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About Atticus

  • Rank
    On & On & On
  • Birthday 12/27/1971

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  • Location
    Houston, TX
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  1. In the air, Chicago bound. 3rd row, center pit, 4/23. 🥰
  2. Might have to do this (Chicago, Auditorium).
  3. Mare of Easttown is as good a show as anything I’ve seen in years.
  4. QFT. That second season is about as good as TV has done. Just shy of Patriot’s brilliance.
  5. I enjoyed Gorman’s book (I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Gorman). His narration is kinda funny, overly dramatic and f-bomb-laden, but I really enjoyed it all the same. Chris and Rich are just terrible people. Terrible. But those first 3 records will always get me, as will Ford and Harsch.
  6. Ha. You’re a good man. Thank you.
  7. Is no one monitoring the SPAM posting anymore or is it just a function of how dead it’s become around here?
  8. It’s so very, very good.
  9. City on a Hill is the best show in that genre since The Wire
  10. I try not to make too big a deal of such things but I have to say that but for those asshats this would have been the perfect Tweedy show. Never seen so few cell phones out. Perfect venue. Great setlist. Good vibe the whole night.
  11. We were about 5 rows behind the couple. First they got a warning, then they (we thought) got removed, then they returned, then they were booted during penultimate song.
  12. One of my absolute favorites, along with Shetland and Broadchurch.
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