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Everything posted by Edie

  1. I'm a fan of EAC (exact audio copy) - though it is not "simple" to use.
  2. Thanks for posting that Dondo.... Anyone catch the Daily Show last night? As usual, Jon Stewart nailed it. Torture is never right. Period.
  3. As usual, in two sentences you have summed it up precisely. Knowing that our country has tortured makes me more than uncomfortable -- like a gun turret that is currently pointed at people we consider to be our "enemy". How long before we become "the enemy" and the turret is pointed at us? Our civil rights are something we need to protect fiercely, but torture is never the way to do it. I can understand that Obama wants to move on; his agenda is brimming with things that need our attention desperately. However, the people that authorized illegal acts should have the full weight of the law
  4. My guess is that it is a matrix
  5. Looks like Pat has shaved the beard, no?
  6. looks like WoW is next -- according to roadcase
  7. On the phone the last couple songs... wow -- what a show thus far!
  8. Hmmm inside straight.... next up -- muzzle? hummingbird? And these webcasts are notoriously poor to record. I wouldn't bother. Someone is capturing it
  9. I think they opened with HIC in Little Rock.... a fabulous opener! One of my favs
  10. Hell is Chrome! Sadly -- no Newhart intro music
  11. I am digging the 70s souuuul music -- Aretha and now Marvin!
  12. Ooops SMALLhands Wendy!!!
  13. H&HS sounds like it would be great sound track music -- opener for Wilco, less so.
  14. Is tiny hands around? A few Webcasts ago, there was a chat thingy set up on AIM I think. Easier to work with than the board, frankly.
  15. Huh. I feel like I have seen it fairly often but according to Wilcobase, it's only been twice
  16. Comments on these. I could check Wilcobase, but this is just off the top of my head. Basically, half of the songs they DO play. I Must Be High -- doubt you'll hear it soon I Though I Held You -- called "dogshit" by Jeff at Residency Passenger Side -- plays pretty often Dash 7 -- played at residency Hotel Arizona -- played at residency and afterwards Dreamer in My Dreams -- played at residency and afterwards Hoodoo Voodoo -- plays pretty often Feed Of Man -- played at least at 1 of this year's LRS, so maybe Secret of the Sea -- doubt you'll hear it soon Joe Dimaggio's Done if Again -- doubt y
  17. For many years, I thought "Can't buy me love" was "Can't Bobby love". I think I was in high school before I realized the error One that gets me is when people say "flush out" when they mean "flesh out".
  18. Easily the hottest boots on this board. *sigh* And happy belated birthday!
  19. Interesting they didn't indict Patti. Bait perhaps for a deal with Rod?
  20. I have already determined I am not related to him -- Cutler is my maiden name. No free tix for me
  21. I seem to be the only one that didn't fall for it, thus confirming my freakish nature. Also, WXRT generally does an excellent April Fool's Day prank. Looks like they are doing Karaoke day, along with "Experiencing the radio in 3D" where you can print out glasses
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