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Everything posted by OOO

  1. They wouldn't be the Cubs if they took their lead and extended it. No, this race is going to go down to the wire.
  2. This poll is turning out to be fairly, more-or-less, accurate for my assessment of things. Good job, people.
  3. I saw them this saturday and they definitely are worth checking out. I felt the main guys vocals didn't work as well live as they do on the records, they were almost TOO deep. But it worked, and I love Boxer AND Alligator (don't have anything else), so I had a blast. And St. Vincent is one of those people that fits the double bill of great artist and smokin' hot. I dug her "I dig a pony" cover, as well as the stuff off "Marry Me"
  4. Future Heisman winner John David Booty?
  5. Untitled - Interpol. You should pick up their album "Turn off the Bright Lights". It's quite good.
  6. Analogman stopped using this site a while ago, as he saw this one coming.
  7. As raw as the band was, they certainly weren't as raw as this performance That's like the definition of raw right there.
  8. Yes, I agree, but All Things Must Pass is good
  9. Not a big deal at all, but if you join apples facebook student group, they have a free "wilco sampler" you can download if you want. The pack includes: 1. Sky Blue Sky 2. Jesus, etc. 3. Walken 4. Misunderstood (live off Kicking Television) 4. At least that's what you said (live off of AGIB tour edition) I'm sure most people have all of these already and don't care, but....there you are.
  10. I almost wish bands still got pressured to put out records so quickly, seeing as how nicely that worked out in this era. I mean, Wilcos been around for like twice as long as the Beatles were! (kind of)
  11. Yeah, they're pretty much the best thing to happen to music ever.
  12. 35 straight home wins....keep on trucking!
  13. I think her punishment should be having to ride around on a few buses in the Gaza strip by herself in her cute little sweater. If her sweater really doesn't look suspicious or like a bomb, fine, she'll be ok. Otherwise...
  14. I don't know anything about fashion, but MAN that MIT girl's hair is ugly.
  15. Vibes*!! *Vibes given under the assumed condition that I will be cast as "Passerby Number 3" in a scene in the movie that is 30% (or less) likely to be cut from the film.
  16. He doesn't DO flac. That's a perfectly valid reason for him to make someone else do his work for him.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JSR_6qfXTg
  18. Thanks for the upload, kalle! After listening to it, I'd say it should get quite a bit more play than once every 12 years.
  19. I think the poster is missing the whole point: The Flaming Lips rock! What else matters?
  20. well if this year's Michigan team is this much better than Notre Dame.....that doesn't bode well for the irish.
  21. It's Just that simple.....I never thought I'd see that one pop up!! thanks for the update.
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