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Everything posted by OOO

  1. that wasn't all that exciting. Here's hoping the real deal is more fun.
  2. Your mom didn't get a second chance to undo her mistake, so why should cell phone users? edit: Sorry, wrong thread.
  3. all screenings are supposed to be non-cellular, I think. I think the parallel would be if cigarettes wouldn't light if you were in a non-smoking area. Which would be a pretty cool technology. If there was some feasible way to ban annoying cell phone users from movies, I would be all for it. How about this: Certain screenings can only be bought with a credit card. If your cell phone goes off during one of those screening, you can never go to the special screenings again, since you will be red flagged in the system.
  4. You guys have no idea how many times I'm going to report both of you. In my bear suit. edit: not you cryptique, just plasticeyeball and JUDE
  5. I also use my cell phone to stop traffic while i help elderly ladies across the street. Are you for real?
  6. For my job...all my highschool kids have my cell phone number. Some of them have really bad situations at home with parents, some of them have typical highschool drama with cliques and boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, and some of them just get depressed and need someone to talk to. I always have this work phone on, on vibrate, and if I got a call from a student, it's more important to me to talk to the kid than see the end of some movie. My two cents!
  7. I'm all lost in the supermarket I can no longer shop happily I came in here for that special offer A guaranteed personality
  8. Why would JUDE pay attention to the checkout girl when there are magazines with Scarlett Johansenn and Jessica Biel on the cover right next to her?
  9. The sad part is that I was relieved when I finished reading the sentence "A Boston Priest is Charged with..."
  10. Some of the who's songs have been ruined for me...Not because I care that they are in commercials, but because they got repeated too much.
  11. I like the eagle's hits pretty well, but I don't have strong enough opinions on them to care about people that hate them.
  12. From my pal (I wish) Joss Whedon: I bolded something which may be of interest to this board...
  13. I think mohinder telling bob is all part of the plan. Would Mr. Bennett really "get sloppy" and leave fingerprints? I don't think so. He wants them to know, so he can lure them into a trap.
  14. Mmm, I'm thinking things just got very good. The Kensei/Adam thing = awesome.
  15. I am listening to Bon Iver thanks to all the recommendations here
  16. The problem is that people in this country have the right to be idiots, and unfortunately a large chunk of the population exercise this right.
  17. You see, they weren't just letting go of their suitcase baggage; they also got rid/dealt with their emotional baggage. You'll probably get it on the next watch through. P.S. I liked this one.
  18. The plan for my team is to beat Arizona State ( ), Cal ( ), and UCLA ( ), and if you guys beat Ohio State, Oregon can jump into the top 2, and that will allow the #2 Pac 10 team (us) to go to the Rose Bowl. Michigan and USC have both lost this year to A.) Oregon and B.) A ridiculously crappy team, so a Rose Bowl rematch makes sense. Make it happen.
  19. this thread got kinky rather quickly. P.S. Wear noise cancelling headphones?
  20. 1. In Rainbows 2. Boxer 3. Challengers 4. Sky Blue Sky 5. Neon Bible
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