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Everything posted by OOO

  1. Breaking News: The KKK does not endorse Barack Obama!
  2. Harry Dean Stanton > this other Stanton guy.
  3. I am having ear surgery next week and I am about to lose 90% of my hearing in both ears. This is an issue with my inner ear/balance...and I would rather have my mobility than all of my hearing. Needless to say, the last thing (a celebration, if you will) I was planning on doing before the surgery was seeing my favorite band, in concert. Wilco, in Charleston, this Friday. So for some people, it's easy to say "It is rescheduled, quit bitching about it." Some of us won't be able to make the show in August, and some of us won't still have the ability to hear in a few months. I realize th
  4. I think Wall-E also has a pet cockroach or something.
  5. I just watched episode 8. @&*#^@#!!!!!!! I can't believe they did that!!!
  6. Wait Up, Radio King, Sunken Treasure
  7. I haven't seen the old series, but the new one is solid.
  8. I am on the UK schedule, and I think there have been quite a few good episodes. They even have tried a couple things, and mixed things up a bit. Martha is a fine addition... I like it better than last season. I don't think the last episode even had anything sexual in it!!
  9. Mr. Copper is played by the same dude who played Mr. Jobel the Funeral Director in "Revelation of the Daleks" one of my favorite Colin Baker stories....I'm glad to hear he's coming back.
  10. I think I just had the 24 hour Flu, because I'm feeling better already!
  11. Obama is "leading" in wisconsin, but it hasn't been called.
  12. I've been out of the commission for the weekend, but this broadcast is kind of making me excited about having a ticket for tomorrow.
  13. Only Ms Yvon, but that was a rocking good time. Maybe some more on Wednesday if people are still going to the residency shows?
  14. I'm not going to post any pictures of myself, lest they get abused by "some people"
  15. That's badass, Analogman. Color me jealous!
  16. The first image looks like it says "Hoo on Poo", which is a pretty good band name.
  17. All of this means more money donated to the school I graduated from, so I'm all for it. (yes, I graduated from Jedi Academy)
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