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Everything posted by boxfulloflecords

  1. I'm rooting for you that it all works out!!! Sorry I couldn't swing it in the end...woulda been nice
  2. I have 2 for both nights and I was hoping to get sell them together. I was going to come but then they announced a bunch of shows near me so I would prefer to sell them. Know anyone who needs Friday night too?
  3. DERBY PRACTICE!!! I almost sh*t my pants when I read that. I used to play for the Long Island Roller Rebels in 2006-2007 - Butcher Baby was my name! Can't wait to talk )
  4. I am definitely interested!! I already bought GA tickets out of fear that I would not find a roommate (my husband is not a fan) but I would prefer to go first class. My email is: marigrrrl@me.com...let's set this up
  5. I'm looking for someone (preferably female) to share the weekend package with. It's a great deal with lots of perks. Comes to $521.50 pp + airfare from your city. I'm in NY and rt is about $350...anyone???? I haven't purchased it yet, so I need to know ASAP if you are interested. I'm female, a teacher, and a long-time Wilco fanatic
  6. I'm looking for someone (preferably female) to share the weekend package with. It's a great deal with lots of perks. Comes to $521.50 pp + airfare from your city. I'm in NY and rt is about $350...anyone???? I'm female, a teacher, and a long-time Wilco fanatic
  7. I have 2 extra for Friday night in NYC. Face + fees = $108. 212 / 718 / 516 / 631
  8. Got 2 for the Bowery...but what a nail-biter!!! I've been in panic mode since Wednesday.
  9. I saw...how is that even possible? They seemed to have covered evey loophole to prevent scalping.
  10. That's exactly what happened to me!!!! I started refreshing the page at 9:59 - there is no reason I shouldn't have gotten through
  11. Would love to come! Driving up from Manhattan and hoping to arrive around 6ish - just in time Me (beth) + my non-VC boyfriend.
  12. Regretfully parting with 2 tickets for Philly on 4/10. Face + fees.
  13. I have 2 extra for Lupo's in RI on Sunday April 4th = Face + fees
  14. I have 2 that I am sadly and most reluctantly going to part with. Do you still need them?
  15. I have one extra GA ticket for the Wellmont theatre Friday, 4/2. $50 = face value + surcharges. Can also provide a ride from Manhattan to the venue in the afternoon
  16. Got 2 each for Philly, Montclair and RI...just need Scranton next week and my Spring break/birthday, mini-tour is complete I'm considering Hartford but I think I'm getting a bit old for all this running around -
  17. I am looking for 1 general admission ticket for the Sunday night (10/18) Chicago show.
  18. Friend got sick so I have one available. Leaving NYC at 5:30.
  19. I have 1 extra ticket for the Jeff Tweedy show in Beacon NY on 3/28. I am also able to provide a ride to the venue leaving from Queens, NY. If interested, contact me at: marigrrrl@aol.com.
  20. Yay, only 5 days. Just in time bc I'm getting Wilco withdrawls. I'll be there...Section 2 Row G. Driving from NYC if anyone wants to join me - up and back the same day. Looking forward to seeing all the friends I met at the residency!!!!!!!
  21. YAHOO!!!! It's about f*ckin' time. I always wondered why they never did SNL...
  22. You pretty much wrote my list for me...thanks. Not to confuse things but I changed my name from marigrrrl to the Residency inspired one you now see. I just had to snag it before someone else had the same bright idea LOVED hanging with you and Mary at the shows and the Fat Cat. The experience is one I will treasure forever!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you in the near future.
  23. Heehee...just changed my name. How're you feeling? Trip was bumpy. [duh] How do I upload pictures to the board?
  24. Seriously, I met the best people in the world on line. The time went quickly and the cold was bearable because of all of you. I feel like I have a whole group of new friends who really understand me and my Wilco "thing." I absolutely cannot wait to have the opportunity to see you all again. Maybe in April??? I have some huddle photos but don't knowhow to post them - [help anyone] Thinking about changing my screen name to boxfulloflecords
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