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Everything posted by delmarkurt

  1. Well....You know, he is the center of the circle. I can't wait for this DVD. I love seeing/listening to Tweedy solo with the songs stripped down.
  2. I agree. Great show. Did anyone write down the setlist or take any photos? Man...That drive back to Madison last night was brutal. Gotta love the IL "open toll road". It took me 2.5 hours to get from downtown through the first O'Hare toll.....Didn't get home until almost 4am and we were on the road at 10:55pm??? Great city planning!
  3. As a songwritter, why would Tweedy all of a sudden decide he wants to start writting bad song lyrics? I agree, 'What Light' is the best of the batch that we have heard so far.
  4. I agree. I like the music. For example, the music for 'Impossible Germany' and 'What Light' is excellent. There just REALLY seems to be a huge drop off in the quality of the lyrics. I've always been blown away by the quality of Tweedy's lyrics in the past. The new tunes just left me wondering what is going on??
  5. What the hell is this? This song is terrible.
  6. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend....Wish I could be there.
  7. I agree.....One of my favorite bands. I first saw Tim Rutili with Red, Red Meat in 93. I really like what he has been doing with Califone. I look forward to their next album. I wish Califone toured more, I got a chance to talk with Tim during their last stop in Madison.....seemed like a really strange guy. As far as other Chicago bands.....I know he is not originally from Chicago.....but, he lives there now.....What about Jason Molina? I really dig Magnolia Electric Co. 'What Comes After the Blues' is a perfect album.
  8. Sorry, they are from Indiana. They moved to Chicago after playing together for a few years. They wanted to become known as Chicago hipsters.....Indiana is not nearly as cool. Oh ya.....and by the way Umphrey's McGee sucks.
  9. Row R Orchestra stage right in Chicago. Yahoo!!!! Can't wait to see Tom.
  10. The link is in my signature. del mar is a roots rock band that plays in the mid west.
  11. Right now he is useing a L.R. Baggs M1 Active pickup.....I'm not sure what he used in the past.
  12. Wow! No kidding. The Whitewater shows back in the day were great. The Halloween shows both then and now are legendary. We are recording a new album right now. Just laying some tracks last night. del mar has pretty much been playing in Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. Trying to keep the travel to a minimum. Recent highlights have been our last Halloween show at the Crystal and Shank Hall with Lotus. I noticed that you are living in Mil-town now. We should be back there sometime after the 1st of the year.
  13. Did he put a humidifer inside of the guitar? You only want to do that if you are restoring moisture after the guitar is completely dried out. For dealing with low humidity conditions Santa Cruz recommends: Install the hygrometer on the body side of the outside of the accessory compartment of your case. Then humidify by placing the humidifier in the accessory compartment. This way the hygrometer will only read what moisture is available to the instrument not what is coming out of the humidifier. There are many good brands available, but keep in mind we don't recommend putting any of them i
  14. I agree. I own the digi 002 rack. It's much better then the Mbox
  15. Digidesign boxes w/ Pro Tools is the only way to go! I own the Digi 002 Rack. It's great if you need to record multiple tracks at a time. If you only need record two tracks at a time try the Digi MBox 2. Info from Digidesign's web site is listed below: Digi 002 Rack
  16. Bridge cracked!? Your friend should use a dampit guitar humidifier. I own a Santa Cruz D/PW. Great guitar. The Santa Cruz D/PW is one of the cheeper handbuilt, small shop guitars you can buy. Indian Rosewood back and sides, Sitka Spruce top, Ebony fingerboard and bridge and grover tuners. It's an kick ass guitar! You won't find a better one for under $2500.
  17. Very Cool! That would solve the problem. I'll check it out.
  18. Well, I thought that I would start a new post for this one. I currently use a Boomerang Phrase Sampler in my set up for delays and samples. It sucks! Very noisy and kills my tone. I looking to get something new with a true bypass. I've been looking at a Line 6 delay. It's affordable. I would love to get a moog, but they are a little too spendy. I'm more of an analog man, so I would like to go in that direction. I also currenltly have a Maxon analog delay. Any advice?
  19. I agree. But the Boomerang sucks and needs to be replaced. Any advice on a good delay/phase sampler stomp box with a true bypass?
  20. I don't have an effects loop. Why don't you think a line 6 is good option? I'm seriously considering picking one up. I've read that they have a true bypass. It seems like a pretty solid pedal.
  21. I won't pretend I'm not influneced by him, because I am. It is a similar set up, but not the same. Here is Trey's: Trey's Rig The Boomerang sucks. It's very noisey and kills my tone. I'm planning to get rid of it and buy a Line-6 delay.
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