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Everything posted by OOO

  1. USC is ranked pretty much exactly the same in football and basketball right now.
  2. One thing that bothered me was...Notre Dame had the ball at the 24 yard line, the game is tied, and there are 45 seconds left. It's 4th and 8. Why would anyone call for a play to be run instead of kicking a field goal?
  3. It's ok. Like Charlie says, you guys will be very good again in one or two years. Times are tough but the Irish will be back in no time. Just have to get through a bit of gloating this year.
  4. Well, the military may not be able to win the war against extremist Muslims, but apparently they can beat the Catholics.
  5. I would honestly take Colbert over most of the people mentioned in this thread.
  6. Isn't a prison shower more along the lines of what's coming to them?
  7. See, but if you used the krell brain enhancer you'd realize you were watching a futuristic version of "The Tempest". Except Shakespeare wasn't clever enough to come up with a robot that can manufacture alcohol. Also the krell brain enhancer kills people who aren't already geniuses.
  8. Dude, I don't mean to get all up in your face, but Jerry Garcia died while Bill Clinton, not George Bush, was president. Yeah, a real golden age in america...
  9. Someone get the over/under on this threads final post count.
  10. Yes, he has just said it at shows in between songs a few times - its not from a song.
  11. Firefly is Joss's best work to date, in my opinion, and certainly better than Serenity (which i loved). Check it out!
  12. Joss Whedon, creator of the fantastic TV shows "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", and "Firefly", has a new show called Dollhouse. Joss is brilliant writer (couple episodes of "The Office" even) and comer-up-of ideas so i'm really excited. The show will star Eliza Dushku, who played Faith on Buffy and Angel. (Anyone who disagrees with my assessment of the above shows should probably watch them again, because you aren't watching them right.)
  13. are parkman and mohinder...like...doing it?
  14. I wasn't too hot on this one, though I think mainly it was because it was heavily hyped up before I saw it. My viewing partner wanted to watch it dubbed, which may have been the problem as well... At any rate, I was hoping you were going to make this thread more interesting and say: "None of these movies are nearly as scary as "An Inconvenient Truth" or "Sicko"."
  15. sheeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaaack. P.S. I like that Claires dad is still a bad ass P.P.S Claire's boyfriend is clearly sadistic and evil. He's a bad egg.
  16. "I'm hung like a chipmunk"
  17. Scarlett Johansson now mods, you can REALLY close the thread.
  18. Only people on the north side of Chicago should be using that term, yes.
  19. Kid A is awesome but don't start with that one; its much, much, less accessible than the Bends or OK Computer, even if it hits higher highs.
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