week to save on hotels? I know a few nuts on here who will probably be there way, way early. Will you gauge it day by day based on the weather? Looking forward to seeing and meeting many of you'll. I know no one in Chicago, so a few buddies would be nice. Talk to everyone soon, Greg
  12. Were all of those non-stop 50's and 60's artists par for course or did that have something to do with the 50th Anniversary? Also it bummed me out that Robbie Robertson seemed to be the only member of The Band in attendance for that lifetime award. Lastly did anyone see Springsteen all night? Was he even there?
  13. You mean there's gonna be 60 mph winds with sporadic wildfires in Chicago? Can't wait!
  14. I too saw the E pre-show Wilco bit. Jeff was asked about the Puff Daddy story which is always amusing, especially seeing him and John trying to be witty with the lame reporter. The bit about how did they go from the best alternative to best rock category was funny. Jeff said that ten years ago they were up for best folk. The lame reporter then asked if they would be up for best polka next year. It was pretty surreal thinking about them being interviewed and being surrounded by so many big pop stars. I kept wanting to know what they were thinking about the performers all night. I would've love
  15. I think 24 times over the past 7 years, as well as 3 Tweedy solos. Damn, that's a fucking lot when I think about it. Five more next week in Chicago. see you'll there, greg
  16. Chuck Klosterman did a pretty funny article once where he rated how much album's were worth based upon how much money would it take for you to never to be able to listen to that album again. For Being There it would take upwards of six figures for me.
  17. I've read/ heard of countles stories of Springsteen doing such things. People seeing him at a red light and asking if he wants to go have a beer, and he does and hangs out for a couple of hours. Some fan saw him at a movie and asked if Bruce would come home and say hi to his parents and he did. Bar bands inviting him to join them onstage at some roadside bar and he gets up. These are things that still happen today, not just pre-BITUSA. I guess it's more tha individual, Tweedy may be a little more private. I've probably walked by every member of Wilco on the street outside shows 10 times each.
  18. Totally, completely ridiculously good live song and I for one would've replaced about 5 songs off of SBS with it. It's available on the flip side of the "What Light" 7".
  19. Just saw that in the fan's poll of No Depression SBS was voted #1. The staff of ND picked it at #3 I think.
  20. Hey Justin it's your fellow RVAer, Greg here. I too would agree that Jeff's work on later Tupelo is better than AM. But I think AM was probably rushed for a multitude of reasons. A - self-imposed pressure of stacking up to Jay B- record label pressure to try and strike while the UT buzz was still really high and lastly to have an album to tour behind and support. All of that being said, and I know I'm in the minority here, I'll take it as a whole over SBS. Are you going to the 9:30 shows? Cheers, Greg
  21. In order or preference I Like: 1. Impossible Germany 2. Hate it Here 3. You Are My Face 4. Sky Blue Sky 5. Walken 6. Either Way 7. What Light After that I don't really care for any of the others, on album or live. Don't worry I'm not trading in my Wilco card, I'm spending a small fortune for the five RIV shows next month, I just happe
  22. I just booked via Hotwire what looks like a gorgeous hotel called the Allerton on Michigan Avenue. Truth be told, it may be so fancy that I'm looked at with disgust. Also their parking rate is $45 a night!!! What close to downtown neighborhoods would be good to park my car in for days at a time?
  23. Still does nothing for me, despite the meaning behind it, etc. I purposefully left it off of my ipod.
  24. I have a somewhat bizarre request that I'm hoping someone could help me with and this seems like the closest thread for me to post. I booked a hotel downtown without knowing that their parking fee was an outrageous $45 per 24 hours. Since I'm near the El and in downtown I'm just planning on taking public transportation all week anyway. So what I need is a kind VCer, that has a place an out of towner could park for the week. It would be a tremendous relief and help me out greatly. Send me a pm if you're able to help. Thanks in advance, Greg
  25. To go way back I saw Propaghandhi on their first US tour in '93 or '94 and it truly was a life changing show. About 20-30 of us drove from Lexington, Ky to Indianapolis in a big carpool and it was epic. I was just starting to read and study anarchism and that night pushed be over the edge to fully embracing the ideology. How to Clean Everything still gets spins on my turntable and on my Ipod. WeakerThans are good, but Propaghandhi held are very special place in my life many moons ago.
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