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Everything posted by tblair

  1. no hints about the scheduling conflict? looks/sounds like it was a great gig... (grumble... salt... wound.... grumble....)
  2. The Zemaitis guitars that are being made now are copies, or under licence, seeing as Tony Zemaitis died a few years ago. I went to see him (Tony) once, as he had a test guitar that he didn't really know what to do with, and he sold it to me for
  3. I really don't understand the way Wilco are promoted in the UK. I know it's not their fault that they're not flavour of the month an' all, but it's almost as if someone's going out of their way to keep them a secret (which I guess isn't true!). Even the ticket agencies, who you'd think it would be in their interest to sell tickets, don't include them half the time on their free mail outs. I even subscribed to the Wilco newsletter, but I never get one when new shows are announced...?!?!
  4. I was looking forward to this week with tickets to see The White Stripes and Wilco...(my 2 favourite bands within a few days of each other) I was going to get tickets for KT Tunstall as well, but couldn't afford all of them, and KT is sold out now (i was at the Neil Young concert too... wasn't quite as good as when he played with Booker T as his band and Pearl Jam were the support at the previous Fleadh, but amazing nonetheless ('nonetheless'?? what does that mean? )
  5. you said "a whole week later still having zero information for us let alone any indication of whether Wilco will ever play the UK again" I realise now what you meant..
  6. I don't understand why people are suggesting that they might never come back (to uk). They sold out 2 nights at the Empire earlier this year, so there's obviously enough of a fan base to make it worthwhile. I would have considered a trip/break to Spain or Belgium if there hadn't been any uk shows, but the late cancellation made it too difficult. To be honest, I was really surprised that they were coming back to London so soon, and was thinking how lucky we are, especially in London... oh well oh well
  7. they seem to have managed the gig last night (28th Oct) ok. So nobody's ill, and they'll be in Europe next week!?!?
  8. doesn't seem very likely as they're playing in Belgium, the day after the London show was to be
  9. "he's black, so I'm sure he's not from London"...!! oh dear...
  10. let's hope they've got their schedule sorted, and there's no conflicts..... seriousy, I'm envious..
  11. I don't recall anyone suggesting that they're having a laugh at our expense. errrm, I'd have thought for the hundreds (thousands?) of us who are out of pocket and have made arrangements for a show, it absolutley IS our business. If it was something that they wanted/needed to keep quiet, they could have said so. 'Scheduling conflict'?? implies that something more important came up. If that's so, why not re-schedule the shows to the end of the european dates that they're still doing. They're playing in Belgium the day after the cancelled London show! Poor ticket sales is the most likely rea
  12. if it's due to illness, that would be the easiest explanation to accept, but we've been told there's a 'schedule conflict'.. and they're sticking with their other dates, before and after the uk shows
  13. Even the e-mails that I regularly get from ticket agencies letting me know what gigs are coming up, quite often didn't mention the Wilco shows
  14. It's a bit like, if you buy a product, and when you take it back for a refund (for whatever reason), the seller then saying "well, some of the selling price was my profit, so I'll only refund you x amount..." I know Wilco try to look after their fans, but we've already been shafted here in the uk with the 'extra's' on the cd that didn't work..
  15. how wonderfully patronising... just because it's Wilco (and not some x factor blah blah etc) is no reason at all for not giving a reasonable explanation. I'm sure (even?) Wilco would not expect any fans of any band to simply accept whatever reason is given. A big part of my complaint is with the system (which is nothing to do with Wilco), and how the agencys make their money whether the show goes ahead or not, and I don't understand why some of that profit doesn't go back to re-imbursing the punters.
  16. it would help if the band gave an understandable reason. There's a week to go for some of these shows, so 'scheduling conflict' is a little ambiguos. People have to make arrangements for shows, everything from baby-sitters to flights with hotel rooms booked. And we're out of pocket throught the agencies dubious charges. What's not to be pissed off about? My guess is on poor ticket sales....
  17. I was looking forward to seeing Wilco and The White Stripes, and now they're both cancelled. What pisses me off is how you lose money each time. You're supposed to return the tickets 'securely' which amounts to 2 lots of postage each time (first time when you buy the tickets, then again to send them back). Someone, apart from the customer, should forfeit those charges. The agency overcharges anyway.... ever get the feeling you're being shat on? and 'scheduling conflict'?? is a bit poor. What happened, did someone double book a dentist appointment or something?
  18. lovely... It's a testament to what an amazing sound Wilco get live, that a simple audience recording can sound so good. I've never heard a better live quality than you get at Wilco shows.
  19. well, if she is suffering from acute anxiety, there isn't really any way of knowing when she'll be better, so I imagine for everyone's sake (especially Meg's) the best option is to cancel everything for the foreseeable future to take away any possibility of stress.i was looking forward to seeing them and Wilco within a few days of each other in London, they're the only 2 contempary acts I'm that interested in. let's hope she gets better sooner rather than later
  20. There's quite an amusing (well I laughed!) thread on the (only) other forum I spend any time on. It's kind of related... thread here
  21. I'm not just referring to governments though. There was the Christian Crusades, Christian missionarys taking previously unknown diseases to remote places in the world, etc... (don't put too much importance on the examles being Christian...) I don't think the amount of power the 'messenger' has is of any relevance. Who is anyone to tell someone else how to live their life, providing they're not harming anyone?
  22. I think this is getting a little out of context with the original post. BUT..... from where we stand in Europe, and putting in this in the context of how a lot of the world is now percieving America, with George Bush telling us that he hears voices (God I believe is who he says is talking to him) telling him what to do, it IS a bit scary. I'm sure Bush is on the side of 'God's Warriors', and these people do come across as a little more than extreme. For me, any criticism of the Bible thumping teenagers, and more importantly the people who are running the show, is not connected with others wh
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